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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@paul: glad to hear your trip went well. ^^ post pics if you get the chance, definitely.
as for subways, after utilizing the one in boston to a great extent (and even riding the NYC subway when i was there), i have developed a deep love for subways and all the opportunity they can provide. the whole city is at your fingertips when there's a good public transit system, and given the diversity and size of some cities, it's like having the whole world at your fingertips. ^^

@pent: it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all....
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360 get!

I'm currently installing updates on it, so then I can even download my dusty, old profile ^_^;
But, it's here now and in need of a nice IBM System/360 picture to use as the wallpaper :3


the dress turned out so beautiful. i ended up sewing most of the closures either in the car or at the wedding, and i need to repair a few, but otherwise it turned out lovely and i love it so much. many people commented on what a pretty dress it was and were amazed that i made it myself. it was so touching to hear that. ;v;
with that in mind, the wedding went even better. the day got off to more than a rocky start, but once we were there everything fell into place and we all had a wonderful time. i got to spend some time with donovan, which i haven't done in quite a while, so i really, really enjoyed that. he seems to have had a good time as well, and as i put it to plenty of people there, 'i'm not the life of the party, but i brought the life of the party.' ^^
we had to drop him off somewhere, which was sad obviously, but we ended up sucking a crapload of face in the car so it was all good, lol. considering how much beer he had had by that point, it was no wonder what he tasted like, and in the process i learned my alcohol tolerance: zero. some of it must have rubbed off after all was said and done, since i felt sick to my stomach afterward.
spending time with him after not seeing him for so long has made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, lol. i just want to hug everything. but everything isn't him, meaning while i'm happy, i'm also a little lonely. but i know i'll see him soon. he accidentally left his wallet in the car. ^^
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I'm glad to hear you had a good time and that the wedding went well. ^^

That said, it's rather quite shocking to hear you reveal this level of info here, ehehe. >//>


So, guys, I'm going to see the new Batman film later today. I'll let you know if it's any good


@bella: i considered holding back out of modesty, but it wouldn't make sense to say that i was sick due to alcohol without even drinking any, and not explain how or why. :\
plus, i'm still feeling all cozy and huggy. >w<

@pent: review it when you come back, lol. xD
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Well, today didn't go so well :\

It all started at 11AM; my sister picked me up and we were going to go see Batman. However, it turns out our wonderful newspaper misprinted the start time of the movie; it said 12PM, but it wasn't starting until 3PM, so we decide to get lunch at Denny's and then wonder around somewhere to pass the time. I was mildly irritated, but I rolled with it; even though my sister's father-in-law was starting to get on my nerves (I can't stand it when somebody tells me to "cheer up", simply because I'm not shitting rainbows >_>; )

It took us forever to get seated, even longer to get our food, and when we finally got our food, our order was completely screwed up: my sister didn't get the toast her meal was supposed to come with, my bro-in-law got biscuits & gravy when all he wanted was just 2 plain biscuits, his dad's BLT didn't have any bacon on it at all, and my sandwich still had that wax paper that goes between the cheese slices inside it (My stomach is still a bit messed up from that, because of the grossness of it). I don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon; it's bad when McDonald's is more appealing.

So, since I was feeling sick and because we still had a good 2+ hours until the movie started, I just decided to have them take me home. Not sure what to do now :\


aw. :[
i like denny's, but not for the food. the only thing there that doesn't give me a stomachache is chocolate milk.
sucks that you didn't get to see the movie. hope you didn't preorder tickets or whatever. >>;
thankfully i'm not usually subjected to the "cheer up" thing just for being apathetic. sorry that happens to you. :\

dunno what you should do now. draw? write? play a game? watch some anime?
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We didn't have tickets preordered, thankfully. Also, people telling me to cheer up for being apathetic is very common for me. It really pisses me off >_<;;

As for what to do now, I might just play more Banjo-Kazooie or something :3




@Stew: What is this I don't even--

Yes, the above pic is in gallery :3


I really have no idea. I said something mundane like "give me more covers" and he started freaking out over how "normal" I sounded saying it.......


i suppose we're all subject to unfortunate periods of lucidity...
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So, I managed to get my Selectric II working properly; by removing the type element that was stuck on it and swapping it with the element off of the one I bought last Saturday; which was in better shape.

End result? It's working properly now :3


How dafuq do you keep finding working Selectrics? All the ones I've found have been locked up harder than Fort Knox. =____=