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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i know the world is beautiful. that's one of the things that depresses me; like Vincent Van Gogh, the people around me are too wrapped up in their lives to see it, no matter how many times i try to tell them.
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Indeed, man. That's why I've made a bit of a habit of finding nature trails to go on :3


even off a nature trail you can find beauty. drive down the highway at about 4-5pm and gaze at the sunset over the trees. about that time the birds fly around, too, so you might see a stream of them overhead, moving as one, continuous line, like a river.

a bare tree black against a twilight sky. fluffy snow falling in the morning, when the sky is peach, making the world feel like a snowglobe. gazing upward at night and being greeted by thousands of tiny twinkling faces smiling back at you. a cold full moon on a winter's night. that is beautiful.

"The reason life is so beautiful is that it's so fleeting, so transient."
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Um... I printed out 1000 Japanese words on paper, with Kanji. I felt like taking up a new hobby other than drawing and playing with my pens.


nice, man. can you read/write japanese or were you just copying?
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Well I got them all from Wikionary (I think) by typing 'Japanese words' into Google. Once you've kinda read Japanese characters over 100 times (Or more, or less) you can kinda get the gist of what they are saying... also I can't write Japanese or read it  :'(


memorization is a tricky thing since for some, it works, and for others, it doesn't.

personally, i'm not even sure how to tackle the kanji issue. i have a japanese learning program lined up, and learning kana is gonna be easy once the speaking's down (since kana is phonetic, so you can spell out the syllables with it, as in ただいま / ta-da-i-ma ("i'm home").
kanji, however, is a whole different beast. since one character can mean many things and one thing can have many characters for it, it's a problem i've tried to avoid, despite it meaning i'll never TECHNICALLY be fluent in japanese. :[ (for the record, 只今 and 唯今 can both mean "tadaima".)
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For me, rote memorization does not work. I learn best through experience and usage, and I think for languages, most everyone gains fluent proficiency in this manner. Usually it's rote memorization first, then experience. I feel I have to do experience from the get go. I never even sat down and memorized all the hiragana/katakana. One day, after looking up the kana so much, I didn't have to look them up anymore.

I am now sitting down and learning the basic grammatical structures. After which, I will go through old and recent VNs, as well as manga/doujinshi that I have in Japanese and translate them myself. The hope is, as I'm reading them, I'll remember more and more kanji as time goes on.
I can already attest to recognizing pronunciation of basic kanji from just going to karaoke here in Little Tokyo. (Since singing Japanese songs at a karaoke place will always be in kanji/hiragana. Most of the time they're nice and have furigana with the kanji, but regardless, a good knowledge of the song is necessary for me. The Japanese characters merely serve as a prompt for a line that I mostly know already)


if you end up learning enough to read, you could be our resident translator. we still need one, after all. :0

if i try to memorize a new language, it's in one ear and out the other. that's why i was so shocked that the program i found actually stuck. (i watched the first episode probably 2 years ago or so, and i still remember most of what i was taught.) gradual exposure, however (through music, anime, and in rare cases other sources), has left me knowing some words and basic phrases, though spoken, not in kanji. the only kanji i know is for my name. =P
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oh me wanna a copy of that program for learning japanese


i found the torrent for it, but since it's a demonoid file idk if it still works. (uploaded here; zipped to make sure mediafire doesn't catch on and ban my account.)

if it doesn't, let me know and i can upload it to mine, so i can be the seed. or i could find a way to send the materials differently. i think it came with books, but i'm not 100% sure; could you let me know if it does?

EDIT: here, have some random fun.
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The most beautiful thing I ever saw was when my foster mom and I drove to the beach early one summer, the sun was at a 45* angle and it made the water glisten. The water was nice too.

I want to learn Japanese too. I want to live in japan.
Simon was here :P


I was in town today and bought replacement cables for my speakers. More importantly though, I bought a new mouse: the Logitech G500.

It's a monster ;W;


@Simon: I've had two moments like that in recent years:

First one was when driving to take the GED back in 2011. Seeing the sun rise over Lake Palestine was honestly beautiful; if I was able to, I would have taken pictures of it.

Second one was when I was heading toward the airport for my trip last summer. When I got up, it was still somewhat dark outside, the fields on the highway I was on were covered with a light fog, and as I got closer to my destination, the sun started to peek over the horizon. It felt like the intro to
Zelda: Ocarina of Time, to be honest; the beginning of an epic journey :3
