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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The hospital bill is paid. Now, to try and tackle the doctor bill; which I might be able to knock down a good chunk of it once I get paid again

Also, is it weird that sometimes I do miss it at the hospital? Not for the people, since there are so few employees left that I liked during my time there, but rather for the building; as it was fun to wonder around when things got slow


I got my hair cut today, it ended up being shorter than I asked for (it's pretty much a straight pixie vs. the asymmetrical ... longer in the front ... pixie thing i requested) but I suppose it'll grow out to the length I want in a month's or so time, so I'm not too upset. Also, my cooling pad came in the mail, so I'm testing that out now.

Also also, I tested out a mountain bike my brother is selling, just have to decide if I wanna spend ~$300 for it. It's a great bike, i just don't know if it's worth spending that money at the moment. :\


Sounds nice on the haircut. I'm going to have mine cut tomorrow

Also, I know the feeling on spending money. There are some things I'd like to buy, like the replacement headlights for my car, but I first have to focus on getting the last of the medical bills out of the way :\


lol, is this weedwhacking season? i'm getting a haircut tomorrow, too. xD

@bella: you need to balance cost with use. are you REALLY into biking? how often are you going to ride it? will it become a major mode of transport? if you answered yes to all 3 of these questions (even question 2), then it might be worth it.
@pent: congrats, man. gl with the other bill, hopefully they won't mind it being paid in chunks.
@leaf: HELL YEAH!! and nice on the drawing. -w-

29 kanojos.

japan - 7
el salvador - 1
s. korea - 1
US - 16
finland - 1
france - 1
thailand - 1
italy - 1

elf ears - 14
cat ears - 2
glasses - 6
pigtails - 4 (2 up, 2 down)
ponytail - 2 (1 up, 1 down)
braids - 2
flower in hair - 1
white - 10

so much fuuuuun  8DDD
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And I got my haircut today too!  My graduation's Saturday, I leave Friday, we'll see how much internet access I have.

And the girl at the bookstore found the book I was looking for.  Who the hell organized the sci-fi section?  Pick size, series, or author last name.  All at once is not a valid sorting system, people.


sounds like every book store i've been in, but that's mostly the fault of the patrons. ^^;

(seriously, it's weedwhacking season. tomorrow everyone post pics of their new haircuts.)

up to 33 kanojos. 1 more japanese, 2 more US, and a Swede. one of them has elf ears, and the Swede has glasses.
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I totally expect that when I'm buying secondhand, but I expect Books-A-Million to have their shit together.


funny thing, the used bookstore i went to is actually more organized than some barnes and nobels i've been to. go figure. :0
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@Stew: You should see the poor orginization of the Sci-Fi\Fantasy section at the used book store I often go to in Tyler. It's literally sorted like this:

- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Lord of the Rings
- Everything else in no order whatsoever @_@

As for the local book store, run by the parents of one of my coworkers, their organization is a lot better.

@Kari: I guess it is xD
Also, thanks. Everyone I've talked to say that the doctor shouldn't care as long as he gets his money


Series order is the best.  Ask Bells about going through the bookstore in Frederick and how long it takes me to check every single book on the shelves.


Sooooo long!! Not that that's a bad thing!

The nearest 'decent' used book store looks like a freaking book (and computer-part) bomb went off inside of it. Everything. Everywhere. Screw any sort of logical organizational system, or organization for that matter, there are cardboard boxes filled with books and the shelves are chronically disarranged. It gives me a headache just thinking about it. -__-;;

Oddly though, the computer and women's studies sections are generally quite ordered. -w-;

@Pent and Kari: It's a ~$1000 dollar bike he got dirt cheap while working at a bike shop, and he's letting go for $300 or so (would be $500, but he's taking off some of the more expensive parts [for instance, $150 cross-country pedals that I wouldn't use anyway]). Dad's thinking of buying another one of his bikes for himself, so we're going to try to work out a deal for the two of them. ^^


@bells: cool. hope it works out. :0

both the bookstores in town (B&N, Used Book Superstore) are for the most part clean and well-organized. the various sections can be hard to find sometimes, but asking someone who works there clears that up quickly. even the anime DVDs at the UBSS are easy to find, all being lumped together on one shelf.

latest Kanojos are from the US. one has elf ears and a downward ponytail. also, it seems i have gained an enemy. :0
EDIT: one more, up to 36. i am at level 2 and Ume is from China. :3
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since i killed topicless, i thought i'd inform you that my new haircut not only looks like lum and twilight sparkle, but it's starting to resemble glaceon, too....
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Ooo that sounds interesting
Simon was here :P


Attention duelists! My hair was cut last night

Right now, it's quite messy from sleeping; sticking up wildly ^^;