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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i like them but it largely depends on the content of the musical. for example, last week i watched the disney moviemusical Newsies. such a good movie. -w-

@bella: lol, i have to get my hair cut soon too! i'll post pics if you will. -w-

i had SUCH a great day today! i went down to boston and met mel, and we walked all around chinatown, shopping and exploring. we then went over to quincy market as it started to rain, sat on a bench under a second-level shopping area. a woman dressed as a statue came to the area and stood in the middle of the area we were in. if you paid her a dollar you got a fortune, so we did and i took video. :3 after that, we had lunch in quincy market and chatted for awhile (well, she talked, i ate ^^; ), then went to cambridge to go to a store under my school. after that, we went up to my school, which was deserted, everything was off save for one computer we nicknamed "Irony". not only was the lovely girl on to greet us, but she was a mac running windows 7. -w- i got the address of a small shop i wanted to go to, so we returned to chinatown to find it. on the way we found a fabric store i was looking for (brocades lining the walls! silks in so many colours and patterns! got their business card!), then found the shop where mel loaned me 10 bucks to get something and i apologized so much that the woman gave mel some free stickers to make up for it. ^^; after that, we went back to the bus station amidst roaring winds, and i got on the bus at 7 after a heart-to-heart. all in all, a great day. -w-

spoils: straw hat (mel got this)
(fake)leather luffy bag (mel loaned me the cash for this ;^; )
2 posters (one from star music in chinatown, other was from tokai in cambridge and was freeeee -w- )
iphone case (scoured the discount bin for it, it has hello kitty and strawberries on it >:3 )
small piece of kimono fabric (i'ma use it to make a purse for my mother's birthday! it's real silk! : D )
slippers (for mum for mother's day, they're a bit stiff but are covered in lilac brocade ^^ )
5 apples for a buck (go farmer's market!)
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Just opened A Memory of Light for the first time.

Let the tale finally be brought to its end.


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Last Wheel of Time book.

Good stuff <3


have fun with it, dude. ^^
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@Kari: Sounds like a good day :3

@Nej: I've heard that series is really long @_@


it was, it really was. ^^

i'ma bake a pie for my mum! >:3
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Nice ^^

I'm hoping to make cinnamon sticks to bring home for mom :3


That sounds tasty.  We're at my aunt's house for Mother's Day.


i bought her slippers, made her a card, scrubbed the toilet and i'ma bake her a pie with the apples i got yesterday. -w-

EDIT: hey guys, is there anything you'd like me to trade for you at the swap meet? manga duplicates, old stuff, etc? i figure there's still time for it to be delivered if it's mailed within the next few days. :\

EDITEDIT: i baked her a pie! and two kinds of cookies! and cooked her dinner! and did the laundry! >:3
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Nice :3

Also, I can't think of anything I want to trade. I'd trade off my copy of volume 4 of Pokémon Adventures, but I doubt anyone would want it as it's a former library copy in rather crap shape (Granted, I only paid $.50 for it, so I guess it was to be expected :\)


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 12, 2013, 03:32:05 PM
i bought her slippers, made her a card, scrubbed the toilet and i'ma bake her a pie with the apples i got yesterday. -w-

EDITEDIT: i baked her a pie! and two kinds of cookies! and cooked her dinner! and did the laundry! >:3

You were a bit more active than I: I only realised it was Mother's Day in Finland on Sunday morning. I stuck to sending her an e-card and calling her a bit later. ^^; In my defence, the Mother's Day is not celebrated in France on the same date as in the US/Finland, but a couple of weeks later.


My foster brothers and I brought my foster mom out to eat, and we went to the Southwick Zoo.
Simon was here :P


I didn't even know it was Mother's day.
But then again it feels just like every other day in the world, and my family never celebrated it.


Urgh. I fucking hate the bank I'm stuck using and my employer's piece of shit payroll department >_<

So, apparently they changed their policies for the ten thousandth time this year; going back on the "all deposits made before 6PM will be in your account ready to use same day" and are refusing to let me use the money I just put in because my "account is overdrawn" because the money went in after 2PM when I can't put my money in any sooner because the idiots at the payroll department decided to make people who get paper checks wait until Monday after 2PM to get their check when people at the same place who are direct deposit have their money Friday at midnight. So, I can't get cat food like mom asked me to, as she didn't give me enough money to pay for a bag and I can't use any of the money in my bank until tomorrow.

I intended on going by the hospital and checking to make sure there isn't a due date on this bill that is unlisted for whatever reason, but I honestly don't care at this point; I'll do it tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to go to work because I really don't want to deal with anyone right now, but I unfortunately have no choice as I need as much money as I can to pay those bills >_<