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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Why all the grousing about referendums?  Heck, I made a post challenging some status quo ante phenomena and next thing I knew C-Chan had initiated a referendum.  At first, I was surprised; but then it struck me as being fun!

Nobody liked my ideas, but so what?  I learned a lot, thanks to those who posted to that referendum; and the matters under discussion were commented upon and thus reinforced by folks in the know.  I'm now a big fan of referendums!

Like, it's C-Chan who's taken it upon himself to do all the work involved in initiating referendums; and (in my personal view) it sets people to thinking about one matter or another which might otherwise be taken for granted.  That's a good thing, yes?

Just where referendums ought to appear on the message board is a matter best left to moderators, it seems to me.  But surely referendums addressing matters pertaining to OS Girls in general, or individual OS-tans, are useful in that they help establish a concensus.




Okay. I'll be quiet about the referendums.
And now for something completely different:

[attachment deleted by admin]


we're looking at futa... why?


I don't mind the existence of referendums... I'd just like some sort of order. ^^

(I'm one to talk... haha my workspace is a mess... my desktop is still clean tho ^^)


Yes, indeedy.

I can't tell if this is a typo, a purposeful typo to be humorous, or a window into Yinzer's mind...

EDIT: on another note, wow, you've been reading a lot of anime wiki articles. heh


Doggarnit, you guys and your futas again!  ^0^
[melodramatically]  Hasn't poor 98-tan had enough? ;^0^;

In any case, I must reply to this marvelous, nobel peace prize-winning essay....  -v-

Why all the grousing about referendums? Heck, I made a post challenging some status quo ante phenomena and next thing I knew C-Chan had initiated a referendum. At first, I was surprised; but then it struck me as being fun!

Nobody liked my ideas, but so what? I learned a lot, thanks to those who posted to that referendum; and the matters under discussion were commented upon and thus reinforced by folks in the know. I'm now a big fan of referendums!

Like, it's C-Chan who's taken it upon himself to do all the work involved in initiating referendums; and (in my personal view) it sets people to thinking about one matter or another which might otherwise be taken for granted. That's a good thing, yes?

Just where referendums ought to appear on the message board is a matter best left to moderators, it seems to me. But surely referendums addressing matters pertaining to OS Girls in general, or individual OS-tans, are useful in that they help establish a concensus.


This is where I insert a much deserved SONOTORI!!!!  ^V^

Sure, there they were of some use to me for my Annex, but I could've easily just chosen Rozen Maiden as my avi, or called my OS-tans anything I wanted.  But the bottom line is that I also want my threads to be fun.  ^__^

What's the fun (for either you reading it, or me constructing it) to create a dry and serious looking Annex, if I won't let you guys have a little fun with it too?  In fact, it's a common Anime plot point (and probably a facet of Japanese culture as a whole) to take a seemingly simple and mundane thing, and turn into a humorously large issue of epic proportions!  ^v^

And yes, it's also a learning experience.  E.g., still like the Rozen Maiden pic, but now am able to offer the sexier Vista-tan some second thoughts; and don't get me started on the name thing, as our responses probably explain better than any thing thus far written the pride, joy and rich history that accompanies the seemingly benign, 3-letter suffix.  It's with pride that I keep some of those replies posted on my Annex thread.  ^__^

Again, I keep the referendums at my Annex because the topics are useful to the Annex backstory (generally all OS-tan related topics will be useful to post there.... ^__^), but also precisely to prevent creating another thread for them.

Already sacrificed my older threads for the Annex, so don't want to go back and create a whole lot of them again, especially when it's easier to access them from a consolidated location.

But yes, as for the issue of clutter, I see your point and that's something we'll have to address eventually.  Sadly, the forum format doesn't help much, but so far I'm thinking of using one of my Expansion Slots on the main Annex page to keep track of all open referendums from a single spot.  (Certainly would help me minimize the annoying copy-n-pasting of all that BBCode.... ^^')


Quotea purposeful typo to be humorous,

Right on the head! BTW, I am not a futanari lover. In fact, I had made posts before this announcing my hatred of the fetish. I was referencing Google-tan's confusion between Futanari and Futari.

NewYinzer Strategy #2: Always post the precursor to your big ideas before they happen to prepare other members for the coming flash of genius.
Flash of genius...does that sound too inhumble?

QuoteEDIT: on another note, wow, you've been reading a lot of anime wiki articles. heh

You see, the ones from Negima upwards are series I am considering watching. The ones from OS-Tans to Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu are series I am currently watching or have watched recently.


In other news, Jeff is currently confused about how this gallery works, and also behind in his writing class. I despise writing.

I'm an engineering major dernit! I don't write essays!
(I write poetry. lol)

Oh and furthermore, you all disappear after 12am PDT. Makes it lonely here. ^^;
Of course, then nothing would be distracting me from work, but it's saturday!

...err Sunday. heh


Try coming in at about 8PM PDT. This board lights up like a Christmas tree after that point. Of course I'm in bed by then...

In other news, Clippy has passed on:


I'm back, btw, from my Art Pilgrimage.... -v-
not sure if I announced it earlier, though..... -__-'

QuoteIn other news, Clippy has passed on:

You mean that annoying paper clip...? `v'
Bah!  ^0^

BTW, SleepyD, yeah unfortunately that is the one weakness of a forum this small.....  ^^'

On the one hand, it's nice to try to bring in new members to remedy the problem.  But on the other hand, too much dead time (especially on weekdays) could and probably has turned off the less patient ones...  ^^'

Sadly it can't be helped, but that's why it's doubly important you make everyone here feel welcomed.  ^___^

Speaking of which, where's Codi-san?  '__'

She and the Captain are two people, among others, that I haven't seen in a while....  '~'



along with another forum regular that seems to have disappeared

Q4(V) (seen during my short lurker stage, but not as much afterwards...)


I remember back in my own lurker days, Fabian was a name I spotted in every nook and cranny of this site.  But apparently he left, leaving behind Pitkin and Linux-Tan in charge....  -v-

Too bad we can't put up Wanted posters of these people, just so they'd know we're looking for them.  ^__^

[Then again, if they left out of boredom or personal problems, doubt they'd come back to read it... ^^;]


I've taken leave of a few message boards over the years, usually due to a sudden change in ambience.  One board transformed into a collection of angry brats who'd choose a victim then attack relentlessly; and what with life being short, I decided to vacate that silly place.

Another board changed almost overnight, as soon as war-in-Iraq talk began in the weeks prior to the actual shooting war commencing.  The webmistress turned out to be a died-in-the-wool Shrubbery freak; and she got some of her loud-mouthed reactionary friends to join the board and attack anybody who didn't think Georgie Boy was a saint.  Sayonara!

Less-dramatic changes at message boards can send people off the pitch; and I sometimes wonder whether or not I've inadvertently angered or insulted this or that person, thus contributing to their prolonged absence.  Oh, well.




The Amiga-tan is still safe from those purist...thank god.

I didn't know Linux can be also installed on an Ipod. Thanks to my freind he told all about this and installed it on my iPod nano, although some of its functions are is still fun to have a little Linux distro on my iPod nano. The funny thing is it looks like Ubuntu, not to mention that there is this thing called "Bootsplash".


QuoteI've taken leave of a few message boards over the years, usually due to a sudden change in ambience. One board transformed into a collection of angry brats who'd choose a victim then attack relentlessly; and what with life being short, I decided to vacate that silly place.

BWAHAHA!!!! Reminds me of my horrid intermediary school days. ^__^
I'd say a few choice words for boards like those, but why waste my valuable breath.  -v-

QuoteAnother board changed almost overnight, as soon as war-in-Iraq talk began in the weeks prior to the actual shooting war commencing. The webmistress turned out to be a died-in-the-wool Shrubbery freak; and she got some of her loud-mouthed reactionary friends to join the board and attack anybody who didn't think Georgie Boy was a saint. Sayonara!

Yep, nothing worse than being surrounded by war-hawkish armchair commandos.  Given they spent so much time on the web, I doubt hardly any of them would have chosen to enlist and die for Georgie n' Friends.

Scratch another off the list.  -v-

QuoteLess-dramatic changes at message boards can send people off the pitch; and I sometimes wonder whether or not I've inadvertently angered or insulted this or that person, thus contributing to their prolonged absence. Oh, well.

Well, remember what I told you before....  Ã,¯vÃ,¯
Can't really help it, just need to go with the flow....
Oh, and abide by the Golden Rule.  ^__^

Which reminds me, there are a couple of pics that could definitely use your votes.....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

QuoteThe Amiga-tan is still safe from those purist...thank god.

I didn't know Linux can be also installed on an Ipod. Thanks to my freind he told all about this and installed it on my iPod nano, although some of its functions are is still fun to have a little Linux distro on my iPod nano. The funny thing is it looks like Ubuntu, not to mention that there is this thing called "Bootsplash".

YO!  My friend Alfamille!

Here's my latest and greatest creation to date:

Full size

80% purist resistant!  ^v^
And thanks to everyone's help, she may very well be in the Wiki article to stay!  ^v^

[Too bad she'll never be on the Japanese one, but that's fine by me.  Just makes our article all the more unique.  ^.^]

Fufufu.... "bootsplash"  ^v^
Actually, did post a link to IPod Linux on a different thread a few days ago, but seems you ran across it independently.
Tell me if Linux isn't truly the 'People's OS'?  ^v^


QuoteQ4(V) (seen during my short lurker stage, but not as much afterwards...)

It makes you wonder what happened to him. He disappeared before I joined. Of course, I feel it was my presence that drove away Panda. My constant posting and unusual comments probably drove her away. I think she enjoyed being on a small forum than the big one that our site became. We haven't seen much of her since...

QuoteAnother board changed almost overnight, as soon as war-in-Iraq talk began in the weeks prior to the actual shooting war commencing. The webmistress turned out to be a died-in-the-wool Shrubbery freak; and she got some of her loud-mouthed reactionary friends to join the board and attack anybody who didn't think Georgie Boy was a saint. Sayonara!

I find it ironic that we did not find many WMD's in Iraq, but North Korea just detonated a nuclear weapon: