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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Reminds me of the 1996 issues of Nintendo Power >_>;;
(Thankfully, the '97 issues were an improvement)


Quote from: Bella on March 04, 2013, 05:58:53 PM
Indeed. o____o

Anyway I was going through a beginner's Python tutorial when I saw this:
QuoteIf you are reading this book and flipping out at every third sentence because you feel I'm insulting your intelligence, then I have three points of advice for you:
    1.    Stop reading my book. I didn't write it for you. I wrote it for people who don't already know everything.
    2.    Empty before you fill. You will have a hard time learning from someone with more knowledge if you already know everything.
    3.    Go learn Lisp. I hear people who know everything really like Lisp.

tHE CATTINESS HAS MADE ME PHYSICALLY NAUSEOUS AND I don't think I'll be reading this guide since I don't like reading sass. Or rather, I don't think sass is proper in a LEARNING environment. Especially when it's a dig directed at another group of programmers. Specially-especially when it's a dig directed at another group of programmers who are traditionally stereotyped as arrogant.

That would be like opening up a guide on using Windows and seeing some bitchy comment about Unix / Linux / OS X users, like, whoa man can you not vent here please?
When I was learning Python at my summer internship, my software lead pointed me to a book called Dive Into Python. The book was also available for free online, so I did get quite a bit of mileage out of that and the guide from Python themselves.
Since then he has updated his book to include Python 3, which is good. I haven't looked at it, but from my previous experience, I trust him.


meh. there are other Python guides out there.

@sleepy: i've been to a bookoff, but it was in manhattan. got plenty of nice things there and wish there was one closer, i'd shop there every day if i could.
i recently ordered something from j-list, so i know what that is, but kinokuniya sounds vaguely familiar, what is it again?

as for books, i'm pretty sure katy coope wrote hers herself, at least they don't seem to fit in the "typical" styles of the other HTDM books i have. if i was going to peg any of them as imported, it'd be the Graphic-Sha volumes, but that's because 1. i know they are, 2. they style is A LOT more detailed, and 3. they mention several art supplies that you really can't get outside of japan, such as tone.
imitating artists you admire is always helpful in the beginning, but eventually you grow out of it. at least, i did. :\
oh, and for the hell of it i made a manga tutorial a couple months back.

(thanks for the python book, btw.)

@Raffaelle: ;^;
please rest up and get well, don't overdo it! that definitely sounds scary and i really, really hope you're all right. ;^;

@leaf: a bit stereotypical to think that, hm? there's more understanding of it here, but to say that the jargon is all over the place is so much of a stretch it's laughable. >>;;

so guys, i'm nailing out this proxy thing. but it turns out it might not be a problem with my computer at this point, there may be an issue with the firewall on the desktop downstairs affecting the connection here. it seems like a reasonable assessment, since the computer downstairs was recently messed with. i'm gonna need to do some more looking into it, which would be made quite a bit easier if the person who did the repairs was online. >>;
on the upside, registering for the Proxy was easy, as was setting it up, and all but 1 of the Proxy IPs they sent me work. if this turns out to be the root of the problem i'm having, then i'll let everyone know, since it means that setting them up on all of your PCs will be a cinch. >>;
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Raffaele the Amigan

Oh... well... Doctors are rivoltating me in and out... That's kinda unpleasant... Today I have to made NMR in the afternoon, so I had to stay fasting some time before noon, just in case they had to inject me some contrast liquids...
I hope they don't need to... I have heard it causes nausea until night (I must ask if this secondary effect is for sure or not)
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


hopefully you'll get thru it...


@Choco: What else could I have said? :|

Raffaele the Amigan

I am just in the waiting room. I meet a person who made it and he said there is no nausea.

Just contrast liquid burns in the blood vessels but only if the pump goes in pressure during some moments of the NMR test. How lucky... :)
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


That's good

So, apparently my e-mail address got hacked by spambots; like my second cousin's did :\
Any advice on a new provider? I think it's about time to ditch this old Yahoo address given the spambot problem as of late


yahoo is always my baby, never will i leave her. unless she screws me over. but she hasn't yet.

@raff: stay strong, man. be like couragewolf and face each new challenge with a snarling grin. :3

@leaf: just sayin', don't assume stuff till you have a good amount of information on it. for example, not all brits eat tea and crumpets in the afternoon and blood pudding for "supper", right? :\

still trying to work this proxy thing out. now i need to find out the username and password for the router itself, so i can open the ports manually. >>;
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(What is blood pudding? I mean I know what it is but... what is it?)

@MMX: I use Google Mail.

@Kari: Are proxies faster than normal broadband?


It's not that a proxy is faster, but it's more secure

Also, I ended up going with Yahoo again, but this address I'm going to be more careful with




I'd go with Gmail, but for some damned reason I can't link my existing Gmail to my YouTube, so logging into one kicks me off the other >_>;;

Also, I learned today that the protocol for changing an e-mail address is more secure on OSC than it is on (Most likely, by the power of a hat -w-)


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Did someone say FLIM AND FLAM?