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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, the galactically-gigantic fucking thundercunts at NH HHS decided to cut my insurance off. Unannounced. Thanks for being an excellent example of why America sucks huge hairy donkey balls when it comes to treating its citizens with a basic amount of human dignity, NH HHS!

Related: Anyone want to move to Mass with me? I'm already thinking of asking some family friends in Mass if they'll take me in (at least on paper so i can claim domicile) so I can benefit from the Not-Medieval social policies of that state.

Related related: Anyone with insurance want to enter into a sham marriage with me? Canadians? Somebody?


I'll marry you, Bella and you can live in MA with me -3-
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Bella: I'd likely lose it as soon as I leave Pizza Hut, but we could fake it so you can use my insurance -w- (Also, if you'd like, I can be the bride; like in that dream I had >w>; )
Also, I'd gladly move to anywhere in that area once I have the money to do so. Anywhere in the world is better than small-town-with-an-ego-problem Texas


i'm both canadian AND within proximity of mass! MARRY ME, BELLS
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But...I wanted to be Bella's bride ;_;


well, she has 4-6 suitors. she just needs to pick. WHICH BACHELOR GETS THE ROSE, BELLS
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bunny rabbit
Simon was here :P


(Even if I don't have access to that dress anymore, I'm sure I can find another one I like ^_~)

@Simon: Bunnies are always relevant -w-



(sorry for the pagestretch)
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Urgh. I have yet another reason to hate this terrible state I'm trapped in >_<;;

The chances of me owing yet again on my taxes is high because the shitheads at the Workforce didn't remove any tax from my unemployment checks at all, and they never told me that they didn't until just now. Apparently I had to request they do something that every other business automatically does; which I feel is complete bullshit.

If only the hospital's payroll department would get off their lazy ass and get my W2 to me, so I can finally file my taxes and not be so paranoid about how I'm going to pay what I'll likely owe >_<;;

EDIT: Ok, everything seems like it'll be fine. I talked with a friend of mine who was on unemployment for a while, and he clarified what was going on. Still sucks I likely won't see a tax return, but I'm not as pissed off as I was before


i hope this doesn't fuck over your credit. ><;
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hopefully, I, Myself only have a Guardadito


>Suitors battling over Bella
This again?


Quote from: NejinOniwa on January 24, 2013, 10:21:11 PM
>Suitors battling over Bella
This again?

Don't worry... plan to steal her... sell kidneys...


That's honestly creeping me out ._.