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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Indeed on that site >_<

Also, I has leftover candy canes :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 28, 2013, 12:34:40 PM
@leaf: i sincerly doubt you're the tallest, especially since 1. the topic of height has never come up, so you don't have a basis for comparison, and 2. you didn't list your own height to begin with, meaning you have something to hide, indicating you don't ACTUALLY think you're the tallest.

check and mate. -w-
But I did list my height... and I was joking
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Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 28, 2013, 10:36:47 AM
5'73-76... ;0_0;


it's illegible. unless you mean to tell me that you're 5 feet, 73 inches. >>;
click to make it bigger


I cannot stand people unable to deal with length units. For the record, I'm four furlongs and a stone. *corrects glasses*


For the record, I'm about 6'

I'm at that point where there's nothing to do anywhere, yet I still keep going to work to do nothing in a different location and get paid for it.  Yay.


@pitkin: my god, you're huge. :0

5' 11" or about 180 cm, here.
click to make it bigger


Around 5'9'' last time I checked.

I hope your ready!


You're all monsters *shot*



10PM is a time for bedlam. The students of the city open their windows and scream out their anguish. Screams of anguish, however, are pretty tame - mostly because it's not something that people enjoy doing, so they don't put all their force into it, or for that part learn to do it well.

Screams of excitement, however?

Tomorrow is Valborg - or Walpurgisnacht - and Uppsala celebrates this tradition in a rather extended manner.  There are different notions of different days outside the main attraction, of course, but the day before Walpurgis - tonight - is generally acknowledged as "Kvalborg". There are numerous puns based out of this, of course, but when the clock hit 10 PM I was sitting in my room watching Elementary...

And the screams began.
Not scattered showers, like it usually is - when you hear it at all, that is. No, this was a monsoon in comparison to that - it sounded like a distant battlefield, echoing roars and shouts crashing against each other in my ears. It went on for ten minutes before stopping, and I was, I admit, actually starting to feel a bit spooked. Of course, sitting alone in a rather murky room watching a show about a genius solving murder mysteries you'd have to be absolutely paranoid to understand and overthinking EVERYTHING, does get to you. I did, I suppose, bring it upon myself. To some degree, at least.

I needed to vent for a bit. Tomorrow's the night, however, and I'll burn my worries away in the bonfire.


Sounds rather... deep?

EDIT: Well I thought I should look up the holiday on Wikipedia...
...  kinda reminds me of Chinese New Year, without the animals of course.


Thanks for reminding me about Walpurgisnacht, I almost forgot. ;^;


I'm probably going to have everyone think I'm an idiot, but dafuq is Walpurgisnacht? I honestly never heard of it prior to Madoka Magica :\


Old pagan holiday, nowadays mostly involves an enormous bonfire and copious amounts of drinking...well, the drinking is probably more because we're vikings, but hey.



So I went to the state prison today.  It was interesting.