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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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My profile picture is now of Bang Shishigami!  The hamiest (and loudest) ninja to ever live!


I hope your ready!


Indeed. I need to play more BlazBlue; since I own one of the games in the series -w-


i think Naruto might rival him for "hamiest and loudest ninja"....
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@MMX- Which one?  Calamity Trigger?  Continuum Shift 1, 2, or Extend?
@Choco- We'll have to see about that...

I hope your ready!


The first Calamity Trigger. I bought it on sale at Gamestop for $15 a few years back -w-



Doesn't seem like I have any hot water today...

Oh well. It's not like I was planning on taking a shower anyway /slob


if it's any consolation, something's wrong with the water pressure in the sink and we can't figure out why. :\
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That sucks :\

So, I'm getting things packed up and ready to go for after lunch :3


I am at lunch, and tired because I was listening to the police radio all night.

Related: Nothing will ever top this moment:


i'm an hour early for the livestream. so what do i do? i read molester man instead of working on art like i should be doing. >>;
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I spent time dropping off some bills for mom, and picking up oil for my truck. Now, I have a 1-litre of Coke, a 1-litre of green tea, and a small bottle of orange cream soda ready to go, along with some Pocky -w-


@MMX- I recommend picking up Continuum Shift Extend, since it is the complete version of the first Continuum Shift.  Plus, it has the most content of the series so far.  It also includes Relius Clover as Extend's exclusive playable character.

Looks like someone's having a fun time.

I hope your ready!


How about that manhunt going on right now? I had a sneaking suspicion that the perps would be from Cambridge (well, I was suspecting/dreading disgruntled MIT students, but close enough) and that they'd be found quickly (Bostonians are smart and love swift and brutal justice and all that) but it's something else to actually see it happen. At least in part. I hope they nab Dzhokhar soon, if only for all those poor Cantabrigians / Bostonians who are being forced to stay home because of the hunt.

My day started off good (sunny and warm out, and finding out that the suspects had been identified), then got kind of crappy (tried to put on my favorite pair of capri pants and my fat[ter] ass wouldn't fit into them, I don't mind my butt/legs thickening up but I don't want to buy a new pants wardrobe goddammit), but I had a good lunch and found some fabulous items at the local thrift shop! I talked with a very nice lady at the store and she gave everyone horehound candies, and then at checkout i pointed out a small stain on a dress I wanted to buy and the shop-keeper gave it to me for free (thus saving $7). Then at Walmart I decided to finally pick up some new makeup ... I haven't worn makeup for years, but looking back on older photos of myself I really liked how I looked with a bit of foundation and some eye makeup.  -w-

I'm not a vain person by any means, but I like being able to dress / decorate myself in a way that makes me happy. If only I could find a decent, affordable hairdresser ... I have misgivings about going to the "cool" hairdresser in town, since it's $30 for a cut AND they refused to offer any sort of discount on maintenance trims. (It's a really short haircut, and has large buzzed sections and like fucking hell i'm going to pay $30 to have it trimmed every few months). >:/


Sounds nice. I also like the feeling of being able to dress in a way that makes one feel happy :3

(Which, I'd like to eventually get myself some concealer for trap mode)


People are on the streets cheering as the ambulance and law enforcement leave the scene.