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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Apparently, because mom didn't claim me this year, there's some kind of bonus write-off I get which might help balance out the whole unemployment thing; meaning I might actually see some money


Well, that sounds like a very decent turn of events indeed then. ^.^ Glad to hear that.


*angelic chorus*

way to go, man.

so i gotta say, this storm might have been different because of the lack of hype. okay, that's a ridiculous reason, but it's actually pretty nasty out there. mass even issued a driving ban. violation can get you a $500 ticket/a year in jail. and it just keeps coming down. :\
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then don't drive and get to your basement


no way, it's cold and spidery down there. i'm fine in this room with lights and tv. -w-
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Holy shit I actually do have a tax return this year *w*

That's going in the savings account


IDK what news you're watching, K, but I may kick a weatherman in the crotch if I hear another word about it. It's all anyone is talking about on the news / in the office / at home. >< And yeah, about the driving ban - I find it ironic that Boston, the "Walking City", has finally literally lived up to its nickname. ^^;

Related: I didn't think I was going to be able to make it into work today, but my brother came through for me and got me there (almost) on time.

Also related: I'm really glad I did go in, 'cause I got off early and was able to go riding for ~2 hours. DAT SNOW WAS SO BUTTERY AND FLUFFY AND DELICIOUS I barely noticed the windburn / frostnip I was sustaining. 


Sounds fun ^^

Maybe once I move up there, we can go snowboarding or something. Or at the very least, OSC snowball fight? :3


i'm down for sledding. anything more extreme than that is a no-go. but now i'm having horrific images of the three of us sledding fast and then going off a cliff into a ravine. o___o;;;;

@bella: seems NH has put up a road ban, too, for most roads anyway. :\

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I don't think we'd fall off like that. It's unlikely we'd go sledding anywhere that dangerous, anyway.

Still, snowball fight :3


it's amusing in concept but scary in reality. .__.

snowball fight is go, but i also want to build snow forts. we have to do that.
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Also, snow forts sounds cool (pun not intended)


i've always dreamed of finding snow thick enough that you could start tunnelling through it. a series of hallways with snow rooms, like a bunker. :0
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Ravines are awesome for skiing, actually. And not very dangerous as long as you know what you're doing.


>>off cliff
>>into ravine
>>>ravine implies larger than 50-ft drop
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