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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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aw. :[

also, glad you liked it. ^^
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@Bella: Glad I helped make your day better ^^
Also, I loved the pic you sent me


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I sent it to you on Skype :3


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No problem

So, tomorrow I finally get a trip out of town; after wanting to go on one for months now. Unfortunately, it's with my parents; so it feels like I won't be able to do much of what I'd want to :\


if you can, go off on your own for a bit. you don't have to be attached at the hip CONSTANTLY and you're a big boy now. you have a cell phone and can find your way back to a meeting place. :\
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Well, what I mean is what I want to do is out of the way from what they want to do; if it's within walking distance of what they want to do, or just down the road, it's fine, but that pretty much limits it to Hasting's and Game-X-Change :\


My uncle's apparently coming by this weekend for a visit, though we talked about it once at Christmas so I have no idea when really.  It'll be good to see him.

Finally got back into my B-17 QoTS game; I have to have flown a hundred missions with these guys.


Have fun, man ^^

I'm about to set out for Tyler soon. Maybe mom will make more stops within walking distance of places I want to go :3


I just wanted to say I love you guys.


Simon was here :P


are people high today :0

@leafchan: n'aw. thanks man. ^^
@stew: sounds nice. also nice that you get along with your extended family, considering most of the ones here are strained at best xD
@pent: i hope you had a good time and that you got to do some stuff you wanted. if all else fails you could go back with your sister in march. :\
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I did ^^

Will post some pics of the things I bought, as well as random pics on my phone, sometime later


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