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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@stew: As soon as I read that, One Day More from lesmis popped into my head...


@Kari: If you're interested in a flea market, there is one not too far from where I live. It's the biggest one in my area, so you'd likely enjoy it. Granted, coming down here just to visit me, experience the world's shittiest internet connection firsthand, and go to a flea market would make for a rather lame trip; there's just not much to see here that would be as impressive as anything up there :\


we could blow something up. that seems acceptable down there. :\
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Given that I'm in city limits, and knowing the police, they'll likely arrest us on the spot for whatever reason they come up with, so probably not a good idea :\

So, my oldest cat died earlier. Poor Cindy :[
I still have Sylvester, at the very least


so we leave the city. we could go to that nice lake thing you posted about a few months ago.

i'm wicked fucking sorry, man. regardless of attachement it sucks to lose a pet. i'm dreading the day lenin's number is up, given that he's currently the reigning champion for pet age in the family. (and by "reigning champion" i mean he's the oldest right now,  not the oldest ever.) it's something you don't want to think about but you know in the back of your mind it's gonna happen eventually. sucks that it came without warning, since with olive, i know her last 2 weeks were the hardest but we still got to see her off. (sort of like melissa's cat angel; who went right before christmas a couple years ago but there were 4 days for mel to say goodbye). on the other hand, though, i'm not sure if olive suffered those 2 weeks (poor angel definitely suffered), so at least cindy went peacefully. i'd say once the pain has healed, look into getting another cat, but you still have vester, and i doubt your mother would be on board with that dog of hers.

RIP Cindy. she lived a great, long life.
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Thanks. Maybe she'll finally be able to chase Tommy down the hallways again

Also, yeah; we could go to that lake :3

On a different note, apparently the weather is messing with my connection; as just trying to post this was a hassle :\


Um... I drew Fluttershy.


Post toast in Free Cookies. I think the bronies here would like to see that ^^


Sorry for your loss Pent. I send condolences and happy thoughts your way.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 09, 2013, 01:58:19 AM
it's not like california, where i could visit San Jose and see the Winchester House and the US's (or was it World's?) biggest Flea Market, and then cruise down to San Diego (at least i think it was San Diego) and visit Tenshi-no-Sumika. CA also boasts Little Tokyo in Sacremento (or was it LA?), chock full of Japanese products such as makeup and obscure foodstuffs. :3
Little Tokyo is in Los Angeles, Japantown is in San Francisco. VOLKS is in LA. Google tells me... in Torrance, so West LA.
I currently live and work in Kearny Mesa in San Diego, which has a crapton of Asian markets and restaurants. There's a Book-Off here too.

And in other news, I'm back from Anime Los Angeles, and convention withdrawal symptoms are setting in.


Pent I didn't even notice that! I'm so sorry for your loss...  :'( Whatever your cat's favorite food is, I'll send it for him to eat.

P.S I drew the Fluttershy pic and posted it in FREE COOKIES! thread.


@sleepy: ahh, thanks for clearing that up. also, you have a book-off there!? i am so fucking jealous of you right now, i went to the one in NYC and it was SOEPICALLYFUCKINGAWESOME. (yes, i felt the need to invent a new word to describe my reverance of that mystical place i journeyed to alone.)

that said, knowing that there are more asian markets/sections in CA makes me want to visit even more. who knows, if my mum wants to take a vacation in the next couple years, i'll likely suggest san francisco, since it seems rather central to everything i'd like to see. (how far from sanfran to LA, San Diego, and San Jose?)

on a different note, your anime list tells me you finished sword art. without spoiling anything, can you tell me 1. was the ending good and 2. is there potential/hinting of a second season? :3

@leafy: *goes to look*
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 09, 2013, 08:25:08 PM
@sleepy: ahh, thanks for clearing that up. also, you have a book-off there!? i am so fucking jealous of you right now, i went to the one in NYC and it was SOEPICALLYFUCKINGAWESOME. (yes, i felt the need to invent a new word to describe my reverance of that mystical place i journeyed to alone.)

that said, knowing that there are more asian markets/sections in CA makes me want to visit even more. who knows, if my mum wants to take a vacation in the next couple years, i'll likely suggest san francisco, since it seems rather central to everything i'd like to see. (how far from sanfran to LA, San Diego, and San Jose?)

on a different note, your anime list tells me you finished sword art. without spoiling anything, can you tell me 1. was the ending good and 2. is there potential/hinting of a second season? :3
Near any major city or town, you will find Asian markets in abundance around here. We have significant populations of Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and Japanese (although, not as many Japanese, relatively speaking).
San Jose and San Francisco are right next to each other. San Francisco is approximately a 6 hour drive from Los Angeles, and Los Angeles is about a 2 hour drive from San Diego.

San Jose is home to Fanime, the main convention of NorCal, second in attendance only to Anime Expo, in Los Angeles. San Jose isn't exactly a pretty town, so they try to make themselves look nice whenever possible. Fanime provides a significant economic boost to the city and so hotels and local businesses will cater to the anime fans during that time. (I haven't been to Fanime yet, so my knowledge is secondhand)

SAO ending was all right. Not too fond of the premise in the second half though, so it was "meh" for me. That being said, the light novels do continue from there, and people say that's much better than the prior arc, so there should be a second season which I am looking forward to.


oooo, second season. i figured there would be with the popularity of the series (and it's a quality series, so there's no shame or harm in a second season; indeed, this might be one of the first "classic" anime we've had in years). from what i could gather from pictures, there's going to be a world shift, which i suppose might be a bit "meh". but tbh i'm waiting what mysteries unfold, and if there is indeed a world shift, then with it will come the 1001 nights type drama i am expecting. (don't spoil anything.)

ah, so san jose isn't that nice? stands to reason i'd have a shirt from a dirty town, lol. xD sounds a bit like lowell is here; most of the districts of lowell are rather *ahem* ratty, except for the downtown district. downtown also holds the lowell folk festival every year, which draws people from all over for concerts, art, and food stalls. -w-
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Thanks for the condolences, everyone

So, I have tomorrow off. I wonder what to do...


practice changeling. -w-
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