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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: You have my interest *w*


yah, the store's called Bookoff. they have about 5 locations around the country; i know one's in manhattan, one's in california (i think LA) and i think there's a third somewhere in texas, likely Houston or something. google it. -w-

they had discount DVDs there, too....i was about $2.50 away from getting the entire series of Comic Party. got an uncut Cyborg 009 dvd instead for about 5-6 bucks, i think?
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Cool. I've only been to Houston once, and really wasn't impressed; just memories of how the space center field trip was rather boring :\


I thought Bookoffs were only in Japan ^^


oh, that's where they come from? no wonder the entire staff was asian, i thought it was just the area. nope, they had one in Manhattan, and it stocked video games, too. :3
according to wiki they also have 2 locations in Seoul and 3 in Paris.

(seems i was mistaken about the TX location. sorry. ^^;;; )
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Physics exam in 4 hours and 55 minutes.
Wind in the sails...


there was a physics question for final jeopardy the other day
it was ridiculously easy

good luck on the exam. :\
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So, my birthday went well. I have cake waiting form me at home :3

Also, I think I should invest in some sort of jewelry cleaner; since these earrings could use a cleaning


just get some metal polish.
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We are all going to die.


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 14, 2013, 02:59:31 PM
I thought Bookoffs were only in Japan ^^
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 14, 2013, 03:28:34 PM
oh, that's where they come from? no wonder the entire staff was asian, i thought it was just the area. nope, they had one in Manhattan, and it stocked video games, too. :3
according to wiki they also have 2 locations in Seoul and 3 in Paris.
California has 6 Book-Off locations. One is a couple blocks away from where I live here in San Diego.
Also, to be employed, I'm pretty sure you need to know some Japanese, since half the store is just Japanese books.

There's also another Japanese book chain here called Kinokuniya. They're direct competitors here.

Also, just got back from Anime Conji. I am sore and tired. I also have 12 new doujinshi books, 2 new artbooks, and a Fate Testarossa figma.
Also photos.

*collapses on couch*


*pats back* nice haul, man! you're getting me more pumped for AB, which is nice considering how much of a fiasco everything is turning into. >>;
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Hello Spence, this thread is for quick quips and meaningless posts, not spam though,
and also to talk about random things as well.
Things like the one you just posted goes in
General Computers and Gaming/Games General,1516.0.html
As that is where gaming things go.
After about 100 posts or so(I think that's right) you'll be able to delete posts but for now it'd be fine just to leave this here.
Simon was here :P


Yeah man, that's more a Games General topic then one for topicless.  This is mostly random slice of life things or bitching.

Suddenly my allergies/nasal discomfort has ramped up to eleven.  No idea why.  Also, I had a realization yesterday that one of my PnP groups has met for a year and not totally fallen apart.  Plus, I've been a part of my B-17: Queen of the Skies campaign for three years and am actually considered a respectable elder member of the community now.... it's really weird to think about that.

I actually enjoyed my weekend for once, rather then sleeping through the whole thing.  Went out to museums and flea markets all day Saturday.


Simon was here :P