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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Bella on August 18, 2012, 10:04:33 PM
Quote from: Krizonar on August 18, 2012, 09:05:29 PM
So it's official,

Nanami is obese.

I bought a 15' laptop sleeve and she is too fat to fit in it.

I went to best buy to buy her a spare charger and they said, and I quote;

"We have chargers up to 90 watts, what do you need?"
"I need a 210 watt charger."
"Are you sure this isn't for a desktop? We've never heard of any laptop that takes that much power."


So, I think my mouse might be dieing :[
(Or is it spelled "dying"? IDK)

Every so often, the left button seems to stick. Not in a physical sense, as I can still click it, but as far as Windows is concerned, I'm holding it down. I haven't had this mouse for very long, either, so I'm not exactly thrilled by a need to replace it this soon.


My well-aged Razer mouse has a somewhat defunct wheel clicker. Tabbed browsing is annoying now -_-


I think the best mouse I ever owned was one I bought for literally $.01 at Gamestop circa '06. It was a no-name optical mouse, but that thing was built like a tank; withstanding 5 years of heavy use before it died. Sadly, although I did save the packaging, it appears the company that made it closed down, and I can't find another one like it anywhere :[


OH GOD THIS SONG GIVES ME A MILD ANXIETY ATTACK/AUDITORY INFORMATION-OVERLOAD but i've replayed it like three times because it's just so damned interesting to listen to....


@pent: that would be "dying". and i hope you get it resolved or at least find a new one. who knew buying a mouse was such srs bsns. >>;
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Yeah. I'm going to look into a new one sometime soon; might see about an actual gaming mouse, as maybe playing Diablo is why my mouse is so worn out after roughly 6 months of use ^_^;


Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 20, 2012, 07:12:58 AM
Yeah. I'm going to look into a new one sometime soon; might see about an actual gaming mouse, as maybe playing Diablo is why my mouse is so worn out after roughly 6 months of use ^_^;
Much like all your mouse inquiries, I have a Razer mouse I don't want.

Also, I finally remembered to look up something I always took for granted.

Apparently I have ASMR and seem to be capable of type A! Type A is the rarer one.


is that a computer thing? or something to do with blood types? :\
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Writing from my currently-unnamed laptop, guys~


Sweet ^_^

So, Kari said she shipped out my stuff today. Yay! >w<


Wasn't sure if this belonged here or relationship thread, but I have been fairly interested in MBTI personality types over the years.
Certainly, not everyone is the same and you can't generalize everyone into just 16 types. The types are more based on how you receive and process information and emotions, rather than "personalities", despite what those online quizzes would have you believe.

I'm pretty much convinced I'm INFP. (if interested in a video on the type in contrast with INFJ)



Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 20, 2012, 10:47:07 AM
is that a computer thing? or something to do with blood types? :\
For type B, it's when you can hear relaxing things and get really positive feelings on it and relax. For type A, you can merely think about positive things and more or less meditate on it and receive relaxing feelings. (almost like drug induced happy feelings, beyond what normal people would get)

It's not something everyone has, but it's categorized by chills forming at the top of the head and moving throughout the body with a pleasant, tired feeling. It's like being able to give yourself a relaxing drug whenever you feel like it. This explains a bit about my overall personality indeed.


@kriz: i think i might have something within that, too. every now and then i'll hear or see or think of something nice and i'll get nice warm goosebumps all over. the only way i can describe it beyond that is like in anime when that wash of gold magic comes over someone and they feel all warm and smiley. -w-

@sleepyd: hm, i'm kinda curious as to what i am or what it's about. can you provide a wiki link or a link to a quiz or something? :\

@pent: yes, we FINALLY shipped it out, USPS Ground. no insurance, sadly, but signature confirmation on it. should arrive in about 7 days.

@bella: any thoughts on a name? i've already decided on one for the laptop pent is building me, but i'd like to hear what yours is called. :3

as nice as posting is, something terrible happened earlier. we came in from burying pud'n and found out that two more of the kittens died. ;^;
mina and joe will be joining their brother soon....
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