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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: You should have come to have coffee with me before you left the land of terrible internet ;_;

Also, on the subject of programming, I've considered trying to learn it. I mean, I have a C++ tutorial book that includes a Windows 95-based compiler, so it might be worth a shot eventually. Also, I've considered raiding the used bookstore I bought your Apple II Blue Book at a few years ago for a dusty old tome on BASIC, so maybe I can actually do stuff with my TRS-80


i wish i could program. but i can barely handle CSS. >>;;

@pizza: I REMEMBER THAT :0000
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@Pent: I can still have coffee with you. ;^;

BASIC is considered something of a joke by serious programmers but it would probably be good to learn if you plan on working with 80s micros, seeing as most of them ran some variation of it as their OS.

@Kari: Don't feel bad, I hate working with HTML and CSS too. Which is kind of ironic given that I'm considering looking into studying web design. >>


web design? fukkin' sweet, not only because then we'll have a web coder (besides kraus) around, and that you've found something you're interested in enough to persue. ^^
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@Bella: Well, I'd love to actually use my TRS-80 for something, so learning BASIC would come in handy. Also, I know some HTML, but I've yet to learn CSS; so while I can make a website, it'd look like something you'd see on Geocities back in the '90s ^^;;
As for coffee...I should make a cup sometime when you're online, and you do the same; so we can technically have coffee together :3

So, the mail is taking forever to arrive. They would pull this when I'm expecting two packages today :\


>Don't board for 6 years
>Run both black diamonds without injury



Don't tell me about Programming...! I forgot all I learned back in Junior High of C++...

But now I use Multimedia Builder


My stuff finally arrived! Thanks, Kari, for the cookies, yuri, and the Disgaea anime ^^

Also, this copy of Rayearth is probably the best $90 I ever spent on a game (Granted, the only competition is LittleBigPlanet 2: Collector's Edition, so not too difficult; as much as I liked LBP2). The translation is hilarious, as one would expect from a Working Designs game.


sounds awesome. your welcome on the stuff. -w-



earlier, i started a new half-length (6 months) game. first cards of the first hand nets me a 5-point play that sweeps the round. quite the strong opening. >:3
later on in the same game, i got the 'same 4' play, in which one has all 4 cards from the same suit. a 6-point play that sweeps the hand with sheer luck. xD

just now, i started a full-length (12 months) game. i got a slow start, to the point where i made it to the 6th round (June) or so without getting any points. in one round (a few rounds after), i manage to not only best my opponent after he Koi Koi'd, but get 56 points at once, leaving me with 77 points to his 23, over 50 points ahead.
if that isn't enough, the last round of the game (December) netted me an additional 30 points, completing my crushing come-from-behind win. KOI KOI, BITCH
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I do stuff with my TRS-80 occasionally, but I'm prettttty I still haven't replaced my Drive 1's fuse to actually be able to use disks.

Have to go to the orthodontist tomorrow because apparently my dentist, after four years, has decided my teeth might be moving.  They haven't moved far because my retainer still fits.  Kinda pissed about that, because she mentioned it in passing to me as a 'you might want to get this checked' but because I'm a god damn adult who didn't think it was serious.  Then they called my mom at work to tell her they'd set the appointment up.  Good thing they didn't set it up for last Monday, or there would've been blood.

Also: I don't think there's been a Topicless post from me since I got home.  The train ride back was, hectic.  Our locomotive kept losing electrical power from Vermont to Springfield when it was finally restored.  It was dark going through New York this time so that was kind of disappointing, but seeing Vermont in the daylight only confirmed my feelings it's 'Pretty much like home'.


Well, at least you're back safely. Hope the stuff with the dentist goes well :[

Also, something I thought about. When I do move up north sometime in the coming year, and if I end up crossing through the general area you live in, want to meet up?


@stew: all the more reason for you to move there!
as for the trip back, at least you made it through. weird that the hellhole that is springfield would be the place where you'd get it back, though. you'd think you'd LOSE it there. :\
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hee hee?

(really springfield kinda sucks
doesn't have much going for it despite there being a six flags there
maybe it's the town it's in but the six flags sucks too)
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Dr. Kraus

Sup guys, have some time so why not post.

Was forced to back out of the MLG tournament for Starcraft 2 today, I'm starting to come down with something and my head aches so I can't play my top game. I have been able to keep my rank up above 20, I was in the top 5 just two days ago before I needed to take this break and play some other games and just chill out.

I've been coding HTML5 and CSS for the past couple of hours and am on break for the moment, also pricing out some stuff for my company.

Dad is looking at property around the colleges I've applied to, depending on which one I go to he is going to buy a house to put me up in and to grab roommates to pay rent. The catch is that I have to earn my keep, I'll be the landlord and will have to keep the place in check so if I have any parties and stuff I got to keep it tame.

anyway, its getting pretty late so I'm just gonna watch some anime and then hit the sack.