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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I have some problems with hearing sometimes; like, background noise will drown out actual voices sometimes. There are times I'm fine, and other times I can't hear anyone at work over how loud the kitchen is


strangely enough i have hyper-good hearing. weird considering i'm willing to bet i've had the most ear and sinus infections out of anyone here. :\

@nej: well, i'm still assembling yours. so we're even. >w>
btw, do you think cookies would survive the trip without going stale? :\

@pent: duck yeah. 8)

@zixa: check out some of the threads in the os-tan talk if you like. More IBM-tans in particular is where the vintage-tans are born. (personally, i'm proud of HT-tan, one of the ones i made. (all the other ones i've made myself are much more recent, such as Cairo-tan.) HT is the oldest existing computer in history, and was also the longest-active computer. ^^ )

@bronies: i can't say i've been assimilated. but i suppose you could call me a sympathizer, as i am with plenty of other social subcultures: a homestuck sympathizer, a juggalo sympathizer, and an RP sympathizer. -w-

went to a restaraunt earlier, not sure why. wouldn't get the meal i got again, but i'd drink the drink i got every day if i could. :0
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@Kari: Sounds nice ^^

Also, my bad hearing is a family trait it seems ^^;


what, the drink? it was an oreo milkshake, damn right it was nice! >:3
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I should find somewhere I can get one of those *w*

So, I'm staying up for a while; waiting on my pills to kick in. Although they're pain pills, they do seem to help with the itchiness somehow; which makes it easier to sleep


they likely reduce the swelling, which reduces the itching.

that said, we went to T Bones, but i think it's a regional chain, not a national one. after all, they could fit all their locations on the back of a business card. :\
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Mmm. I've never heard of them, so they're probably not in my area :\

Still, maybe Sonic would eventually make an Oreo milkshake? Seems like the sort of thing they'd have :3


you could ask. and if not i imagine if you threw enough crushed ice, oreos, milk and cookies and cream ice cream in the blender, you'd wind up with something similar. :\
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Now, I wonder how many people will be confused by my choice of avatar? ^^;


penti-chan is not amused
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Re: Hearing: I think I was always asking people to repeat themselves because I was kinda ADHD as a kid and probably didn't pay attention like I should have. ><;;;

Also....... I have terrible news everyone........ I'M GETTING SHORTER AND FATTER. ;_____;

Or, well, something's happened in my ass/thigh area and I can no longer wear my snow pants. They were always snug but now it's a battle to get them on. :z I thought maybe I grew a bit (since they felt shorter as well) so I had my dad measure me with a level and carpenter's measuring stick (it looks like a yard stick but is maybe 8 feet long) and it turns out I'm ~5'5 1/2''. I THOUGHT I WAS 5'6''!!??!



@Bella: I'm sorry to hear that :[
Maybe the pants shrunk in the wash?


One does not simply snow pants into washing machine.

I've had that happen to me as well, but most times it turned out to be simply mistaking some other clanner's for my own. Ain't easy.

My advise is to check all straps, check all lockers in the house and make sure these are, in fact, YOUR snow pants and not someone else's (or your old pair). IDK how it is over there, but the clan has a tendency to only buy snow pants in black, black, black and black, and forgetting which pair is your current one is not as hard as one would think. Also, remember that gravity makes you slightly shorter in the evening than you are in the morning. Sleep flattens you out, so to speak. Physix.

And if all else fails and you've actually gained some girth, this is the best season to plug on your skis and do a bazillion laps around something to lose it. -v-


don't feel so bad, bella. i had that problem last year as i was trying to get dressed to go to thanksgiving and i realized that a chunk of my clothes will no longer fit. mind you, this is due to growing up, not down, but i've also grown out a bit, if you catch my drift. >///>;;

this is the perfect season to get on a fitness plan, though. i've resolved to take better care of myself this year (and to actually learn japanese, and maybe to follow through with more of my stuff), so if you want someone to go in on getting excercise with you, i've been meaning to find my excercise bike anyway. ^^
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I've vowed to finally move out of my parents' house this year. I need to restart the savings, though; I had to cut into what little I had in an emergency a few weeks ago. But, once it starts up again, I plan on moving a bit more quickly to get up to the amount I'd like to have set aside in a savings account as my "safety net", before I start looking into pricing on rent and such