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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I just got done with job orientation at the ski resort. The POS system looks fairly easy to use, but I'm still nervous about it since i've really never had a money-handling job before...... ;-;


You'll be fine, I'm sure ^^


So in some twisted response to AdmiralTigerclaw (who is an awesome writer btw)'s request for a female (Twilight) vocalist for a music piece he wrote for his (poni) story, I hijacked the music with the male lead (hooman space captain)'s lyrics and wrote/sung THIS.

Lemme know what you think of it. IDK much about mixing or correcting vocals or shit, so I did it all by ear, but I think it turned out alright.


So, mom is trying to figure out what to get me for Christmas. This has always been more of a headache than it's worth; not because I'm hard to shop for, but because she's so weird when it comes to Christmas shopping. If I give her a wish list, she ignores it entirely because I'm "expecting" to get something on the list, which "kills the surprise", while if she asks me directly, I'm always met with a reply of "It's too expensive" (Or in some extremely rare cases, I'm met with a reply of "think bigger") :\

I remember one year as a kid, I was going to make a "do not want list"; a list of things I don't want that seem like they'd be something I'd be interested in, presented in a way that makes it seem like I really do want the things on the list. The result is mom would ignore these things because I'm "expecting" them, and instead buy the stuff I actually want. Never got around to it, though; partially because I expected that to be the one year she actually pays attention to my wish list and buys something off of it ^^;


As a kid my mom just used to get me things; granted I also didn't really get many toys/stuff throughout the year so she had a backlog of stuff I'd asked for to go through I guess.  These days I just ask for two or three things.

I've already finished Bells' Christmas shopping!  She is going to be sooooooooo underwhelmed.

My criminology professor may have snapped.  Send help.


@Nej: Downloading it now~

@Stew: I'm never underwhelmed by your gifts. :<

In regards to gift-giving, nobody in my family is willing to gift-give these days (or if they do, they usually just buy whatever a person asks for - i.e. no surprise gifts), but I used to get super-spoiled at Christmas/birthdays when I was young. ^^;


I used to have fantastic Christmases when I was younger. However, it hit it's peak in 2001; after all, it's hard to follow up on receiving Super Smash Bros. and a Game Boy Color, although my DSi in '09 was equal even if I accidentally saw it before it was wrapped ^^;

From about '05 onward, when I started to have a more steady allowance, it became a bit more about giving people nice stuff :3


My Little Republic: Plato is Magic
This was a very, very interesting read because it makes SO MUCH SENSE.


Sorry for not showing up the whole week but I've started my paramedic training for the Red Cross on Monday and only get to come home on the weekends. Also there isn't any internet worth mentioning at the training site (only EDGE on mobile too) so I won't post a lot during weekdays for the next 4 weeks. The training is absolutely cool though!


@Paul: Very nice. Hope it goes well  ^^


@Paul: Good luck! I imagine paramedic training is quite stressful and a lot of work, but I'm sure the rewards are worth the difficulties. :)

@Nej: Bronies continue to scare me sometimes.... 'u'


And then there was that one time Trixie became a communist, overthrew the monarchists in Ponyville for like a day, and then the Army crushed them when the people failed to rise in support.


I'm with Bella; sometimes, bronies do scare me ^^;;;

So, since I can't think of anywhere else to put this, here is a fun fact about Goldeneye, that I noticed while watching:

During one scene toward the end of the movie, you can see the OS/2 Warp 3.0 splash screen on one of the computer monitors. This is one of those "nerdy bonuses", as I call it; intended as a product placement back in the day, but now it's the type of thing only someone with an interest in obscure OSes would catch. This discovery does raise the OS-tan related question of "does OS/2-tan like James Bond films?"


This oughta go in the Theories thread - and it's really interesting, for once. Nice find!


Thanks. I'll post about it over there ^^

So, today is pretty good so far. Bought a "teach yourself C++" book at a garage sale (An unopened set with a disc containing a C++ compiler *w*), as well as a copy of Linux for Dummies (Bought it mostly for a reference when using the terminal in Fedora or Mint, but it does have a disc of RedHat 5.2 xD) and a really old Twilight Zone comic book (Circa '78).

Also, visited with grandma for a while; making our plans for thanksgiving. I'm likely going to make a pie :3