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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The download link is in the text of the second post, unless a newer version is out :p

I was just reading up and learned that this is an unofficial-unofficial mod of the unofficial "Crimson Echoes" mod which was never completed because of the C&D...  But it's been fun as can be to play  :>


I never saw pictures of the kittens


I think I'm a psychic.


It must be the vodka, dude. It's giving you superpowers -w-

So, I'm typing this message from Kari'a new laptop. So far, everything seems to be working well, and the battery gets about roughly 2 hours on a single charge (Not bad). It doesn't seem like I need to do much to it before it's ready for her (Such as a much bigger hard drive)


kickass! all i need to do now is price a skin for it. xD
click to make it bigger


Mmm :3

So, I'm a little irritated with my parents :\
Just, out of nowhere while we're eating, dad says that I need to get another job; telling me to just take anything regardless of anything, because I really need to start working again and it looks terrible if you've been unemployed too long. Gee, I wouldn't have guessed that. But, yeah; I think the only reason this came up is because dad's likely about to have a new job, and here I am 4 months later and still unemployed. It's not that I'm not trying, but it's more the fact that nobody wants to hire me, stacked with the fact my parents always point out jobs I don't want or can't take for various reasons (All of which are invalid in their eyes because I'm male and I'm unemployed. Thanks for the vote of confidence)

It almost makes me regret buying them dinner, if that's the thanks I got for it :\


if i were you, i'd stop doing nice things like that for them if they're going to keep badgering you. i hate people that generalize everything, people that don't even try to understand the situation. >>;
click to make it bigger


That's what I'm planning on. As mentioned above, I regret buying them dinner now :\


mmmm. i hope it works itself out.
sorry for the vague answering, but i'm too tired and out of it to think. >>;
click to make it bigger


Ah. I've had nights like that before

So, apparently Kari's new laptop didn't want me to go to bed last night. I shut down, and it's like "LOL nope; installing update 1 of 120...", so I just set it on the table and tried to go to sleep anyway (Thankfully, aside from the bright screen when plugged in via AC, it's not like trying to go to bed when 2k is running)


click to make it bigger


That's exactly what I was thinking of xD


too synchronized, lol. like how me and mel had the same thoughts earlier. xD

well, the wake/viewing was today. it really made it real to me, she's really gone. she looked like she was sleeping or she was a doll or something, but she just didn't look like grammy (maybe that was because of her makeup, no matter how much my aunt nancy tried to fix it, the point is, a MAN did her makeup. a GUY. ><;; ). but she's really, really gone, and that's that. i can't even take comfort in the fact that she's going to be in her grave, because she's being cremated (who knew?). i suppose the ashes will be buried, but it's not the same.

also saw an old friend of mine earlier. i thought he was coming home this month, but i found out today he's been back since june. >>;; when i think about it, i'm glad to see him, but he's not really like he was in high school, and that makes me sad. some of my guy friends seem to be different from when i first met them, and while in one case that's good, most of it is just making me depressed. :[

also, it seems that soon i will be broke, since while i was saving up for a new doll, i'm now going to be sinking what's left of my cash into the ram for the new laptop rodney's building me, because it seems my mum thinks that if you build a computer, it'll break on you because obviously it's crappier than if you were to get a new one on layaway from walmart. obviously paying more means you're getting something better than paying less regardless of what the specs are. obviously. >>;
click to make it bigger


I know what that's like. For instance, my great uncle looked more like a wax dummy than a real person at his funeral years back. It was a bit...unreal; it just did not look like him at all.

Also, on friends changing, I can only think of one such thing happening to me; with one of my sister's many ex-boyfriends. He was a cool guy; like the big brother I never had...but, then he went off to boot camp; about to begin training so he could be in the Air Force. My sister didn't feel it, but somehow, while having lunch after dropping him off, I got a strong vibe that this was going to be the last time I saw him, even though he was only going to be away for a few months before training is over and he and my sister meet up again. Sure enough, that gut feeling was right; the next time I saw him, after he broke up with my sister and while he was going to retrieve his stuff that he left with her, he was like a different person; he was very distant toward us, and only seemed interested in getting his stuff and leaving as quickly as possible :\

Lastly, on the whole thing with the laptop, your mom is the inverse of mine. She felt I would have gotten a better deal by buying a $75 Dell Optiplex from the hospital vs. spending the $2,000 to build 2k-tan the Desktop. She should know, considering how much my dad complains about the computer on his desk at work, that getting one used from his place of employment is not a great idea >_<;

Now, on a note that I think Kriz would approve of, I've started playing Super Metroid again. I'm actually getting further into it than I did on my previous attempt, which is quite nice; I finally get to see areas of the game I haven't seen before :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 16, 2012, 11:28:13 PM
Lastly, on the whole thing with the laptop, your mom is the inverse of mine. She felt I would have gotten a better deal by buying a $75 Dell Optiplex from the hospital vs. spending the $2,000 to build 2k-tan the Desktop. She should know, considering how much my dad complains about the computer on his desk at work, that getting one used from his place of employment is not a great idea >_<;

Would you rather a computer be born good, or overcome its inherent under-powering through rigorous training and faith?


Well, that's more the story of the Frankenstein series. V1\Classic was a bit underpowered for my liking, V2 was a hop in the right direction, and V3 was like I took a portal gun and flung myself to the gate :3

So, as I was coming in this morning from garage sales, I passed by a TV that was tuned into NBC; as the Today Show was running one of their concerts. However, it was who was preforming that caught me off-guard: 98°. For a moment, I was thinking that buying this DEC keyboard was a bad idea; as it caused a disturbance in the space-time continuum that resulted in the '90s and present day merging together @_@

Nah; just kidding. But, it did make me feel old hearing 98° again (Even if I never liked them, I did hear them on the radio a lot as a kid), plus I did in fact get a DEC keyboard; which I will post pictures of later


On the topic of funerals, I'm amazingly glad to say that I've never been to one with a viewing. I don't think I'd be able to stand seeing a body all made up like that.

On the topic of parents butting into computer buying decisions: Why don't you ask your mom to let YOU decide what computer you want? If she doesn't believe that a less-expensive computer can be better, try to win her over with comparison of specifications and reassure her that Pent is a skilled repairperson and won't send you a piece of junk.

Quote from: Krizonar on August 17, 2012, 12:06:54 AM
Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 16, 2012, 11:28:13 PM
Lastly, on the whole thing with the laptop, your mom is the inverse of mine. She felt I would have gotten a better deal by buying a $75 Dell Optiplex from the hospital vs. spending the $2,000 to build 2k-tan the Desktop. She should know, considering how much my dad complains about the computer on his desk at work, that getting one used from his place of employment is not a great idea >_<;

Would you rather a computer be born good, or overcome its inherent under-powering through rigorous training and faith?

Now I have a mental image of a pathetic little budget laptop lifting weights and drinking protean shakes..... ;-;