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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It's everything I love; model trains, old computers, MIT, pranks, oh god I wish I was a member.

Damnit Italy.... keep in mind though, that's like a state circuit court conviction and it wasn't a jury trial soooooooooo.


i'd facepalm, but that'd be cliché. oh, what the hell.

@pent: sure thing, but i have a lot to post. =__=;

@stew: more fodder to get bells to get you to move here. -w-
but yeah, it's all really cool. :0
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So, in about 45 minutes, I've got to go waste time at that unemployment meeting :\

Well, at least when I finish up there, I can walk across the street and get voting out of the way


ahh, so that's why you're not online.

have fun voting!
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Well, that meeting went better than I expected :3

Also, I saw my sister while I was voting. The department she works for is quite busy today


is everyone voting today, or is your town just bigger than you thought?
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Well, it's big in that there's a lot of people here. To me, it's small in the fact there's almost nothing to do :\


@Pent: Hooray voting! ^^
@Stew: Yeah, I kind of doubt they would have been convicted if it'd been a jury trial.
You love pranks?

@Genpop: I have to go in for a consultation with those dentists tomorrow. Well. They're actually oral surgeons but I hate that term, since "dentists" suggest vaguely nonthreatening semi-doctors with drills and various poking/scraping instruments while "surgeons" suggest highly trained professionals with cutting tools who will fuck you the fuck up. Annnd I don't even know if they'll be able to give me any information/advice because they're (hopefully?) working with these panoramic x-rays that were taken about a year and a half ago, but they said that they don't like to use xrays that are over a year old. So IDK if they're going to be like, "go get new xrays and come back" or if they're just going to work witjh the old ones and hope nothing's changed in my moth since they were taken. :z

And it turns out that if they need a 3d image of my mouth, they won't do an MRI but a CT SCAN. Which freaks me the fuck out because CT scans expose a person to the types of radiation typically only experienced by cleanup workers in the wake of nuclear meltdowns / nuclear bomb detonations and are responsible for about 2% of all cancers and there's something like a 1-in-1000 chance of developing a fatal cancer from a CT scan for young children, and a 1-in-2000 chance for young adults. AND I REALLY WANT TO AVOID DYING OF GODDAMN CANCER YOU GUYS.

So yeah, I basically have a choice of having the nerves in my mouth ruined or dying a horrible painful radiation-exposure-death. And here I am, trembling violently and barely able to pick up/hold anything because the shaking is so bad. ><


@Bella: I'd hug you if I was there in person, but since I'm not, I'll just leave this link to a cute image here. I hope everything goes fine regardless of what route you take :[


@Bells: that's a nasty situation you're in here, especially the oral surgeon fear I can understand quite well. As for the dentist: headphones +  favourite music have helped reduce my anxiety before and during treatments quite a bit. Maybe just close your eyes, plug your ears and think of something nice. Also, IDK how old the CT there is, but newer ones have considerably reduced the amount of needed radiation. That said, while CT surely is somewhat risky, almost every medical procedure has potentially unwanted side effects. I've had a CT done last year and it only lasted about 10 minutes. If you're living near a detonated reactor you ingest a higher dose of radiation for a longer time. Of course it's your decision to make, but to me a CT scan isn't really scary.

All the best from me, hope everything will be alright soon ^^


@bella: aaaaand what about the other 1,999 chances you WON'T get cancer from a CT scan? it's a legitimate medical procedure used to gather more accurate information. calm the fuck down. =___=;;

as for your "moth" (lol), this has. to. be. done. i know you don't like doctors/surgery/hospitals/etc, but isn't it better to just relax and let them do their work? just because your first dentists sucked ass doesn't mean all of them do. (the oral surgeon i went to was a nice old man who did a good job and quick, too.)
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I hate the word "surgeon". I hate it. >.<;

Best wishes, B. It has very good chances of being alright, after all. :)


So, waiting on my 360 to finish updating so I can finally play some more Banjo-Tooie :\


wasn't the banjo series originally a nintendo thing?

also, ghost just slinked out from under my bed. i didn't even realize she had been in.... >__>;
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Yes it was, but Rare was bought out by Microsoft in 2002. It was sad, to be honest; they had big plans for the Gamecube that unfortunately got scrapped :[