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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Okay, I went clubbing with my brother/sis-in-law/friends tonight. Or well, "clubbing", because what we really did was visit the club event of one of the Student Nations here in Uppsala, which is pretty much where everyone goes to get their fix of party (because hey, what's not to like about everything being at least 3$ cheaper? Har har) in this student town.

And it was pretty fun. They even mixed my signature drink properly ^^


Quote from: PentiumMMX on October 04, 2012, 11:39:56 AM
Sounds nice :3

So, I'm completely and utterly fucked at the moment. I not only need money to pay my car insurance, but also my phone needs to be renewed today or else the people I put in applications with won't be able to contact me at all. I still haven't heard from the state on if I'm still going to receive unemployment, and to make things worse, I tried to pawn off my Wii only to be told they'd only give me $10 for it; not even enough to make it remotely worthwhile driving over there (For fuck's sake, I can get $10 from selling my Gamecube. I expect at least $50 out of a Wii). My sister is uncertain over whither she can help or not, and mom would probably just yell at me about how I'm a failure instead of actually doing anything to help, so I honestly don't know what to do now.

EDIT: Ok, wow. Holy shit. Mom is actually being helpful. I wouldn't have figured she'd do this ._.

EDIT 2: Money orders are in; combined with the old money order, the money mom let me borrow, plus what my sister owed me, I'll have enough to cover all my stuff and still get that laptop shipped out this weekend. Thank you, Kari ;v;
good luck!
If you're visibly proactive in getting a job, maybe your mom will lay off you a bit.


Thanks ^_^
Also, that might help with the mom issue a bit.

Also, for whenever a wild Kari appears, I will have your laptop in the mail tomorrow


Alarming Development in Politics: Aspiring Senator's Bizarre Double Life in World of Warcraft




What the... those republicans have to be absolutely nuts to think that her style of playing WoW would influence her decisions as a politician. Sorry, but if any political party in my country tried to pull something like this "attack", they would be ridiculed everywhere.

I had to read that article two times to make sure it wasn't a satire...


@Pit: Yet another reason to dislike the republican party ._.

So, Kari's laptop officially shipped out. It should arrive in about a week :3


Just finished a batch of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies -> delicious delicious stuff :3


Quote from: stewartsage on October 04, 2012, 11:03:27 AM
I do, however, have to say that the fun parts of The Mountain State Forest Festival opened today, so I spent a good portion of this morning wandering through vendors, one of the art shows (someone had submitted furry art believe it or not), and the forest products exhibits.  All in all, a fun day so far.  After my afternoon class I'll be going back down for my annual visit to the UMW craft table.

Ahahahahaha, you saw furry art. 

Quote from: Pitkin on October 05, 2012, 06:56:10 AM
Alarming Development in Politics: Aspiring Senator's Bizarre Double Life in World of Warcraft

I don't even have words for this. The Republicans will turn a blind eye to the rampant racism, misogyny, homophobia (for that matter, "everything that isn't very stereotypically heterosexual and heteronormative"-phobia) and transphobia present in their party, to say nothing of their dislike for public and blue-collar workers (and anyone belonging to a union), disdain for non-Christians, attempts to push certain religions in public forums (and suppression of other religions they dislike), crowing about starting war with nations they deem 'threatening' and boasting about destroying the social service infrastructure that improves quality of life for - or in some cases, keeps alive - countless impoverished, elderly and chronically-sick people.

But the minute they discover a Democratic rival has any sort of "atypical" feature - this could be something as major in their lives as their religious or ethnic background, or as minor as a goddamn game they enjoy - they will latch onto it and try to blow it up into a focal-point of suspicion and alleged-deviance. It's a good ploy, actually - try to shift public attention to infinitesimal details of Democratic candidate's lives, so the public won't focus on the very real, large and present defects in Republican candidates (mainly, their desire to chip away at the rights of every US citizen who isn't a wealthy, able-bodied, white heterosexual Christian male).

Quote from: PentiumMMX on October 05, 2012, 09:14:04 AM
@Pit: Yet another reason to dislike the republican party ._.

Obviously, my sentiment toward them is a little past "dislike" at this point.

I don't want you guys thinking I'm a blindly-loyal liberal lackey. I've always leaned strongly liberal (with some left-libertarian sentiments, others more socialistic), but I wasn't very vocal about my beliefs until this election cycle, which is incidentally the first in which the conservative religious-right has secured a strangle-hold on the Republican party. They're no longer a political party as much as some sort of quasi-theocratic organization who claim to want to "shrink" government while simultaneously attempting to control the most intimate features of their citizens lives - their religious beliefs (or lack of), who (or IF) they can marry, how (or IF) they can access birth control or end pregnancies, etc.

It's absolutely terrifying being a non-hetereonormative, lower-class female-bodied-person who is dependent on the government for certain services and knowing that the Republican party platform is, essentially, destroying my way of life as I know it - and realizing that there would be plenty of potential trouble in store for my low-level government employee boyfriend, my aging father and working-poor brother and sister-in-law and many other loved ones. And I know that a lot of Conservatives are similarly terrified of another four years with Obama in charge, but let's face it - they're scared because the Democrats promise to give a wider range of people greater rights. They're terrified of equality. While I'm scared of losing MY rights, and seeing women, LGBTQ+ people, non-Christians, the poor, elderly, blue-collar workers, social service programs, education and scientific development set back years, if not decades.



And meanwhile, Anonymous is attacking Sweden again.


@Bella: True that >:\

So, today was pretty good. Mom and I went out to a thrift store that was shutting down in a nearby small town; which was giving away their clothes and some other stuff for free. I got away with a cute blue miniskirt for myself (As far as mom was concerned, I got that for my sister >:3), as well as a comfortable sweatshirt I can wear around the house in winter, a small TV I can setup in my bedroom, a compilation of the first 2 volumes of the Kingdom Hearts manga, and an older Microsoft Sidewinder USB joystick :3

Also, I'm going to have the house to myself next Wednesday night. My sister and I are planning on going out to eat, but if anybody here is available that night and wants to do a group call, let me know.


Ah, republicans.
You know, I'd be very much willing to support a moderate republican. But you never see many of those nowadays. Often, they're accused of being RINOs or some such. Since I'm a public transportation nut, Ray LaHood is a Republican I respect. (But the party seems to have disowned him by now)

And regarding the video game attack, Jared Polis is a Colorado congressman (D) that does not hide his gaming credentials. During the SOPA debates he was prominent in speaking out against it. So there are already avid gamers in the system, and they certainly can separate work from play. The attack is stupid, and I hope this seriously bites them back in the ass.


I can't imagine ever voting for a Republican (even a moderate one), but I wouldn't be quite as incensed with the GOP if they actually supported moderates these days. I'd also like to see separation of personal religious/moral beliefs from public policy (since it's one thing, for instance, to personally not support abortion, or dislike the laws keeping religion from being taught in public schools, but quite another to enact legislation to prevent people from getting abortions or wear away at the church-state barrier), more respect for SCIENTIFIC FACT (this means no more climate change denial, or pushing for teaching Abrahamic creation stories in public schools, or spreading lies about reproduction and sex) and more use of basic logic and reason, as opposed to appealing to peoples' faith and fears by dealing in ideological rhetoric.


No offense, but your country should grow up and start using more than 2 parties already. I mean, honestly, it's blatantly obvious that there are way more factions than there are political congregations, so why not just cut the crap?

Bloody hell. -_-


At least when it comes to presidential elections, practically the only time you hear people talk about Third Parties is during the actual election year.... there's been some talk of it this year, among people who are dissatisfied with the Dems but dislike the GOP too. But if it's already election season and you're just now considering a Third Party candidate, it's too fuckin' late. >_>;

As it stands, there've only been a few Third Party candidates elected to Congress, the Senate, and as governors in recent years... the only ones I know are in office now are Bernie Sanders, Joe Liberman and Lincoln Chafee.