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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@bella: good for you! we actually went swimming in the pool at my sister's school on wednesday (thankfully they let us, seems that she can only have one guest at a time), though they let it slide since night school/online students aren't usually allowed to use the gym facilities due to not paying the activity fees and such. she's thinking of signing up, but it's a tad expensive, even with the discount they offer for night/online students. however, considering she'd be allowed access to the gyms, courts, and pool (olympic size despite them not having a swim team or even club, lol), which she likes the idea of so she can get more excercise. :3

swimming is a great form of low-impact excercise, though, so i'm happy for you. ^^

@pent: you and i both need to get out of the idea that "X is too expensive". however, i seem to be a bit better at it than you, since i've begun valuing what's expensive and what's not as relative. that type of system might work for you. for example, $20 is expensive for buying take-out, but not expensive for groceries. it's expensive for buying a doll or game or dvd, but not for seeing a movie or going to an amusement park. it's all about not keeping everything on the same level. after all, you wouldn't buy a $20 candy bar, but you would put $20 in your gas tank. :\
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@Kari: At my last place, I used to have plenty of low-traffic, relatively well-maintained neighborhood roads to walk/jog on, even in the winter. But ever since I moved to the new house, I haven't been exercising like I should, 'cause there's only one main street though here, it's fairly busy and not in very good condition either. Hopefully swimming will fill that void, even if I'll probably only be able to get to the pool twice a week or so.

@Pentium: I'm gonna echo what Kari just said. Though there are cases when things are obviously overpriced or far out of your budget, "expensive" is relative for the most part.

I've kind of been facing this in my personal life recently - dad knows that I'd like to get a notebook at some point, and has said that he might help me buy one as a Christmas gift. But I've also been considering asking him to help me buy a ski resort season pass instead, since I didn't get to snowboard or ski last winter and my life felt so empty without it. :/ So I have to decide what would be more valuable to me, another computer or the opportunity to practice a sport I enjoy.



What are you guys, like, 13 year olds or something? Your troll-jutsu is so weak it's not even amusing.


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>Trolls show up
>Troll #1 posts an attempted gross message with overuse of words "penis", "wiener", "pus", "boob" and "aids"
>Troll #2 posts attempted controversial message asking if he can use ethnic slurs on the forum. He includes an image of an elderly woman knitting boobs, for, uh, "teh lulz"?
>I show up and tell Troll 1 and Troll 2 that they are unfunny
>Aurora deletes Trolls' posts
>Confusion ensues


i'll say it does. .__.;
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Mmm. Got to love Sailor Aurora; coming to our rescue *w*
Yes; Aurora-sama is totally a Sailor Scout


she totally needs to draw herself like that now.
or one of us should. but we don't know what she looks like. :\
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Female anon in a Sailor Scout uniform....

Oh god, I finally read Captain America and the Campbell Kids with Bells.  It was hilarious.


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I second that movement. I can has link?


my grandmother is dying.
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I'm sorry to hear this, Kari. My thoughts are with you and your family.


It's sad to hear that, as she was really sweet the few times I saw her during my trip :[


thanks for that. it's taking its toll on the whole family; we're together, but we all seem so tired, as if the energy's been sucked right out of us. i really don't know what the family, especially my grandpa, is going to do once it happens. she's been a pillar of the family since before i was born, a constant sight at holidays, birthdays, and for me, just everyday. the slide was so quick, too, that this is coming as a real cutting thing; it's not as quick and clean as my other grandmother (the one in sweden had a heart attack in her sleep the day after christmas about 4-5 years ago; ironically that's my grandmother's birthday, the one here), but it's not slow enough to really feel real. she's been sick for a few months now, but just last week she was sitting up, talking, eating, commenting on how much she dislikes my skirt. tuesday she was fine, wednesday she was down and a bit out of it, thursday she was worse. came home that night, and has been gradually declining ever since. it hasn't even been a week.
i've been holding out hope and rallying that she'll get better, but in the past two days my hope has just dissolved. and i'm just so tired now.
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