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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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don't worry osc, i'm not dead. just working on doll stuff. i'm on a bender recently.

@pent: sucks about the connection. :\
cool on the plugs. -w-
hope you get the job. ^^
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Me too. I'm getting bored of sitting around the house


here's something interesting for you guys: recently i went to the library to see if they had a book (they didn't), and found out that several local (and semi-local) libraries are on a network-system where now you can reserve books from one and have them sent to another (simpler that an inter-library loan). when i went to pick it up at the salem library, i found out that in addition to reserving them and picking them up (or having them dropped off), you can now check out books directly from the libraries on the list. i left there feeling like matilda when she confidently strides through the large public library, like i could READ ALL THE BOOKS!!! :D
i dropped off some of the books i checked out earlier today, and reserved some more from a library in manchester (because salem only had 1-4 and 8 of marmalade boy :\ ).

also, are people avoiding me on skype? .__.;
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I can't speak for the others, but I stepped away for a bit...and what was supposed to be 15 minutes turned into 4 hours wasted, thanks to mom >_>;;





*tackles Nej*


Dr. Kraus

Thinking about getting a Mac...

Everyone give me a reason to get one, I'm using my desktop as a server now for my company and my laptop is acting as my main system for now. I'm thinking about getting a Mac so I can manage all the Mac Mini servers I'll be using for web-hosting purposes, they are powerful little machines that don't suck up lots of power or output lots of heat so I can put them all in a corner and not worry about a fire to much.

I'm considering the switch due to Windows going in a direction I don't agree with (Windows 8 is going to be crap for everything but mobile phones and tablets) and the Unix based OSX is looking more and more appealing to me.

I'd like to here all your opinions.

thanks :D


Sounds good. I love the Macs of my fleet, especially my Mini :3


GUYS, EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE SHOOK TODAY AT ~12:25. IT WASN'T LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE THOUGH, IT FELT MORE LIKE A SHOCKWAVE AND I'M STILL REALLY CONFUSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE CAUSED IT. There weren't any explosions in the area, there WERE a few jets practicing maneuvers but I think they were way to high to cause any effects on the ground...?

@Kraus: I'd recommend getting a Mac. You know computers so I'll spare you the technical arguments, but personally-speaking I have zero regrets about getting my iMac - it's a March 2009 model that I got in October of that year, just before they updated the model line, but I really didn't care that it was a little old because the price was right and I was upgrading from a barely-usable laptop. -__-

"Eve" has led a fairly tough life, being routinely run 12+ hours a day, exposed to crazy temperature shifts in my house and the occasional power outage, but so far she's had no hardware issues. There are occasional software crashes, but every one has been tied to my legally-questionable Photoshop CS4 installation or VMWare Fusion, which are both pretty resource-intensive, so I'm not greatly bothered. All in all, it's been the most stable and worry-free computer I've owned and I'd love to get another (even if Apple's business practices are really starting to get on my nerves).


@Bella: Holy fuck. Hopefully it was just a freak thing


It was probably the jets; just be glad they didn't blow out your windows.

As a life long Mac user, I say go for it Doc.


Really?  Jets fly over / do maneuvers fairly frequently but I've never felt a shockwave like that before today...

Dr. Kraus

@Bella: I'd have to say that you sold me on getting the Mac, something I'll probably end up doing sometime in the coming months when the company should be making profits~

@Sage: I'd have to say that you've reinforced what bella was saying, I'm defiantly going for it~


I got all four FiM promotional posters!  Yay!


Mac usage is now a pandemic. = Fact.

stew you mean THESE?