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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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thanks for both. visual learning comes easier to me, though having both formats will be useful. :3

do you know if there's one for koi-koi? i've basically got it but having a guide would help. (after all, i haven't even come close to beating the computer yet, but i managed to get a couple yaku on occasion. :3 )

EDIT: i'm really getting better at koi-koi! ^^ just had the best game so far, i lasted 19 rounds!! >:3

EDITEDIT: even better. -w-

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Stuff has landed >w<
Currently opening the box now

Also, Sylvester seems really happy today :3


Last day at home.

Tomorrow, I move to Uppsala.

Seriously, though. Moving sucks. -_____-

Aurora Borealis

@Nejin: Moving does suck. I moved to my apartment earlier this month, and it was a hassle made worse by not getting everything packed up before the day my lease started. Hope you're better prepared than I was, and hope you spend moving day actually moving in instead of mostly scrambling to get the rest of the stuff packed!


I had my fair share of doing that as well, I admit. But at least half of it was done and the rest was fairly easy work. It's a second-hand contract (I'm hiring from one of my sister-in-law's classmates who's going to Canada for half a year) so I'm not bringing any furniture; and a good deal of my things I'll leave back with my parents.'s moving out. I'm not coming back (hopefully) and I will eventually deal with all the stuff I'm leaving behind now.

Soooooo yeah.

Moving sucks.


I have too much junk to move anyplace. >>;;

If I ever move (temporarily, since this house is hopefully going to be willed to me and become ALL MINE someday) I'm probably just going to secure the hell out of my shit and hope dad doesn't destroy it like he continually threatens to. OTL


I would love to move out, because I'm sick of being around mom all the time. In fact, I had hoped to move out in 2011 by my original plans, but since I was never promoted to full time, and am now unemployed, those plans are no longer viable.


as a hikkikomori, it takes a good deal to pry me out of my room. the thought of moving scares me to the point of mental collapse, unless me, mum, and possibly sis (i say possibly because she wants an apartment) were to move to my grandparent's permanently, in which case i'd move into the basement room.

i've basically managed to cram an apartment into this room, though, which is why it sometimes feels so cramped. at one point i had the spare microwave in here (i'd like to move it back in), and almost got the minifridge in here. the only thing i'm missing is a bathroom. >w>;;; (and the best part? ALL OF IT WAS FREEEEEEEEEEEE)
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 25, 2012, 10:52:30 PM
as a hikkikomori, it takes a good deal to pry me out of my room. the thought of moving scares me to the point of mental collapse

Me too... >:/

I have a microwave just outside my door, hah... I used to also have a hotplate and mini-fridge, but when we got the stove + full sized fridge we put them into storage. (Not that I really care, the hotplate was horrible anyway.)


aw man, i've always wanted a hot plate!!! :0
if you ever decide to get rid of it, well, i'm better than a landfill. xD
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I have a feeling if I was actually in a place I liked, I'd be more like you guys in terms of moving. As it stands, I tend to feel like a prisoner when mom's home (Can't do this, can't do that, almost always get yelled at for doing anything at all past 10:45PM or sleeping in later than 9AM even if I'm feeling sick, etc.). It's bad how I often feel uncomfortable in my own home because of her >_<


that DOES suck. no one should feel uncomfortable in their own home. though angry people in the household is part of what got me so rooted in my room anyway.
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Sorry K, my hotplate's been lent out to relatives for camping purposes. ^^; Though you can pick one up at your department/home improvement store of choice for $20 or less, usually.

@Pent and Kari: Feeling unwelcome/uncomfortable in your own home is the worse. :[ I've experienced moments of it, but it hasn't been prolonged, thank god. :/

Also, since Pent and I got on the topic of short-haired girls earlier tonight, I feel an obligation to mention that I ended up giving myself a very slight ... undercut...thing... a few nights ago. I clipped the bottom 4/5 of the hair on the back of my head to ~1½'', while the longer hair on the top of my head drapes over the shorter section. (I did this because I was displeased at how fluffy the hair at the back of my head was getting!)

That was my first time trimming my hair, I'm pleased with how it turned out.


tbh i wasn't really expecting it, lol. xD but i have better things to spend 20 bucks on. xD
thankfully i'm usually the one who's home all the time, so i'm not easy to make uncomfortable. but it's still possible, and my dad still does. >>;
poast toast. i think i know what it looks like from your description, but i'd like to see anyway. -w-
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@Bella: Pics? :3

So, my dad sent me a link for a job at a local high school, where I'd be maintaining their computers. I'm going to try applying for it :3