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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Margret Thacher died on 4/8/2013.


yeah, i heard. my sympathies to your country.

happy 1300th page everybody. what do you think of all this time spent here? was it a collective waste or worthwhile? :3
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rest in pieces the Iron Lady... may she wage war in her religion's concept of afterlife

worthwhile, nej minion...

btw, it seems grim's gonna be sweet with the inclusion of the one and only poo.. I mean Aku and it's brethen...


Ah, Margaret Thatcher.  She's dead.  I don't have any more to add at this point.

I have never looked forward to anything, not meeting Bells, not starting my job, not getting my drivers license or accepted into college, then I am looking forward to motherfucking Taco Night.

Also: I'm getting an Amazon gift card today from that guy I did playtesting for.... he is really damn generous, considering most of my suggestions were more complex then he really wanted to implement.


cool. and i'm sure bells will be happy to hear that.

@alfonso: i think so too. and i guess i'd better get back to reading it. .__.;
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@Stew: Can you send some tacos my way? :3

@Kari: I'd say it's been worthwhile, regardless of occasional frustrations

So, I finally managed to open up my Fullmetal Alchemist pocket watch, and replaced the battery. It feels badass to carry it again -w-


I have nothing important to say...


I'm being creative again. Go read a book, folks.


i just realized this hairclip i made/am wearing looks kinda rainbow dash-esque. -w-
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Therefore, you've become 20% cooler -w-

(Rainbow Dash is cool)


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Lies, Twilight is best pony.  Also, never go to /mlp/.  Ever.  Like, it's not funny enough to make it worth the trip.  Just watch a pony thread simulator and you'll learn everything you want to know.

So I got a pitcher the other day to make lemonade in.  It is delicious.


Lemonade is always good; especially the drink Kari has named "Pentipop" (Pink lemonade + Sierra Mist) :3


@stew: nice, is it glass, ceramic, plastic, or metal? also, have you tried the 4-C powdered ice tea? it's so good. :9~~
@pent: i don't really care for sierra mist but i'm thinking i should try Pentipop. maybe i could replace the mist with Sprite?
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