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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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what sort of arts should i make?

and while i doubt you'd request it, i don't really want to do anything religious. just throwing that out there.

@stew: true dat, but as you said, wheelbarrows should solve that. or a little red wagon. -w-
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Thanks for all the advice! The back pains come from lifting people all day, there's nothing I can really do about them except working out. For the headache: soothing music and closed eyes do a pretty good job.


idk what painkillers they sell there, but they advertise Aleve as relieving pain all day, lol.

hope you get through it. making the music and closed eyes part of your routine might help to reduce stress as well as getting rid of your headache. -w-
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Simon was here :P


Why do I only sleep every other day?

Pounded that essay out in about four hours yesterday.  Looking back, there are definitely points I wish I'd hit better but such is life.


have you turned it in yet? that's the point of the first draft, to get it out and revise all the bugs later. ver. 2.0 is usually better. :3

@simon: i don't understand, was that replying to me? .__.;
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no, there was two hidden users at the time
Simon was here :P


ahh. i always wonder about that, how does one "hide" oneself on this site? ^^;
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True. You can set it to hide your username from appearing on the list of "users online right now", but it ultimately seems kind of pointless with how small the site is


Kari: This was a relatively minor essay, no draft.  It won't lose me points probably, just a little annoyed at myself.

Sometimes, looking at so many books, I have no idea what to read.


That's something I think we can all relate to. Like, I have so many games that sometimes I wonder "what should I play?"


Honestly, before I got back on my Pokémon spree I was almost entirely OUT OF games to play.

Now, we're back in the to speak ^^

Dr. Kraus

Fainted in health class today for whatever reason,

>feeling a little queasy while teacher talks about some stuff
>attempt to settle down by tapping a really heavy double bass drum song with my feet
>not working
>getting light headed for whatever reason, this is just stuff about ball and breast cancer which I've listened about before
>Feel like the barf is gonna come up sooner or later
>decide to (from what I can remember) get up and out of the room because don't wanna barf all over friend
>slightly turn in seat toward friend
>I'm up now, teacher holding me up, someone on the phone to the nurse, someone else got me a wet paper towel, friend is freaked out
>"I'm good, I'm good", this has happened before and everyone was freaked because I go into a seized state when I wake up and this is normal
>Crack a couple jokes to my friend to calm him down, tell teacher I know whats up, everyone is quite and starring at me a little worried
>Decide to sit up, hands don't stop shaking because of the seizure like state I had been in
>Nurse comes up with wheal chair, I'm going home(only around 30 minutes of school left at this point)
>Chill in the nurses office for 10 minutes then get all my stuff, hands have slight tremor at this point still
>leave at bell, dad picks me up and I'm home taking a shower

I didn't mind it at all, everyone else was freaking out a bit but I was just trying to get my breathing under control for the first minute but I was smart to do the turn because the way I fell back ended up counter balancing me with the desk and chair. Funny that the second I came back I understood everything that was going on, that is one way to get everyone around you to calm down quickly and take control of the situation yourself instead of everyone going crazy trying to figure out if you are a-ok. Well, everything should be fine and dandy tomorrow and I probably won't faint again for another year if it keeps up on this cycle...   


Wow .___.

Glad you're alright


@kraus: glad to hear you're okay. make sure to rest and get lots of fluids. don't push yourself too hard, at any rate.

@nej: torrent + emulator x world = infinite number of games
@stew: i feel like that when i start a new anime series. i keep telling myself that i'll watch them in alphabetical order, but that never happens and eventually i just watch whatever series drifts into my fancy. i'm not sure if i like a system as random as that, though. :\
as for the essay, glad it wasn't a huge thing, though i understand the frustration of wanting to better something after it's already too late. >>;

tomorrow we FINALLY start work on the minor renovations to my sister's old room. it has been decided that my dad will move into that room, with the master bedroom remaining my mum's since it's bigger and she has more stuff. i'm just glad we're FINALLY breaking ground on it, given that she's been saying we would for months. now if only they could agree on paint....
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