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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Pentium, I just cannot believe that a bad luck! >< I sure hope that you'll get your chance at the interview still, it'd feel ultra frustrating to be ditched because of a spam filter. :( :(

Quote from: Bella on November 01, 2012, 10:01:14 PM
@Kari: I understand how you feel, people talking about medical issues/procedures can send me into a panic too. In particular things relating to teeth, eyes and surgery. o___o;;;

I think you just defined me as your worst nightmare: crooked teeth, bad eyes, history of surgeries. xP Add to that sub-perfect hearing too.


Alright. I called the office, and they said they'll call me back when they do interviews again sometime soon. Hopefully this goes well :3


@K: It basically is a scenario where Yukari decides to warp Gensokyo off to 11th century Europe for fun and profit. Gensokyo appears as an island the size of hungary (roughly) off the coast of Norway, and all manners of hell (including the Old one) break loose.

I might even get in on the modding work myself, but the main problem is that the mod is 2 patches behind. We need to update and bugfix at the same time, which is never a good thing time-wise.


worried you won't finish patching by the time the next release comes out? :\

@pent: *breathes a sigh of relief*

@pit: but you're not nightmare fuel. you're adorable. :3

today has sucked ass. at least i get to sleep now. >>;
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Well, I just woke up. A lot later than usual, but I was sleeping well


i never get to sleep as long as i'd like. this sucks. ><;
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Quote from: Pitkin on November 02, 2012, 04:33:13 AM
Quote from: Bella on November 01, 2012, 10:01:14 PM
@Kari: I understand how you feel, people talking about medical issues/procedures can send me into a panic too. In particular things relating to teeth, eyes and surgery. o___o;;;

I think you just defined me as your worst nightmare: crooked teeth, bad eyes, history of surgeries. xP Add to that sub-perfect hearing too.

It's hard for me to find crooked teeth scary when I have them myself. ^^;

As for bad eyesight.... I think I may've been desensitized to that by my mom, brother and nephew. But the minute anyone starts talking about eye injuries or disease I'm like LOL NOPE.


I don't have a problem with crooked teeth, as mine kind of are as well, stacked with having what appears to be "fangs" in front ^_^;

So, an aunt and uncle I haven't seen in a long time is in the area this weekend. I'm going to meet up with them for breakfast tomorrow ^_^


have fun!

@teeth: i was supposed to get braces in 5th or 6th grade, but my insurance dropped down to silver when my sister turned 18 (for some reason they thought they were supposed to cut mine, too....), and silver doesn't cover braces, so i dodged it like indy does when he slides under doors. 8)

@eyes: my eyesight started going bad when i was in 5th grade, and i've had glasses ever since. which is interesting, since i always wanted them as a child. in terms of eye disease, unless it has to do with putting something dangerous into the eye (read: eye surgery), i'm typically not freaked out. i hate eye drops though, but since i occasionally suffer from crippling dry eye (rare given my age), i have to use them every now and then.

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@Kari-chan: Yay kittens! >w<

On the subject of glasses, I got mine when I was in 4th grade. I initially didn't want them, as I felt it interfered with my ability to cosplay as legendary badass Syaoran Li, but I've grown to like them. I really do need to get my current pair replaced


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 04, 2012, 01:18:50 AM
have fun!

@teeth: i was supposed to get braces in 5th or 6th grade, but my insurance dropped down to silver when my sister turned 18 (for some reason they thought they were supposed to cut mine, too....), and silver doesn't cover braces, so i dodged it like indy does when he slides under doors. 8)

Nice dodge. xD

Various dentists have told me various things about needing braces. Ranging from "YOU NEED THEM" to "If you can afford it someday, go for it" to "You can chew alright, can't you? Okay, then you don't need them". My current dentist/hygienists are understanding, though that could be because they realize I'm poor and that's probably not gonna change. (Incidentally, they're the people who've suggested I try getting them only if i can afford it someday). ^^;; 

Quote from: PentiumMMX on November 03, 2012, 04:15:30 PM
I don't have a problem with crooked teeth, as mine kind of are as well, stacked with having what appears to be "fangs" in front ^_^;

I used to have epic fangs when my canines fist came out! But they've gotten all ground down. : (

As for glasses.... I always wanted to wear them when I was young, because most of my close family and a few friends had them and I thought they looked cool. Ironically my eyesight is close to perfect, but I still need to wear glasses to treat headaches and eye strain caused by farsightedness.


Yeah, seeing as I've been branded a damn vampire in at least 4 continents, I think I know the answer to this one.

General paleness/blondeness/swag aside, I mean.


I'm so jelly, I used to be proud of mah stabby canines. ;~;

In other news...... the looming election is slowly turning me into an incoherent ball of stress.



Can we not talk more about the election dear?


Not until the non-terrifying candidate gets into office or I become a Canuck.... >>;;;