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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Pitkin is entirely right... he has a terrible stance on abortion and women's health issues (again, all the more depressing considering his former profession) and has (re)introduced a piece of legislation that would have given fertilized eggs personhood status in an attempt to negate Roe vs. Wade. (Also bear in mind that this sort of personhood-for-zygotes law would not only make abortion a crime, but various forms of birth control that work by keeping fertilized eggs from implanting).

You're right though, news outlets often twist facts about candidates; the only way you can really know what a politician stands for is by their statements and voting record, and Ron Paul's is questionable to say the least.


why is it lately that whenever i'm wrong about something the person who tells me so feels the need to rub it in my face
like, it's not enough to say "no, that's not how it is", you feel the need to one-up me, too.
you can't just leave it at "oh, she didn't hear about it, but he's not on the ballot and she's voting for obama anyway, so it's a moot point"
really, you just had to.

just go post in the new topic, dammit. >>;
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Sorry, I was trying to be helpful.


I don't care who it was directed to; I still found it to be an interesting read :3


all the activity in the new game is so cool. touching that people actually noticed (;v;) and cool. the thread will die soon  (as all game threads do), but for now it's nice to have such a large crowd. really makes it interesting to play. :3
now people need to just pick one. :\
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I don't like to think that either Bella or I were trying to rub it in your face, Choco. If Bella hadn't posted anything on Ron Paul after me, it would've basically just been two different opinions on him without any references or sourced quoted. I think Bella actually did typically what I already should've done, posting sources to back the argument. I'm very sure it's not against you Choco, so please don't feel bad about that. :)


sorry, i've been kinda cranky about that lately because it seems like everyone who's corrected me has done that. there's a fine line between informative and one-upsmanship. >>;
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So, today got off to yet another crappy start. Sleeping well, cat wakes me up, so I start to finally get up...when mom starts badgering me about how I need to come to church. I'm sick of how she does that; it often feels like my views and opinions are invalid in her eyes because they do not align with her own >_>;

I was hoping my sister would text me back and help me get out of it, but it seems either she's busy or still asleep; so I'm stuck wasting an hour of my time this morning. Yay.


i'm sorry man. you can't roll over and pretend to be sleeping? or just say no? or forsake their god and announce your undying devotion to satan?
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I just woke up, and she saw me in the hallway, so it's a bit late to pretend to still be asleep. Also, saying no results in her asking "why?"; with maybe a 1% chance of me actually coming up with a reason she's willing to accept (Simply "not wanting to go" gets me yelled at about how I need to stop being like grandma and go to church anyway).

I'd announce a change of religions, but that would make her want to take me even more; to "save" me again from the "evils" of a non-Christian religion >_>


why would you not want to be like your grandma
my grandmas were awesome

EDIT: btw dude, i probably won't be on till later, gotta clean my grandparents' house. :\
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True that. Also, hope the cleaning goes well. I'll be on Skype once you're not busy :3


well, i'm back when you are.
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So, my dad's laptop is now ready to go for when he and mom head on their trip to Dallas this Wednesday :3


Less than 1 week to birthday. Planning is a bitch.