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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 22, 2013, 12:05:32 PM
I locked it. Was dead for a while. I can unlock it if you like ^z^
sure, could you?
We don't really lock threads unless they get out of hand. If it becomes inactive, we just let it fall into the depths. Given our very small active member population, reviving a months (or even years) old threads isn't too uncommon. So long as you're adding to the topic and not trying to reply to a person that's long gone, anyhow.

And yes, "lay-ber"
Japanese tries to get as close as possible with "re-i-baa"
Same thing. heh

Dr. Kraus

I tell you what, dealing with the decision of where you are going to end up for college is pretty tough.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hello! I hope everyone who has a spring brake is/will enjoy it as I only get this Friday off!


Yesterday was the suckiest of days: The Mexican Soccer Team tied in Honduras after being 2-0 in favor, I overflooded the toilet and had to dry out the pooped water


Awh, that sucks ;0_0;
Don't worry, they will be kicking ass and chewing bubble gum before you know it.

@Sleepy: I unlocked it. Feel free to contribute and jargon ^^


You know what I hate so much? People who slam on their horns because I don't pull out in front of a goddamn semi-truck; wasting precious seconds of their life because I don't care to get myself killed >_>;;

Basically, the highlight of this morning so far. I can already tell this is going to be a great day </sarcasm>

EDIT: ...and I was pretty much spot on. The plans to meet up with mom's family for lunch ended up taking much longer than anticipated (We met up with them at 12PM, didn't get out to the restaurant until 1PM because my older cousin was running late, and didn't get our food until 2PM since they place they absolutely had to go to was packed >_<). So, now I really don't have any time to enjoy myself this afternoon before I have to leave for work. Thanks, mom >_>;

At the very least, the final parts to build grandma's desktop are in. At least something good came out of today :\


the sandman punched me in the face earlier. like, i literally felt the wave of tired hit me. maybe that's what happens when your second wind runs out. it's my own fault for only getting 2 hours of sleep last night, but damn it was annoying. now it's almost 5 in the afternoon and i'm actually considering napping. ME. NAPPING. wtf. ><;;

on the upside, the open house/portfolio review at NHIA went extremely well, though i didn't talk to anyone outside of staff except for the occasional smile or "excuse me". (on another upside, there was a super-cute guy there. i didn't work up the nerve to talk to him, but maybe i'll see him if i go there in the fall. his name's pablo. >w>; ) i even saw an old teacher from high school, which during the photography presentation the guy talking asked me where i was from, then when i told him he was like, "well do you know this guy?" and gestured to my old teacher, Mr. Ariel. we were both surprised, immediately hugged, and mum said the other potential students there looked jealous that i knew someone. xD
there were ups and downs throughout the open house (yay, mr. ariel! aw man, MORE mention of the adobe suite?), but overall it was quite nice (though the department chair for illustration looks more like a bank manager than an artist...), and the portfolio review in particular went well. (i showed the guy everything and the kitchen sink, including most of my Ace's High stuff, and he didn't come off as condescending at all that i was doing things in anime and manga style, instead just telling me to get more practice with the figure. we butted heads on GIMP vs Photoshop, but i think i won him over with the arguement, or at least showed my point.) me and mum had some words afterward, but overall we both had a good time. and i even got some information for my sister's fiancee regarding a scholarship involving creative writing. :3

Quote from: SleepyD on March 22, 2013, 11:27:54 AM
My pleasure. :3

Yeah, Yuru Yuri is entertaining, but I can't watch more than two episodes at once before losing interest. It's like sweet foods for me, I like it but I can't consume too much at once. (Strangely enough, I could watch a few more episodes of Hidamari than I normally could of most shows of the sort.)

Ah, did we close the Japanese language thread? I guess I'll hit you up on skype sometime.
I did finally watch that video that you linked. I knew pretty much everything in that video, but context is a VERY big help when listening and understanding a foreign language.
The romanization for ou/oo is different from what I'm used to seeing too. (It's an o with a diacritic, and I'm too lazy to find it in a character map) For a beginner episode, romaji is fine, but I really wanted to see kana. I commend the fact they showed people speaking at regular conversational speed. (Also wwww 80s)

Oh, and I must share a twitter account that I discovered yesterday:
Basically it's a Japanese guy that makes up silly English sentences that you will NEVER see on an English test. It's for helping Japanese learners with sentence structure and vocabulary. And I think it works both ways. :3

YY was like that for me, too, in that i could only watch a few episodes with a time before losing interest. i felt bad about that, but hey, as much as i like cutesy middle school girls with heavy yuri overtones, you can only take so much of the genre at once.

the series isn't perfect by any means, but i like it because it actually stuck in my mind. learning languages in school didn't even stick with me, so for this to hang on there is a really good idea. as for kana at first, that might be good for a more advanced course, but you have to think of who this is being marketed towards, and how they'll use it. one step at a time, my friend, this is only the first video. you're right about the conversational speed, though, it's better to hear it normally than try to dumb it down, since that'll just be worse in the long run.
and lol 80's indeed. xD

thanks for dat twitter, man. i am totally following that. xD

@stew: "lay-ber"
@bella: *pat pat* :[
@kraus: don't worry, it's always like that at the start. every college has its own version of that. after awhile, though, the initial blow will wear off and you'll fall into a routine. then it won't seem so challenging. :3
@alfonso: aw. well, mexico will kick honduras's ass next year. and eat something with mint in it, you'll feel better.
@pent: i feel bad, but i've come to expect this from your mother's family, judging by what you've told me. dealing with them is like dealing with a bratty child: loud, stubborn, annoying as hell and potentially sticky. :\

EDIT: btw guys, i almost forgot to tell you: Ace's High drops tonight. i'll keep you posted. (oh, and i found a funny old piece of artwork i did for the series. it's too big to scan, so i'll photograph.)
click to make it bigger


@Kari: You only got two hours of sleep, too? I had awful insomnia last night (and a low fever, stomach problems and general feeling-like-shit) and I was so dizzy / sleep deprived / sick-feeling this morning I had to call in sick to work. I'm freaked out that it'll happen again tonight, 'cause I'm supposed to go to into work TOMORROW and can't imagine having to call in sick again. >:z

Keep us up to date on your comic debut!! : o


@Kari: Indeed. Although, running from the place we had lunch down to Gamestop in the rain to buy Pokémon Black *and* obtain the event Pokémon they were distributing did feel quite badass, and was a high note in an otherwise crappy afternoon. Which, aside from initial frustrations, work went well -w-
Good to hear the day went well. Also, look forward to seeing the comic :3

@Bella: Hope you feel better tomorrow :[


oooo, shiny event pokemon. :0

@bella: no insomnia, just busy makin' arts. so busy that now i'm too tired to do any more arts, so the debut has been pushed back to tomorrow because i don't consider the cover and title page to be very much of a "debut". >>;
i plan on updating it on saturdays, but tomorrow will be the first update, technically.
click to make it bigger


Sounds nice

So, my laptop's AC is dead :\


Electronics store bro.


hell no. they gouge you with their prices. either recycling place or amazon gets my vote.
click to make it bigger


@Leaf: That's what I just checked. It's like $60+ locally >_<

@Kari: That's what I'll end up doing :\


Recycling place then I guess. You will find anything and everything there :3


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