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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: lol

I'm so happy right now :D I got Sonic & Knuckles Collection for £0.75, Sonic Heroes for £0.50 and Sonic Adventure DX for £1.00 down at my local video game store. That's a steal...



It better actually be here or  I'm going to punch some college employees.

Also: It is cold enough that I think I got an ice cream headache walking to the cafeteria.  Something always goes wrong with barely awake food ordering.


I..... they fucked up my order.... they genuinely fucked up my order!  All the receipts have the right items, including the one sent with the package but it still has the wrong fucking item.  And they're not similar ones either!  In description or stock number!  This is why my mother refuses to order things off the internet.


@Leaf: Nice finds ^^
I have a copy of Sonic & Knuckles Collection floating around somewhere, plus the Steam version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and of course the original MegaDrive versions :3

@Stew: My mom has had that happen once; a friend of hers tried to order her a book on Amazon as a gift (It was some book in a series my mom liked; I forgot what it was called), and the receipt showed what she ordered, but somehow they ended up sending a book on the Holocaust instead .___.
Hope you can get that fixed :\


@Stew: That sucks...  ;0_0;

@Pent: It's always the Megadrive versions of Sonic 3K that are hard to find.


@stew: me too. i'm still miffed that they sent me volume one of a manga i ordered when i ordered volume two. the whole point of me getting that was that i ALREADY HAD VOLUME ONE

still, that's fricken weird. make sure you complain. a lot. LOUDLY. oh yeah, and send it back.

@leaf: kickass man, there's nothing quite as satisfying as when you find something cool for cheap. happens to me at conventions a lot. -w-
also, YOU SNIPED MY POST! YOU BASTARD!![/southpark]
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@Choco: HOW!?!?!?! ;0_0;


we appear to be on at the same time, posting in the same topics at the same time. >>;;

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Oh! sorry... and konnichiwa.


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Now he knows!
...and knowing is half the battle!



@Pent: Yay ^z^

So I got this idea; I download full volumes of manga from the internet, print them double sided in black and white with the covers in color, and staple them afterwards. I used to do this when I was 8, I loved the Sonic Archie comics.



as for that idea good luck with all that printer ink trolololol
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@All: Yeah, I immediately e-mailed customer service with my complaint.  They're sending the right item immediately at no extra charge along with a pre-paid mailer to return the item they sent me.  Still having fun with my new ships though; the detail is insane on a 1:12000 model, I can count the weapons ports.

In other news that I've forgotten to mention for like a month, I actually joined the official fan club of one of my favorite novel series, David Weber's Honorverse, in January.  Its set up like the in-universe navy of the protagonist's home Star Kingdom.  Just last week I passed the exams to be qualified as a Sick Berth Attendant, hooray!


Hooray! What else does the fan club do?

And it sounds like you're making the best of an inconvenient situation. (Pics of the new models plz~) ^^

In other news: I'm going to try to learn a practical programming language ... does anyone want to be my Python learning buddy? I can provide beginners' how-to guides. ・u・