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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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No idea what I did, but my back hurts suddenly >_<;

Heating pad will be deployed soon


I have literally been bedridden all day
Can someone please come run over my skull
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Cockle: Ugh, I know that feeling, just try to stay strong and distract yourself with something, anything, you enjoy and take any medicines you can safely have that'll make you feel better. :(

@Genpop: i have to work the three days after Xmas... it's supposed to be the busiest time of the year at the resort. o__o;;;


@Bella: Hope it goes well :[

So, I'm hoping to maybe take a trip out of town next weekend when I'm off; because I missed out last time due to work :3


@bella: all dem christmas gift cards being cashed in, christmas money spent on new equipment and ski lessons.....*pat pat* there, there....
@cockle: *hug* ;^;
@pent: ditto on the first post. :\

wrapped gifts till 1 am with mum. we ended up getting into an arguement at the end of it, over what started as a simple question: should i REALLY attend the christmas eve party? i'm gonna be awkward as hell there....this devolved into a myriad of topics, ranging from "i'm sorry i'm not listening to how you're so sensitive" (she introduced that one....dunno how) to "are you really listening to me?" to "you should learn to socalize" (well fuck you too, bitch), etc etc.

we apologized once we got back to my grandparents', but all the same, it's pretty damn depressing that someone i'm supposed to be so close to doesn't even try to understand me. but then, most people don't.
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@Kari: *hug*
I know the feeling. I often feel out of place at most larger gatherings with my mom's side of the family :\


*hug* thanks man. it's like not only does she make no effort to understand who i am or what i'm about, but it's like she blames me for being socially awkward. what next, is she gonna blame me for my depression and tell me it's all in my head? ><;;
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I for one am having a much better Christmas this year then.... pretty much any other year really.  Mom's usually freaking out pretty much constantly through December because of all the things she has to do.  Luckily, that's almost nothing comparatively without the open house or as much stuff for Christmas with my dad's family.

Seems that I'm sick though.



*hands soup*

no one wants to be sick on christmas. glad things are going better, though.
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So, the stuff for my Amiga finally came in. Unfortunately, I have learned the Q key on Twinkle is not working, as well as the 1 key right above it :[

I'll test the other one to see, but I might have to go through with the plans of merging the two Amigas I have into one, to have a 100% functional system


that sucks. too bad it's not newer, or else you could part it out. :\
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@Kari: It sucks that you had the argument, but at least you made up in the end? :/ I kinda know how that feels, not so much the arguing thing (dad and I rarely argue, dunno if that's good or bad...) but sometimes it feels like dad discounts my emotions or won't validate them. Like, if I'm scared about something or try to have a conversation with him about my (very likely) mood/anxiety disorders, he'll kinda shrug it off or say that depression/anxiety/etc is something everybody goes through. (Way to trivialize actual disorders.) Or if I'm happy about something or proud of an accomplishment, he'll just kinda ignore it, like it'd kill him to give me a freakin' "good for you!" or some other form of validation every so often. >:/

@Stew: Did you catch that pandemic cold that's apparently sweeping the nation by storm? : (


@Kari: Indeed :\

Although, Twinkle is now reassembled with components from the half-working Amiga I had in storage. I'll go over details in a different thread :3
Also, there's some sort of chip inside the motherboard labeled as "OSC" -w-


I figured out how to change Windows XP's default General MIDI soundbank (.dls) to something else, say an OPL3 soundbank.

Step 1: Download a soundbank from the internet
Step 2: Save it into C:\WINDOWS\System32\Drivers
Step 3: Go to Run, and type 'regedit.exe' and click OK.
Step 4: Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectMusic
Step 5: Change the value of GMFilePath to the DLS file you downloaded e.g OPL3.DLS.
Step 6: Save, close programs using MIDI, restart(?), and listen to your favourite MIDIs with something else instead of that awful Roland VSC.