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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I only like wireless in instances where wired is not practical; such is the case with Fuuka (The keyboard wire, even with the extension cable it came with, is too short to reach my couch)

For a setup like with 2k, where everything is closer together, I strongly prefer wired


I use wireless everything, cuz why not? No cables to manage and it looks nicer, plus my keyboards are solar powered.


I'm not fond of wireless keyboards or mice either, all of mine are wired.

I got a lot done today, I think. Starting off with picking up the pony stuff Pent sent me, though I didn't open it right away because there was a lot of stuff to do and I didn't want to take the posters out of their tube before I got home. ^^;;

Also, I got a mailing card from the owner of a custom computer store called Diacad Associates - IT'S OWNED BY THE MAN WHO BUILT THE EMAG-III, AKA THAT 15-FOOT-TALL-CHECKER-PLAYING-COMPUTER THAT WAS EXHIBITED AT THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FAIR IN 1959!! Actually, there's an image of the EMAG-III on his flyer! :D I'm thinking of taking a trip to Rumney just to pick his brain, because I'm always looking for opportunities to hear firsthand accounts of computer history from people who were there to witness it.

I'm going to spoilertext this next part because it involves some psychological shit i've been going through in regards to some dental work I may need, so if anyone is scared of/sensitive to that kind of stuff you can go past this:

Nothing gorey, I promise, but discussion of terrible anxiety and some personal venting: ShowHide
Basically, my brother - in addition to being all obtuse and condescending about relationship matters - also made me really, really "triggered" in a way by rambling on about all the dental work he needs, including the removal of a couple of wisdom teeth. -____-

This sent me on a week-long panic-bender during which time I alternated between intense worry about the state of my own wisdom teeth and..... okay, it was pretty much ALL intense worry. I had to have Stew read me from a couple of sources regarding wisdom teeth and nerve damage, because I was so scared of googling it myself and reading/seeing something that would make my anxiety even more debilitating.

I've been seriously considering voluntarily having mine removed (there's no medical need, yet, but it tends to be easier the younger a person is, and I believe mine are partially-impacted - one has lain partially-emerged for more than three years and shows no signs of budging), a consideration bolstered by the fact that I'm on some sort of extended dental healthcare plan until age 21. All preventative care and extractions are SUPPOSEDLY covered, but wisdom tooth removal may not be - from what I understood of the Medicaid legalese, they'll only take them out if they're infected or rotting, because apparently wisdom tooth removal is "non-essential". If that isn't bad enough, I'm going to need super-expensive MRIs, since the nerve is dangerously close to my roots, perhaps too close to be operated on safely. =_______=;;;;

I have a referral to an oral surgeon in Concord, and directions to a center that helps lower-income people with dental bills that medicaid doesn't cover. I'm going to try to visit those places in early October, after dad's done working for the autumn. I'm still nervous about everything, but hopefully the MRIs will yield some good news - IE, the nerve not being as close to the roots of my teeth as the X-rays made it out to be - and dad pretty much said that if it's safe to have the surgery done, he'll pay for it even if medicaid doesn't so I don't wind up in a situation like my brother's.

Okay, with all that off my chest ... I had a big late-lunch/early-dinner at this nice Chinese-Japanese restaurant, miso soup, crab ragoons, salad and a big plate of sushi ... and then got home a few minutes ago and opened up my parcel from Pent and read his letter. ^^ I'm feeling better than I have in the last several days, hopefully i can keep my spirits up and not fall into that pit of anxiety again.


@Bella: That store sounds so cool *w*
Also, there's a sushi bar opening in town sometime soon. I want to try it when they open


@bella: srsly, stop talking to him. SRSLY.
also, miso soup AND crab rangoon. luckybitch. >>;;

eh, at least i have pizza. and coke. and airheads. -w-

so guys, i've figured out what i'm giving everyone this year. COOKIES.
only trouble is will vacumn-sealing damage them? i hope not, but it's something to test. :\

also, in looking for the spelling of pepperkakor, i found a recipe on a website called My Little Norway. xD
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I don't see how vacuum-sealing them would be bad, so yeah; something to experiment with

But, cookies would be nice :3


by "damage them", i meant the cookies might break into pieces if i seal them. maybe if i use ziplock bags. :\
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In that case, yeah; ziplock bags might be your best choice


mmm, yeah.

hmmph. i'm bored. where is everyone?
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@the mountains of madness


Don't wake up the Blind Idiot God, stewartsage.


Would the Blind Idiot God be hiding in the hall of the Mountain King?


Apparently NH Healthy Kids (which I'm on an extension of until I'm 21, because being poor and shit) won't cover wisdom tooth removal unless they're turning infected / starting an abscess??? WHAT THE HELL KIND OF PREVENTATIVE CARE IS THAT and I AM SO NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO LEACHING $1000s FROM DAD TO GET THIS TAKEN CARE OF. (It's probably going to cost $700+ just to get the MRIs, just to see if it can even be done safely).

@Kari: I don't think vacuum sealing will damage cookies unless they're very fragile.


@bella: do you have healthy kids gold or silver? cause gold covered my wisdom tooth extraction. in fact, we actually had it done 3 days before my insurance cut off. :\

@pit: am i missing something....?
(it sounds pretty lulzy and i want in)
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