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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Um...what? Christmas curses? Never heard of that ._.
I gave the parents their gifts early, so mom decided to give me my gift early (It's an eBay gift card, for the record)

I was feeling drained of energy, and a bit sick, after I got off work (Nobody washed dishes all day, so I was trying to knock that down while everyone was making sure to get in my way as much as possible given how narrow the aisles in the back are. I'd complain to the manager...if he wasn't the one who apologized for the dishes being so piled up). But, after resting for a while after work to recover my energy, I set out on my trapventure

It went well; getting myself a nice jacket (I probably should have gone a size bigger; it's a little snug in the arms) and also a really comfy cami top ^^ (Although, while the costume aspect of my disguise seemed to be convincing, I could use some work on my voice; as it did seem a bit awkward and forced. It'd be easier if I had Kari and/or Bella with me; so they could do the talking and I could pretend I have a sore throat or something ^^;; )


too bad you can't go out with your sister. :\

as for christmas curses, it's just speculation. or whatever. the earliest we're allowed to open gifts is one the night before. >>;
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Mmm. Never heard of that before :\


Oh man, it's like, six days until Christmas.

How did this happen?


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Batten down the hatches
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.





they got one yesterday (I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO HELP PICK IT OUT GODDAMMIT) and set it up today. but tbh they're fighting so much and i've been so tired and cheerless lately that i'm not seeing the point. which is sad, since i usually love christmas. :\
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guess this means that i should start letting people grope me more. :\
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@Sleepy: Very nice -w-

@Kari: I know the feeling, to be honest. I generally like the time of year, but over the past few years it started to lose some of the magic; as family traditions started going by the wayside (We no longer exchange gifts with my dad's side of the family after dinner on Christmas Eve; a tradition that goes back to when my uncle was little), and it feels like I haven't had a truly amazing Christmas in terms of what the parents give me since 2001 (Although getting a DSi in '09 was close). We didn't put up the tree this year, since we don't have a spot for it :\

Well, work tonight went well. Was a bit frustrated that I got stuck a bit later because of some dough that needed to be remade, but otherwise it went a lot better than last night, and discovered one of my coworkers watches some of the same internet series that I do (So now I can crack jokes about Game Grumps at work, and someone will get the reference >:3)

Also, I hear thunder outside. Yay rain! ^^


cool on the rain. glad work went well too.

as for christmas traditions, every year up until this point has been great. i'm usually very enthusiastic about the whole thing. but maybe it's just all the bad things happening at once. i've been really depressed lately, and actually most of the people around me have been as well, so maybe that's it. doesn't help that the family dynamic has failed in more ways than one since my grandma passed away. the world is starting to crumble around us and there's nothing we can do about it all, so i guess we don't have much reason to be cheery anymore.

sorry if this is coming out a bit emotional, but i'm listening to a good yet sad song right now so it's kind of dragging the truth out.

by the way, i've been thinking recently, has anyone ever noticed that despite being friends, we can't really talk about some of the heavier topics of life? i get the feeling if i ever really vented to you guys you'd get scared off.
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I've noticed that with some. Generally, I can find someone to listen to me and in some cases offer advice, so it's not like I have to go it alone, but when I can't get in contact with those people, it's bad :[

On a more positive note, I was given news that my former boss at the hospital has turned in his resignation. Nobody knows what's going on yet, but the fact he's leaving gives me hope that maybe the department I used to work for will finally become a decent place to work for again, for whoever might take my old position ^^



(a nerdier version of yay!~)

on a funny note, i glanced at your avatar and thought i saw pedobear. but it helps that i was thinking about a pedobear drawing. :\
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Nice xD

*is now thinking about the pic of a girl with a machine gun, going Rambo on an army of Pedobear*