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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So I was at my brother's across town, walking my way there since the land has been beset by winter and the buses have promptly shut down, along with my bike lock freezing up - most of everything is covered by a half a meter of snow, which isn't too bad, but the distances aren't exactly that short.

We ate a sort of chili con carne spiced with chocolate and cumin that my sister-in-law made for us (my little sister was also there, she's staying over for the night at my brother's), and made yule candies. Among the topics discussed around the table were,
1: Winter and the general state of chaos caused by it
2: One of our friends is a nurse (and American Football player), who seems to be a magnet for trouble/heroism - a few days ago she was on the highway right behind a car that lost control and crashed into a truck, so she promptly stopped and held the fort until ambulances arrived; one other time she saved a bloke who had a heart attack on the bus
3: The vices and virtues of various forms of preventives/why it's important to use a condom/why it's so damn awful to go visit the gynecologist
and 4: The relative Mohs hardness of an erect penis. All of this was before my brother got home, mind you...

After that we ate an apple-related dessert while watching Brave, and now I can't for the love of me stop speaking in scottish. Or singing randomly. It's a bit unnerving.


@Nej: I've wanted to see Brave, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe once I'm off my James Bond kick, I'll get to it ^^;;

So, the day at work went better than last night. It was frustrating at the start, but after about 2 hours, I had everything running smoothly in the cleaning area; took it down from complete chaos to a nice smooth flow of clean dishes going out


brave was the first movie i've seen in theaters in years, and it was well worth it. it was very good.

@nej: i get the feeling i should avoid conversations with you and your family, as they get on to topics awkward very quick. .__.

@stew: i feel your pain, though in different ways. while finals suck, i'd kill to be in your position right now--having multiple classes and multiple assignments. having your future called into question so severely as i have is really damn scary.
good luck though. even though i'm only in one class, the teacher is really really vague about assignments so i'm going to do multiple drawings for the final so i have less of a chance of screwing up. xD

@pent: kickass on the speakers and the day at work. ^^ and yes, it arrived today. as for the door, we've had that happen before, but it sounds freakier that the dog heard it, too. but then again, spike used to do that sometimes, but he was olllld. :\

baked cookies today. tomorrow i have a field trip to MIT, which will take me by a favourite asian market, so hopefully i can stop in and get a snack. ^^
lately i've been house hopping to shadow my mother. staying at my grandparents' is nice, despite the fact that i sometimes feel like a bad piece of furniture and i'm sleeping on 2 chairs and an ottoman. despite missing my bed and my room, it's still nicer than home. :[
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Hey!  I saw Brave a couple nights ago, my room mate was watching it.  I enjoyed it.


So, 2 more days of work to go until I'm off again. Also, I have a watch again; I bought an exact replacement of the one I had, that went missing shortly after my trip ^^;


I wanna see Brave too. ;~;

Sorry I don't have anything else to write here, nothing has been going on. >>;;


nah, it's cool.

today is a good day! had a good time on the field trip, cookies are tasty, having a nice lunch with svu, and i'm helping my grandpa decorate a bit more for the holidays. dinner will be pizza and i'm staying here (grandparents') again tonight. ^^
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@Kari: Sounds good ^^
@Bella: I know the feeling :\

So, the day at work went very well. Got off to a slow start, but it gradually picked up; as I kept the dish area clear while still prepping dough and making pizzas. It was a good day :3


glad to hear, man. ^^

my mum's been mad at me lately for going to bed so late. but then, she defines late as "anything after 1:30 am". which is BS. >>;
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She's at least more lenient than my mom; who insists that 10:30PM is "late" >_>

At least she doesn't complain about me staying up late after getting off work late; seemingly understanding that, like dad, I typically like to take some time to unwind after work before bed


that's good, and tbh that sounds normal. everyone unwinds in different ways. (for example: when i would get out of class at 9pm, i'd take a very late bus home. during the ride i'd eat, relax, and listen to music while watching the nighttime scenery. ^^)

been getting piles of christmas music lately. if anyone is craving a nerdy sound this christmas, i can provide. -w-
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I'll have to keep that in mind. The only Christmas music I have on 2k is Weird Al's "The Night Santa Went Crazy", Spinal Tap's "Christmas with the Devil", and Psychostick's Christmas album (The Flesh-Eating Rollerskate Holiday Joyride)


I don't have any Christmas songs in my collection...

Speaking of which, typically I hate Christmas music, but I do like Carol of the Bells. And Do You Hear What I Hear, it was written in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis! (Which should be more obvious, because "A star, a star/Dancing in the night/With a tail as big as a kite" sounds pretty damn ICBM-y, but apparently this is lost of most people.)


I've grown tired of most mainstream Christmas music, because I hear it everywhere constantly. I lean more toward the "novelty" stuff these days (Like Bob Rivers' "Twisted Christmas" series), to be honest.

Which, I had plans for a "Demented Christmas" mix CD, which has yet to be produced. It would open up with White Christmas, and seem normal...then it leads into Metallica's cover of Green Hell, and from there it spirals into madness with such holiday favorites as Christmas With The Devil, Walkin' Round In Women's Underwear, Live & Let Die, and more!


i have a homestuck christmas album (ik, ik, no one here is partial to homestuck, but the music from that series is simply enchanting), several anime christmas songs, (most of) the 8-bit christmas album by rush coil, a bunch of parody songs, and i'm planning on getting some real classic stuff (bing crosby, nat king cole, dean martin's date rape christmas song, etc).

contact me on skype if anyone wants anything. :3

@bella: i didn't know that about that song. but i always liked it, despite the religious connotations. i think i'll get it as part of the classics. :3
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