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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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thanks man. i'm reveling in it. -w-
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@Kari: I want one, too *w*

So, today was a pretty good day. Bro-in-law made me chocolate chip waffles (Which I have one left that I'll have later), then we unfortunately found the antique stores were closed save for one; although my sister didn't find anything, I found myself a neat old Coca-Cola glass for $4, and then went down to a thrift store and bought some old PC games (Dragon's Lair and some Dungeons & Dragons game) and a in-box graphics card for Penti-chan that's far more powerful than what she has at the moment.

All in all, a good day. I have about 45 minutes before I have to go into work, but I don't really mind since today was pretty damn good >:3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 07, 2013, 04:01:30 PM
So, today was a pretty good day. Bro-in-law made me chocolate chip waffles (Which I have one left that I'll have later)...
You didn't save me any...? ;0_0;



dragon's lair and D&D! : DDD
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I think I've said "kawaii desu ne" like over 20 times today

I...I feel ashamed. Even if it was in jest. ;_;


Guys, we've got a massive problem.  A stupid bill called CISPA has been secretly held up in the Senate for quite some time, and time is running out to stop it.  Spread the word about this bill wanting to be stopped.  I'm not making this up- here's the link to help stomp this bill out of commission.  We've stopped SOPA and PIPA before.  So, what's preventing us from killing this bill?  Tell everyone you know, before it's too late...

I hope your ready!


It's all propoganda.


spreading chain letters isn't nice

@nej: i find that both hilarious and awesome. but perhaps you need some Mahou Shonen Rehab. :0
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@Choco and Leaf: Crap.  I didn't know if it was true or not.  My bad...

I hope your ready!


check your facts before you start getting vocal about things
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Simon was here :P


I... just finished the last assignment I ever have due as an undergrad.


Quote from: LeaflameSD on May 07, 2013, 05:30:43 PM
It's all propoganda.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 07, 2013, 07:20:09 PM
spreading chain letters isn't nice

Sorry guys, but CISPA is, unfortunately, very real:

The Pres has claimed that he'll veto the bill, but considering how flip-floppy he's been on certain issues in the past I wouldn't put enacting it past him. If you have a problem with it (WHICH YOU SHOULD, regardless of your nationality since this is basically the corporate industrial complex's attempt to play World Internet Police under the auspices of the US government), definitely badger your representatives and senators and get the word out about this.

Quote from: stewartsage on May 07, 2013, 08:15:11 PM
I... just finished the last assignment I ever have due as an undergrad.



@stew: weird feeling, isn't it? reminds me of high school.

@bells: oh joy. -w-;

@simon: actually, that one's from Gaia, but i felt it fit the mood i was feeling here
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Simon was here :P