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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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well that sucks. >>;

it's times like this i wish i spoke japanese. there's an older series that looks adorable, but got dropped due to the translator not having enough time. admittedly, it's a bit of a challenge at 95 episodes, but it just looks so cuuute....and older series never get the same recognition that new ones do. >>;;;
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True that. Nobody seems to care about most anime series prior to Dragon Ball Z (Circa '89) :[

Well, I woke up earlier than intended this morning. I wonder what to do today?

EDIT: Watching new Angry Video Game Nerd with my cat? Sounds good :3


Over the last few days a little idea has been blossoming in my head, wonder what you guys think of it.

So I'm having this bunch of interesting hardware (the HP rx, the SGI boxen, the IBMs) and I thought about making some videos where I describe them, their lineage, features... then do a quick boot into their characteristic OSes, play around with some software... Would any of you be interested in watching something like this or is the idea bull?


I'd probably watch that.

GMed my first game in forever yesterday evening.  Things went better then expected.


@Paul: Sounds cool. I'd likely watch it
@Stew: That's good :3

So, my package from Pit arrived. The US Postal Service did "derp" a bit; in the fact that they put the tracking number right over most of the return address ^_^;;
However, it arrived without issue


@Pitkin, Paul, Pent and Kari: Thanks for the encouraging words, it really means a lot to me and helped me feel better. I was really scared about going in there today, but the doctor seemed nice and was able to dispel most of my worries by pointing out that the proximity between my roots and the nerve really isn't as abnormal or dangerous as my dentist made it out to be. He seems to think it would be fairly simple to remove them and that my insurance may be able to pay for part of it, they're submitting a request (and an updated xrays that they took for free) and now I just have to wait and see what they say.

@Kari: In regards to my unwillingness to taking risks ... that's something I'm bad about, moreso when it comes to medical procedures than going about life in general (for instance, I really don't worry about taking car rides, in spite of that one of the more risky, possibly even deadly things we do in our daily lives. And I don't fret very much over eating sushi/other raw-fish dishes, even though there's a likelihood of food poisoning or parasite infection depending on the quality of the fish, preparation, etc.) It's something I'd like to get over, because I'm freaked out about any medical procedure that doesn't have millions-to-one odds of complications or death. >>;;;

Quote from: Paul on October 24, 2012, 12:14:36 PM
Over the last few days a little idea has been blossoming in my head, wonder what you guys think of it.

So I'm having this bunch of interesting hardware (the HP rx, the SGI boxen, the IBMs) and I thought about making some videos where I describe them, their lineage, features... then do a quick boot into their characteristic OSes, play around with some software... Would any of you be interested in watching something like this or is the idea bull?

I'd love to see something like this! I'm really interested in seeing uncommon computers and operating systems in action. ^^


Just watched the musical Next To Normal at the Stockholm city theater. It was...impressive.


@Bella: That's good that it went well :3


@bella: glad to hear it went well. ^^ if it's any consolation, i share some of your doctory fears, but in different ways, such as GUYS TODAY I LOOKED IN THE MIRROR AND I REALIZED THAT ONE OF MY CAVITIES IS SPREADING I'M WORRIED I'M GONNA LOSE THE FUCKING TOOTH AND IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT. o_____o;;;
i know that they can probably just extend the filling, but being able to see the cavity is really freaking me out. ;^;

@paul: sounds like a good idea, dude. longer videos usually put me off, but that's just because i listen to short music (compared to the stuff people listen to around here >>; ) and watch short youtube videos and such. if it's to support a fellow OSCer, though, i'd watch the vids a couple times over. ^^

so today i hung out with a friend of mine, james. we hadn't hung out in like, 4 years, so it was pretty nice, despite the fact that he forced me to go for a walk to the convenience store. other than that we had a good time.

i really wish someone would sub the kabocha wine. ;^;
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Dr. Kraus

My new company is pretty much official,

buying the domain name on Friday
ordering the servers on Saturday

Gotta go fill the servers will accounts, hopefully I can get this done by the end of next month when the first month will pass.

wish me luck, I'm probably going MIA for a month or so, might pop in to say hi every once and a while.




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So, mom is reorganizing the house today; trying to make room for the chair we were just given, in addition to groceries (Since we're going to be buying stuff in bulk now)


Turns out next semester, if I took a normal amount of classes I'd have 123/124 credit hours I need to graduate.  So I have to take another three hour class.  Yaaaaaaay.


That sucks :\
Hopefully everything will work out


hopefully you can handle it. though to be honest, i'd be jumping for joy if i were in your position. being this far into the grave is scary.

@pent: what kind of chair?
nice on the groceries, btw.
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