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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: Well crap.
All I can say is; these guys are freakin' dictators.

Anyways, on pointless shit:
Hopefully Rayearth anime DVDs come in the mail... ~(`-`)>

>I overhear a girl at the library in my school say, "That's so kawaii~"
>I'm reading about Weeaboos on 4chan wiki

Seems legit.


So, the health insurance from work is the single most fucking worthless thing I've ever wasted my money on.

Remember back in January; when I went to the ER because of chickenpox? Yeah; they didn't pay for that at all, sent me a statement that was poorly formatted and made it seem like they did pay for it when they didn't, and now the hospital demands I somehow fork over $300. No clue how I'm going to get the money, but all I know is I'm cancelling that insurance; as I may as well not have insurance if this is the kind of service they're going to give me. It's making me wonder if I should even waste my time on trying to get the vision insurance, which is offered through a different company. to finally send me a card or if I should just cancel it as well


@pent: good luck with the bill bro, you should be able to finance it so you can pay it gradually. :\
@leaf: people like that make me want to facedesk till i'm stupid enough to be called "a normal person". >>;;
(usually they're the kind of people who claim they're into anime but ONLY watch naruto and black butler >>; )
(i like both those series but c'mon man, you don't watch two super-popular series and claim to be an animoo)

@simon: oh crap. ><;;
EDIT: wait, false alarm. -w-
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I really don't understand why the US isn't entirely bloody vacant of sensible, well-informed people by this point...


@Leaf, Kari: Indeed. It's like the people who claim to be gamers, yet only play mainstream titles like Call of Duty and Madden. I remember one guy I used to work with at the hospital complaining about how annoying it is that people expect him to know "obscure shit" like Final Fantasy just because he tells them he's a gamer (Which is honestly like saying you're into mystery novels, yet you don't know who Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys are). I find them very annoying >_<

@Nej: IDK man :\


@nej: in power, we are. we're just good at hiding it. why do you think the idea of running away to kyoto is sounding more and more attractive?
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Hell if I know, Nej.  Also, can I join you along for the trip, Choco?

I hope your ready!


So, mom woke me up early today because she thought I was going to go to Tyler with her and dad. I'm completely broke, since nobody told me about this until after I had already spent any sort of spending money I would have had after car insurance, so I don't see a point in going along if I can't do anything except what mom wants to do; it feels like a waste of my time off work.

Also, I was actually sleeping quite well when mom felt the need to wake me up >_<


Simon was here :P


Well, I'm not sensible or well informed but I like living in the United States.


@pent: sucks man, maybe take a nap later. >>;
@spence: sure, but i insist you bring your own startup funds and have some general idea of how to speak japanese. after that, getting an apartment together to save money isn't out of the question.
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>tfw you are on the last stage on Touhou 06
>on your /last/ life


>you are doing your best to clog a million bullets up your oppenent's ass
>you get her down to 1 life
>you bring her life bar down to less than half


>you end up running into a huge ass bullet and dying
>and that is it

Oh lord what am I doing with my life?


i feel like that with robot unicorn attack 2. :0
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@Nej: Ouch...
@Choco: Fair enough.

I hope your ready!


"One day more, Another day, another destiny, this never ending road to Calvary; These men who seem to know my crime will surely come a second time, one day more..."