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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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it sprinkled for awhile, but then i was watching anime later on, and there was a bright series of flashes! i paused the episode to be like "" and 5 seconds after the flash heard one of the loudest, longest cracks of thunder i've ever heard. 30 seconds later, it's POURING, like coming in sideways pouring. wish i could have gotten poor fern in but lately she only comes in if you pick her up and force her. :\
it didn't last long, though. maybe about 20 minutes?

watched 18 anime series today! plus an additional 3 that were failures, so i'd say today was a personal best. :3
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seems like we're back online.

to celebrate, have this clip where someone shouts, "WHY IS THE BREAD BLEEDING!?"
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The site's back! Yay!

So, I also have good news, for once I have some money on me again. The local Wal-Mart finally has the MLP posters Bella wanted, so I'll likely try to obtain them either tomorrow or Tuesday; whenever I get some money


Hooray! You should be able to get them with just a small purchase, jsyk. (IIRC, Stew got his when he bought a couple of blindbags).

And I'm really happy seeing the site up again. ^^


Yeah, the posters themselves are (merely) swag.  I bought two blind bags and the guy at the register didn't even blink.


i've managed to get a lot done today, too, so it seems like it's been a good day all around. :3
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So, hopefully I hear back from my sister soon. I'm ready to obtain monies and go on pony raid o_o

*equips iPod, listens to the Ben-To soundtrack*



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You can get some info to me tonight on where to ship it to :3

So, my day is going fairly well so far


OhmygodthankyouthankyouthanksomuchPentium~ ^o^

Seriously, this has brought a ray of sunshine into a day that's been pretty crappy so far. ;u;

(And yeah, I'll give you shipping info when I get on skype later.)


anime club started again today!!!! it went by so fast, and we didn't get as much done as i'd have liked, but it was still awesome. and we have new members that found the club on their own (no referral)!!! ^^
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Sounds like you had a good day. ^^ What'd you watch?


@Bella: Glad to know I made your day better ^_^

@Kari: Very nice. So, what did you watch? :3


what we're doing is showing trailers for potential series. i got through trailers for almost all the 11-15 episode series, so the following trailers were shown:
Acchi Kocchi
Black Rock Shooter
Dantalian no Shoka
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Hanamaru Kindergarten
Kill Me Baby
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
Kami-sama no Memo-Chou
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
Kokoro Connect

and the (now vice) president insisted on having the code geass trailer shown.

people seemed receptive to some of it, but since there were a large amount of comedy trailers i think it got a little muddled. greg (mr. new vice president, former president) was commenting that there wasn't enough of a mix, but next week we'll have more action stuff, so it'll be all good. -w-
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In a few minutes I'll be off to work again so I'll make this quick.
Got transfered to the department where they make all the metal parts for their machines (and conveniently where my cousin works).
ENTER THEM BIG MACHINES! Two new 5-axis milling machines, operating with one of the company's own transport robot systems (watching that thing work is fun), four older 3-axis milling machines and two new lathes. Everything computer controlled with software worth some $$$. My work mostly involves tasks like sharpening drills, drilling holes in stuff, drying blackened metal parts... to cut it short it's still lots of work but more fun because of those machines. Oh, and blinkenlights everywhere!