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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i'd think a boar would be more of a carnivore than a reindeer, but you're the expert here.
oh, and i've been to Gävle, which is on par with Greenland and N. Canada, so yeah. :3
(i'd like to go to Stockholm, if only because i have a cousin in N. Sweden that i've never met. i was thinking about that today and it made me very sad. :[ )

@temps: due to the conditions in which i live (read: outside temps inside), i have a resistance to both heat and cold. humidity drives me nuts, but honestly, i invented the bikini club for a reason. if you don't like it, stop staring at my tits.
sun, on the other hand, is a real bother. i'm pale as the driven snow (well, asian-level pale anyway) so being out in the sun for too long makes my skin hurt. and my eyes. damn bright light. on the upside, i tan more often than i burn (SWISS GENES FUCK YEAH), so during the summer i'm prone to developing a light golden-brown colour if i'm outside a lot.
i enjoy rainy days, so having a lot of rainfall doesn't bother me at all. same goes for snow, but snow's harder to get around in, so if we get anything over 3 feet i get annoyed.
optimal season temps are whatever the temps are supposed to be for that season. this cold snap? annoying. last year's heat wave this time of year? also annoying.
mosquitos are only annoying if you're within proximity of them. i don't go outside much so that solves that. if you want annoying, try black flies, considering the past couple summers we've had swarms of them in the damn house. thankfully my dad developed this convenient little system with a portable vacumn.
also, on the occasions we go to plum island, we encounter green flies (also known as bottle flies). those little fuckers suck ass, considering when they bite, they take out chunks of flesh. thankfully, they're only really around one month during summer (ironically enough, the gnats that populate the trails aren't around when the green flies are on the beach, and vice-versa, so if you skip one activity you'll be fine there).
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Have any of you ever read Ender's game?
Simon was here :P


Here, if it starts to get above 90F, I start to overheat; which is why I try to hide inside as much as possible in the summer months. I actually got dehydrated one summer; certainly not a fun experience >_<;;

I tend to prefer temperatures around 50F to 70F; the area between 55-60F being a sweet spot in which I can pretty much wear anything, as it's not too hot to wear a jacket, but not cold enough to requite it. Basically, it's in that area that it comes down to "do I need extra pockets?"

Also, I happen to live in the humid part of Texas; that becoming even more obvious at night during the summer (Last summer it was normal for it to be like 95F+ and dry in the day, and then be ~80F and humid at night). Snow is something that pretty much doesn't exist here; it's a very rare occurrence for it to happen, and most people freak out and close everything down.

Unfortunately for me, it's during the summer that there's an influx of wasps. After getting stung last year, I try to stay as far away from those things as I can. There's also fire ants, which are a special kind of annoying >_<


actually, every time you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. :3

@simon: no, but i think i know someone who has. most of what i read is magazines and comics, but i have a couple favourite novels.
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I don't really read anymore, books aren't really what they used to be anymore.
And as for temperatures, UK weather happens to be the worst. It rains in summer, it snows in spring, and it's sunny in winter.

I don't get it. Also UK weather happens to be kinda colder than US.


depends on where you are. and if we're going to compete over "who has the worst weather", new england wins. in this debate, anyway, since antarctica trumps us all. :\

UK weather is bad though, i've heard. :\
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California is pretty nice. Humidity is rarely noticeable, it's a pretty dry place. As such, you may even spot me wearing a jacket at 80+degF (26-32degC for the more civilized part of the world)

Of course, if I am wearing a jacket in warm weather, then it's likely because it's too damn windy for the sun to have a big effect. OR, I know I'll be in a building where the occupants think it's okay to crank up the A/C to freezing conditions. (I hate that. I know it's sweltering outside, but keep it to 70degF (21degC) or something reasonable, jeez.)

The weather does like to be really weird sometimes here in California. Being freezing cold in the summer or being really, really hot in the winter for a day or two. (Before suddenly returning to regular operating norms the next day)
But I suppose our winters are a lot more like your springs and autumns up over there in the northeast.

Here in LA, my preferred temperatures are 75-85degF, but I know that in other parts of the US, 85 is nigh unbearable for me. It's weird. I suppose the sea breeze aids some over here. Usually once it starts to get below 75degF, my toes begin to go numb. haha
For the record, I dislike the weather in the South. It's just too humid for me. Dry southwest weather is fine with me. :3

If you like it a bit cooler and want to live in California, San Francisco daytime temps are usually around the 60s and 70s almost all year. And it isn't nearly as cloudy as Seattle is. :3

Re: Enders Game
That's a book on my backlog, and my reading backlog isn't getting nearly as much love as my anime backlog has. It was required reading for some English classes in high school, but I never had those particular professors. My classmates said it was pretty interesting, and I've heard references to that book in a lot of random places since high school, so yeah, I'd much love to read that book sometime.


@Sleepy: I know the feeling. It's 100F outside here, and people crank the A\C up to where it's 40F inside, and then put on blankets >_<

Also, I remember a time when I wanted to go to San Francisco. It was less for the city itself, and more that I wanted to be in the studio audience for the Screen Savers; since their studio was there >w>;;


SanFran is a slight notch on my "Places to Go" list, if only because they boast a large Little Tokyo. San Jose is higher on my list.
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Simon: I have

My internet continues to confound, by being faster then at school but everything working slower on my computer.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 26, 2013, 05:04:05 PM
SanFran is a slight notch on my "Places to Go" list, if only because they boast a large Little Tokyo. San Jose is higher on my list.

WE SHOULD TOTALLY VACATION OUT THERE SOME TIME!!! I really want to go to San Fran / San Jose too, also, Mountain View, because that's where the Computer History Museum is. :3


Been to LA in the summer, not SF. Cali was pretty nice weather-wise, though.

I've read Ender's Game as well as the sequel, Xenocide, and parts of the next one in that series i think. It's good stuff.


@Bella, Kari: Us 3 should go together on a wild adventure. TechTV may be no more, but a computer history museum is relevant to my interests -w-


San Jose is also home to the Winchester House and The World's Largest Flea Market. as well as another Little Tokyo. and nearby LA houses the Tenshi-no-Sumiya Building, aka VolksUSA's headquarters. so yeah, vacation tiem.
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LA's Little Tokyo is all I'm familiar with, and there's lots to do in such a small area. SF's Japantown is decent too, and I imagine they're quite similar in size. (i.e. really small on the map, but so many places to shop and eat)

If you go to San Jose, consider visiting around Fanime convention weekend, which I hear has one of the best atmospheres an anime convention can have. I've never been, but I don't doubt it. I have a lot of friends that go to Fanime. AND, Fanime is a major contributor to the San Jose local economy, and all the shops, restaurants, and hotels in the area cater to the attendees. Not to mention that the con is a cosplayer favorite. I will be attending that con in the near future, I'm sure.