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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That sucks :[

I definitely know the feeling of it hurting to sit


*gives you both cushioned heating pads*
*hands cups of cocoa and plate of homemade cookies*

do you feel better yet, dear? :3

@leafy: and a happy new ear to you as well. -w-
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my butt hurts cause i've been sitting too long
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


i've had that happen. but usually that's only when i'm sick/otherwise disabled.

which i expect to happen at some point here, since i'm catching a cold (and something else).
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Sucks that you're also feeling sick, but hey; I'm feeling sick as well, so you're not alone
*gives you some chicken noodle soup*


*drinks soup*

so i looked up changeling books on ebay out of curiosity. suddenly i'm not caring that i don't have physical copies of any of the books, given the ridiculous prices some people were charging. considering a couple years ago you could get a set of books for less than this ($130 for the Pooka kithbook.......yeah....and there's plenty more with prices in the sky), this is just sad. however, it has inspired me to look for a storyteller's screen. i've wanted one for awhile, and it's not just aesthetics; the screen has pertinent information such as battle stats printed on the inside, meaning i wouldn't have to flip through the book constantly. plus, it'd make gaming in person that much nicer. -w-

EDIT: *reading The Book of Lost Dreams*
*comes to Unseelie Houses Section*
*realizes Nej's character picked the Shadow Court House*

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Well I hope you guys get better soon! ^_^

Anyways, I downloaded some cracked games while I had the chance to use a high-end computer; Sonic Heroes and Rockman X7. Weird thing is I like buying PC games and I've owned the original discs of SH, but well I keep losing them/the discs snap in half, so I just download it onto my HDD. Great games though. RMX7 is underrated >;D


@Kari: I take it Nej once again used unauthorized materials :\

@Leaf: Rockman X7 had a PC release? Interesting :3


@leafy: i had that happen to me once, but it was with the driver disk for my scanner. (only got to use it once. next time i went to use it the edge was cracking inward. whooo. >>; ) thankfully they had a downloadable version, but it seems easier anyway.

the only thing that pisses me off is when you download a game or song or something, and they only let you install it on x amount of computers. sadly i've become used to rapid computer turnover, so only being able to install something i paid for on a certain number is kinda nervewracking for me, since i'm always waiting for the other shoe (or in this case, computer) to drop.

@pent: i wouldn't exactly called Scathatch "unauthorized", but it just goes to show that i need to police the materials quite a bit more. unless you're specifically playing a game centred around the shadow court, the chance of running into it is slim to none, especially in my games (since everyone involved [including me] isn't quite fluent enough with the changeling systems, lore, etc). nej seems to love to break things, though whether this is on purpose (or just his desire to use the most interesting options possible) or not is questionable. either way, if Cilvarge makes a reappearance, he might require a re-write. again. >>;

EDIT: i just had an idea for an interesting mini game. i'm gonna post 3 facts about me, and you guys have to guess which one is true. :3

a. i got into art after watching my cousin doing graffiti.
b. when i was young i had a pet garter snake i called charlie. sadly, he met his end when the cat ate him.
c. i have four toes on each foot.
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1 and 2 are my guesses
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


only one of them is true. :\
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Definitely sick.  Getting better maybe.  Film at eleven.


*hands pill-laden soup* :[
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@Stew: Get better, or else I'm gonna have to devise a way to kiss you through a surgical mask when you're here. ;^;

@Kari: In regards to the mini game, I'm going to guess that B) is true, although I'm probably going to have to double-check those photos of us at the beach just to make sure you aren't missing toes. D:

@Genpop: I FEEL SO TIRED, I just wanna collapse and curl up into a ball. OTL


@Stew: I know that feel, man. Sick and in pain here >_<

@Bella: Me too. Add in a messed up stomach and headaches, and you have a recipe for a miserable me :[

@Kari: My guess is two? I remember you saying that Sailor Moon is what got you into art, and you definitely had 5 toes on each foot when I came to visit ^^;;