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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Ugh actually it was really anticlimatic, I thought it was gonna be an aerial battle but no, just a giant Voldemort puppet that sort of collapsed when the Poppins' showed up. =__=

But the hundreds of old-timey doctors and nurses dancing around almost makes up for it. (Even though it's kind of terrifying to see hundreds of whitecoats together.)

And the enormous, horrifying disembodied baby's head.

Not to mention the facial hair in the Industrial Revolution segment... competitive sideburn-grooming should be an Olympic sport....


Mmm. Sounds neat, though :3

Also, you need to get on Skype, so we can commence conference call #2


I can't believe they managed to do a montage of 50 years of popular British music that completely excluded Radiohead, but somehow made room for Amy Winehouse and Muse. :  |

But Tim Berners Lee and his NeXTCUBE were featured, so.......


i hope that's on youtube, it sounds hilarious. :0
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Berners-Lee made music with his NextCube? o.o

Anyway, I managed to successfully botch my Arch Linux installation after a failed upgrade -> loads of work backing up all the files and then reinstalling everything. Base installation went pretty fine, except the GRUB installation somehow didn't work correctly, so I went for syslinux instead.
But setting up the system takes some time on Arch (the system is FAST but you're supposed to install everything except the base sys from the repos (full customization possible), so I'm currently stuck in the decision which window manager / login manager to use :D


@paul: nice. i wish i could figure out how to work linux so i could use it. but idk where to start. :\

so guys
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Quote from: Paul on July 29, 2012, 07:31:10 AM
Berners-Lee made music with his NextCube? o.o

Oh, no, he was just sort of sitting out center-stage with his NeXTCUBE on a desk whilst music played in the background...

Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: Bella on July 27, 2012, 08:24:32 PM
I can't believe they managed to do a montage of 50 years of popular British music that completely excluded Radiohead, but somehow made room for Amy Winehouse and Muse. :  |

But Tim Berners Lee and his NeXTCUBE were featured, so.......

I was on feeding stray cats so I recorded the event on my dbtv decoder that has usb connect. In order to see it on sunday...

But the 16 GB key I used was filled in nowhere and left me while watching in the middle of the parade of the nations when it was walking Iran...

I left my nation, the queen announcing, and the olympic flame (that is the only thing worth it)... I should stay with unsolved curiosity... Sad! :(

I will check youtube for the events I missed... :)

However the ceremony was just pretty... ^_^
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


Tomorrow my family trip starts... see you in 3 weeks :D


@Paul: Have fun ^_^

So, there's two strong possibilities of a job for me at the moment:

- My grandpa is looking into retiring, so there's a chance he might be able to have me hired at the hardware store he works at currently. That would be nice, but I'm on the fence about the idea; I really can't picture myself working in any other hardware store other than the one he used to own from '83 to '97, so working in a different one just feels wrong
Also, they ditched their nice NEC-powered Unix terminals for Dell Optiplexes running Windows XP >_>;;

- Game-X-Change is hiring, and one of the guys there is very interested in getting me on there; since I know the store well and I'm practically a walking encyclopedia on video games (Mostly older titles, but since they deal in older games, it pans out). I'm not too fond of their store manager, but I think I'll at least give it a shot.

There's no telling which one I'll end up with, but to be honest, I'm leaning toward Game-X-Change more, if only because I'd like to work alongside more people my age


tbh, game-x-change sounds like a better bet since you know more about it. you're not going to be able to tell a customer which wrench set is better for installing drainage pipes, but you can tell a customer key differences between the consoles and their different versions. :\
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That sounds (the game store) like it'd at least be worth a try; for the potential fun and stories.


Third-ing Kari and Stew, it'd be better to get a job in a field that you're familiar with and that interests you.


True that. I dropped off the application for them earlier :3

So, I got some sad news today. My grandma is changing the setup of her office, after she sells her stores; she's removing her computer so she and her friends will have room to sew. Likely if she moves her computer to her house, she'll do away with her super fast work internet connection and stick with her home connection (Which is about like what I have at my house). I might have to bid farewell to the epic 8Mbps connection ;_;

On a lighter note, I did finally change the spark plugs in my truck. Judging by how worn down the ones that came out were, I think the last time we changed them was maybe 12 years ago ^_^;;; Amazing that they lasted that long
But, it seems to run better now. I'll give it a stress test tomorrow; to see how it handles itself.

Raffaele the Amigan

@ MMX: The game store sounds interesting as long as you can play some of the games in the spare time...
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).