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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Hehe, another AMV.

In other news, I'm tired and calling it quits for tonight. I uploaded some stuff, I had some fun posting. Before I leave, here's your moment of zen!


Quote from: "C-Chan"TOP:  "seme" = attack, or likely "aggressive

LEFT:  "ERO" in katakana, so literally 'ero' from erotic

RIGHT:  "PYUA" in kakana, so should sound like an accented "pure"

I can't make out the last one yet, but I assume it should mean either sharp, intelligent or wise.  -v-

C-Chan added the following  5 minutes after last message :

Seems to sound like "uke", so might be better translated as "passive".
Which I guess sounds about right, since it is the polar opposite of "aggressive"....  ^^'

Having spoken to numerous fangirls through my sisters and friends on devART, seme and uke are indeed what you say, aggressive and passive, respectively.  

These are commonly used in English shounen-ai circles (not sure about their usage in Japan) and basically determine who's "on top"  ^^;

Quote from: "Ultimaninja"

Like Yugioh, hate it, anything, watch the Yugio Abbariged series...

Funny as he!!

lol, I remember watching that! Freakin' hilarious. XD;

Oh, right, did I mention I've returned as an editor to Wikipedia? I tend to do minor edits here and there.  The OS-tan article and the list are now in my watchlist. ^^ I'll be mostly rewriting things, much like what I did recently in the OS-tan list. I'll leave the images to you guys. ^^


I bow before you...

*sighes* I may seem alittle emo right now, but...
I sorta feel that I'm just barely-passing average here in artwork and stuff looking at Darknight_88's work and comparing it to my dragons...The fact I only have about 200+mb of os-tan and most you guys already have...

there is only one solution to this.
...No it's not going emo and listening to depressing music, I'm not a goth!
Although, it will greatly screw up my routine-lifestyle, I will focus my sole artwork + gameplay time towards the human avatars of Uthantion and Helvox ' Fentel. And it will be awsome that your brains will implode. Hmm, the only way I can do that is to force my body to move exactly as my mind works to draw the face.
I have the dragons already formed into my brain for all of you who I promised dragons for.

...or I could draw my version of my imagination's avatar...hmm...

Thinks for awhile...I'll draw all of them...and post...50...yeah 50's alot of os-tan images...that'll work!

hmm...why am I actually caring about things other then myself...this'll greatly cut into my anime time but I don't seem bothered...*is greatly troubled about this change of events*

I also need to get photoshop burned from a friend...


uh? dragons? so that's what you people were talking about? I need to finish reading all the old pages of this thread =/


Quote from: "rdhdtwns"I'm here... just a bit tired.

that would be why I'm tired. :D


And talking about Cons, I hope they bring OS-tans figurines at the next con vention in Mexico: La Mole.
No, I'm not going, but a friend is going and I want to ask him to look for one.
But then, the chances that someone even knows what are OS-tans are really small -_-

QuoteNow that I'm done with OS/2-sama and Windows 95 is yesterday's news, it's time to work on the great Amiga-sama!


UH?! I really don't remember that.
wait a minute...
QuoteWindows 95 is yesterday's news
QuoteWindows 95
Quoteyesterday's news
WUT? WUT?! That's not me!!
*looks around*
At least she's not nea---

Oh, yah, but since it Halloween and that means that its the undead night, then I guess there's not to much to worry about dying. Just be careful about those juicy and delicious brains of yours...Ã,°Ã,¬Ã,°

Oh well...


I can smell yoru spicy brains @_@

Happy halloween! I just zombie walked for like 3 hours and man am I tired.

Newyins, I regret to inform you that you picture lacks 3.1 sama therefor it lacks and relevance.  

Quoteand now I will drop everything and draw 2.0-tan and 3.1-tan frolicing happily. afterwards I plan to climb onto my new bed made of english muffin and nuzzel down into the sheets of cheese.

nope quotes dont lie.

Darknight.. concidering what you just said.. Im suprized she isnt just killing you repeadedly.  that would really smart! dying just once would be blessing!

beef or turkey bacon isnt as good as pig bacon.  its the original bacon!  The other white meat!

thats a very pretty trophy codi-san.  Kick ass!

*zombie groan*  uuuhhhaahhha..... breasteses......

Lets face it, brains are over rated.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteHaving spoken to numerous fangirls through my sisters and friends on devART, seme and uke are indeed what you say, aggressive and passive, respectively.

These are commonly used in English shounen-ai circles (not sure about their usage in Japan) and basically determine who's "on top" ^^;

Awesome Blossom!  Thank you JQuickTrans [a program on use on my XPME machine,... Xubuntu machine has an even better open-source one]!  ^v^
Not to say my studies didn't pay off, as I knew at least how to search the kanji list by radical....  ^^;

In any case, thanks for confirming that SleepyD!
Have I mentioned yet tonight how much you rock and rule?!  ^__^

QuoteOh, right, did I mention I've returned as an editor to Wikipedia? I tend to do minor edits here and there. The OS-tan article and the list are now in my watchlist. ^^ I'll be mostly rewriting things, much like what I did recently in the OS-tan list. I'll leave the images to you guys. ^^

I reiterate: you rock and rule. ^__-
I'll be making Wiki avis periodically (especially after I return from Youmacon) and NewYinzer is already my official uploader.  But yeah, some of those articles need major clean-up, and certainly would help if you included Juzu-kun's Ubuntu into the Ubuntu entry, since the original poster neglected to credit Juzo-kun for her rendition.  -__-;

Among other little things, here and there.  ^__^
(e.g., DOS/V is NOT a variant of MS-DOS, but more suitably of IBM's PC-DOS,... and even that's a tiny stretch.  ^^')

QuoteI sorta feel that I'm just barely-passing average here in artwork and stuff looking at Darknight_88's work and comparing it to my dragons...The fact I only have about 200+mb of os-tan and most you guys already have...

there is only one solution to this.
...No it's not going emo and listening to depressing music, I'm not a goth!
Although, it will greatly screw up my routine-lifestyle, I will focus my sole artwork + gameplay time towards the human avatars of Uthantion and Helvox ' Fentel. And it will be awsome that your brains will implode. Hmm, the only way I can do that is to force my body to move exactly as my mind works to draw the face.
I have the dragons already formed into my brain for all of you who I promised dragons for.

...or I could draw my version of my imagination's avatar...hmm...

Thinks for awhile...I'll draw all of them...and post...50...yeah 50's alot of os-tan images...that'll work!

hmm...why am I actually caring about things other then myself...this'll greatly cut into my anime time but I don't seem bothered...*is greatly troubled about this change of events*

I also need to get photoshop burned from a friend...

Sugoi-con, Resident Ninja!!!!  ^v^
You already have an excellent head start since you did draw that cool rendition of my dragon form.  We know at least you draw exquisite body armor, and mecha is not that far off.  ^__^
But I'm overjoyed to hear that you're ready, willing and locked-n-loaded to crank up the artwork further!  I've always said it, but it's vital that we make this forum into a bustling hub of creativity!  That way, the day will come when no one can resist overlooking or ignoring us! ^v^

Onward, brave ninja, and draw draw draw!  ^v^
When I get back, I figure you'll have 25 of those 50 drawn already.  -v-

Oh, and if it takes too long to get Photoshop, consider The GIMP or,... *clears throat* *cough* Inkscape *cough cough*.  -v-'

BTW, if you though Darknight-san's OS/2 rendition was drop-dead awesome, ya ain't seen nothing yet!  ^V^
His rendition of Amiga-san will be of such astonishing "kick assedness", that hip replacements will become mandatory just to view it!  ^.^

QuoteAnd talking about Cons, I hope they bring OS-tans figurines at the next con vention in Mexico: La Mole.
No, I'm not going, but a friend is going and I want to ask him to look for one.
But then, the chances that someone even knows what are OS-tans are really small -_-

That's sorta what I think as well, hence the need to crank out the advertising (at least outside of Japan).  ^__^
And I don't necessarily mean "word-of-mouth" advertising, but the hands-on domestic work that really drives down the point that (as Alfamille said) the OS-tan phenomenon should be an international effort!  ^o^

QuoteUH?! I really don't remember that.
wait a minute...
Windows 95 is yesterday's news

Windows 95

yesterday's news

WUT? WUT?! That's not me!!
*looks around*
At least she's not nea---

Oh, yah, but since it Halloween and that means that its the undead night, then I guess there's not to much to worry about dying. Just be careful about those juicy and delicious brains of yours...Ã,°Ã,¬Ã,°

Oh well...

Great, now I'll have to set out food and drink for Darknight-san as well,... -v-'

Really dude, why draw OS/2-sama at all if you're not gonna let her protect you from that crazy 95-tan?!  ^v^'

*gets OS/2-tan's phaser pointed at his face*

......................................................Oh right, I forgot....  ^___^;
OS/2 is crazier....  ^v^;
*bops head*  Silly C-chan.  ^^;
*sigh8  Oh well, guess I'll be joining you too then.... -v-;

*phaser shot*
*C-chan disintegrates*


Nuuu! my bacon! you disintigrated the bacon!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteI can smell yoru spicy brains

Happy halloween! I just zombie walked for like 3 hours and man am I tired.

Newyins, I regret to inform you that you picture lacks 3.1 sama therefor it lacks and relevance.

and now I will drop everything and draw 2.0-tan and 3.1-tan frolicing happily. afterwards I plan to climb onto my new bed made of english muffin and nuzzel down into the sheets of cheese.

Captain, if I weren't a pile of disintegrated ash, I promise I'd LMAO.  ^__^;

But I'll do once I revive, 'kay?  ^v^'

Oh, and 3.1-sama does appear in that NewYinzer's picture, in between Erotic and aggressive.  Hmmmm,.... so maybe she WOULD'VE agreed to see you with nothing but her ribbon on.........  Ã,¬____Ã,¬'

Okay then, time to scatter in the wind before I end up talking like PedoBear...  ^^;

*disintegrated ash blows away*


*brain plodes*  *rains zombie bits*

How could I have missed her so utterly?  Perhaps I ashouldnt surf the net with my mask on.

Shutup! your scaring the children!......away. XD See codi, I told you the pig was a pervert.  -_- i guess it true what they say about pork being a dirty meat...


Thats it, Im drawin 3.1sama in nothing but a ribbon, maybe with a nose bleed dos kitty passed out next to her.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I rock and rule, huh?

I shall keep that from getting to my head, for it may explode due to the large mass of information already being stored there.

Ah, the loli-ness appears. Which reminds me, I should continue watching Nanoha... (^3^)

Also, I did mention I updated links at the exit... and since it seems ignored, I'll post a sample image.  And given the conversation at this point:

Homeko, cosplay, yadda yadda....


QuoteHomeko, cosplay, yadda yadda....

Homeo (I think, could be 3.1-sama), cosplaying as Suigintou, yadda yadda...
MORE Rozen Maiden crossovers!
You speak Tagalog, eh? Yuki Kajiura fan, eh?
You can tell a lot about a person from their userboxes! Yotta see mine:


Behold my new avatar + Sig!

and no I don't know why the white words mess up the black background...


Yeegads! Aurora Borealis is back! We missed you so much! I posted lots of xp-pics! Lookie lookie! *Starts jumping up and down like a candy-high 8-year old* This is probablly just the Halloween c-c-c-c-candy talking!!
*Runs around in circles until I pass out*

Anyway, your dragon is on hold so I can draw my anime avatar-thingie. So then, when my anime avatar is complete...My mind will freely explore the amazement of being ablye to draw a dragon of extreme magnitude...


In honor of the return to the fold of Ms Borealis, I hereby make this sunny post:

Do you like contemplating images of the Sun?  I do.  Check out this web site:

SOHO SunWorks Contest




screaming rotten childeren.... that would be a disturbing sight to see.... -_-

I love that pic.  dos looks kinda upset at it tho.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.