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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Full Motion Video. FMV Games were big in the early '90s, when the first CD-based consoles were created; due to how it was exciting new technology. It died off due to the fact most FMV games just weren't interesting as games at all; often times the enjoyment comes from the FMVs themselves (Often having hilariously bad acting that, had it just been released as a movie, would be at home on MST3K)


In other words, an FMV game is a genre of video games that rely upon TV quality pre-recorded videos instead of using sprites or 3D models. Maybe this will help?


If you have a modified PSX and a blank CD-R maybe you could download and burn the ISO onto one and play it on the real console.


ahhh, thanks for the info. i think i had one or two games like that, but they may have been hybrids instead of full-on FMVs.

in other news, the plot for this game is coming along interestingly.
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*looks to Choco* but...but...AIR CANNON! *air cannons her too and dives into papers to hide*
Things to not cover in bacon: 1. Your cat, 2. Your smartphone, 3. Grandma, and 4. Your computer.
Things to cover in bacon: 1. Meatloaf, 2. Chicken, 3. Jalapenos, and 4. More bacon.



I officially hate my job now.

I checked the schedule yesterday. Showed I was off today and Monday. Today I get called by my sister who was called by one of our friends (Also a coworker) asking why I wasn't at work. Apparently I was supposed to work every day this week (Including New Year's Eve; effectively killing my plans to play Changeling with everyone) until like Friday or something. They made these schedule changes unannounced, didn't bother to tell me anything, and expected me to somehow read their mind to know that the schedule I was looking at was last week's schedule, and this week's schedule wasn't ready until after I got off work when normally its ready by the time I get to work.

It doesn't help I was already feeling kind of depressed today, and now I feel like I've let everyone down I'm going to have to pass on something that has been in the works for several weeks now because of last minute changes. I'll be honest, I'd rather be working at the hospital again than put up with this shit; at least if there was any schedule change there, I was notified of it.


@leafy: it's a sister thing, don't ask.
@pent: tbh it's only been in planning a couple days. you can come in towards the middle no problem. and srsly, file a complaint. cause my sister's job at game stop was like that, and it was damn toxic. >>;
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I think I will, if I could find out who to complain to that is above that manager I'm having problems with


district manager most likely. you can put complaints in writing, too, if you need to. there should be a way to do that. maybe your brother in law can help, off the clock.

also, happy 1212 page

a proper sendoff to 2012 indeed
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Indeed :3

Also, yeah. I'll ask him sometime when he's off work


do eet. the last thing you need is to have your performance there affected by bullshit. >>;
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scratchy throat es no bueno
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



*hands cough drops*

being no es bueno either. goodnight everybody~
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Damn, that sucks... :[ Places people work at are really bullshitting us now. >:(