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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What is a good brand for external hard drives?
I'm looking for a 4 terabyte external hard drive.
And I want to know which one I should get.

Here is one that I'm looking at.
Simon was here :P


I have a WD My Passport 1TB and a Seagate GoFlex 1TB, and both work pretty well. I'd imagine if you stick with WD or Seagate, you'll be fine


those are the preferred brands here. i've always preferred WD but my sister's old seagate fell into my lap, and outside of an inferiour base breaking, it's served me well.
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Mmm. I used to swear by Maxtor, but since they went out of business, I typically use either WD or Seagate

Also, Kari's birthday gift is in. I'll find a box for it and ship it to her next week ^^


Seagate is far superior to WD in my experience. The only WD i had broke down on me after half a year... Whilst my Seagate 1tb external has kept going for years now, and functions flawlessly aside from being a bit slow to spin back up once it's gone into power saving mode.


Terabytes... hmm... *clears throat* I'm kinda oblivious to all these things.


byte -> kilobyte -> megabyte -> gigabyte -> terabyte -> petabyte -> exabyte -> zettabyte -> yottabyte

TB is the current standard. but considering Petabytes got a mention in Buttobi CPU/I Dream of Mimi, they're not far behind. -w-

(for the record, if 1kb = 1000 bytes, then 1tb = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes)
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You forgot kilobyte

Byte > kilobyte > megabyte > ...


Someday I'm going to need to get a larger storage medium.  Or at least empty some stuff off onto my external drive next week at home.

Second week since my order got fucked up with no correction to it.  Starting to get real tired of this FRP.

This is also the, I think, fourth straight weekend where we've gone into it with it snowing.  Even if a guy the other day pretty solidly verbalized local feeling, "If it's less then a foot, I don't want to hear about it."


a good sentiment all around. when people flip out over less than a foot, it kinda pisses me off, considering what we deal with. :\

yeeeeah, i wouldn't order from those people again. >>;

so guys, here's something to feed my paranoia: MY TORRENTS WORK FINE HERE AT MY GRANDPARENTS'. seems big brother has been tracking who's been doing the heavy torrenting and singling them out. whoo now i'm freaked out! i want to get on this VPN service ASAP lest i have the FBI knocking on my door or something. i don't currently have the funds to flee the country, unless i flee to canada or something. >>;
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I hope it's not a sign of anything serious :[

Also, on snow, even a chance of snow in my area is enough to shut everything down >_>;


we need to bring them here.
and watch them flip out. xD
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Indeed >:3

Fun times abound


If it snowed in metropolitan LA, I would stay home, look out the window, and watch the carnage.

SoCal drivers can hardly drive in a drizzle. Let alone rain (what most people call rain, not SoCal's definition). If it snowed, it would be the end of the world for them.

And if it wasn't for my travels outside of the state and even country, I would be one of those ignorant drivers, so I have my parents to thank for that.


thankfully you know better. it frustrates the hell out of me to hear about drivers who freak out in certain weather. it's like how, on occasion, people seem to forget to drive around here in the slightest of things. if you're from a desert region and you're nervous about driving in mountain country, that's one thing. but shutting whole towns and cities down at even the MENTION of snow?! come on, america. >>;
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