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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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You see, that's because that guy sensed that he shouldn't mess with a lady who's wearing a talking hat
J\K xD

Still, it's interesting to often note the differences in cultures like that :3


I'll be back to comment about interactions with strangers later, but let me just say for now OH MY GOD I'M GONNA GET MY HAIR CUT TODAY I'M GONNA DO IT I SWEAR.


That and my hair is increasingly beginning to feel like straw when I wash it. >>;; Methinks it's time to jettison it and start the cycle over again.



Not your hair. Bobobo fought hard to protect everybody's hair ;_;


Very nice. I thought Kari and I were the only people on here who watched that series ^_^;


Very sad that some people chose to trim their nosehair these days.


it's so touching to know how many people here studied the fist of the nosehair. ;v;

@bella: kickass, man. though if your hair is feeling like straw, you might want to think of taking better care of it. some simple questions:
1. what shampoo do you use? (it can make a big difference)
2. how often do you wash your hair?
3. do you treat your hair in any way? (products, styling tools (including hair dryer), etc)
4. how humid is the environment you're in, and how much does your hair react to it?
5. do you have split ends? if so, how much?

fill out this form and get back to me. :\

@pent: thanks, she's had plenty of visitors, and according to my mum is hoping to be back out tomorrow.
@pit: like most cities, the safety of boston largely depends on time of day, location, and proximity to crowds. for example, in south station (which is in the leather district but is right across the street from chinatown), it is quite safe, though junkies occasionally find their way onto the platform and wander the street below (though this can happen any time of day, tbh). they will commonly hit you up for money.
most of the time, if you stay in publicish places (like train platforms, lol) you'll be alright. though i feel safer with my knife/pepperspray/whistle on me.
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1. I use that Dove damage-repairing kind.
2. About every 4-5 days under normal circumstances.
3. I flat-iron my hair, usually after each wash (so, I'm averaging every 5 days). I sometimes blow-dry it too.
4. Medium-high humidity, and my hair reacts T E R R I B L Y to it
5. My ends are VERY split/damaged.

And yeah, I very, very rarely feel scared or intimidated, even when I'm traveling by myself. Of course, I always stay in well-populated spaces and try not to stray out of the "good" sections of whatever city I'm in  ... but I think those are just common-sense safety precautions.


cool, you use the same shampoo as me. ^^ if it's a humidity issue, i know they make shampoos and creams to deal with it; if it's a split end issue then cutting it will be a major benefit. the only reason i haven't yet is because i haven't gotten it to the desired length yet. (i'm aiming for about 95/XPPro length).
you wash it about the same amount, too. guess we have similar hair. ^^
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I have to wash my hair every other day; otherwise, it looks and feels like shit :\

Maybe it's my shampoo of choice (Which is just a cheap bottle of Suave), or maybe it's the water in my area. Not sure


no, everyone's hair is different. water quality could have a small bit to do with it, but for the large part shampoo will get your hair clean regardless. the only thing having a more expensive shampoo could do would be affect hair quality. though you might want to seek out a shampoo made for oily hair, since that could help.
it's typically hotter there, right? sweat can affect hair dirt. :\
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I'll keep that in mind. One for oily hair would likely help greatly


BACK HOME from one of the most epic trips ever! Met so many nice people from all over the world and developed a fondness for subways ^^ Gotta look if those photos turned out fine :D


@Pent: What Kari said. Everybody's hair/skin characteristics are different, some folks just need to wash more often and use specialized shampoo for best results.

@Paul: Hooray! I'm happy to hear that you had a good trip and met lots of nice people. ^^ Please post some pics, we'd love to see them.

Subways are quite amazing, yeah? I absolutely fell in love with that form of transportation after using the DC Metro (though the Boston T impressed me in its own way, I guess).


Subways are nice. They're so much faster than the DART in Dallas; which is primarily above ground

So, I just discovered it's a small internet after all. YouTube just suggested a video to me that was uploaded by ViperXtreme. I didn't even know he had a YouTube @_@

Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: Pitkin on July 19, 2012, 03:00:15 AM

When I had to go to the Tampere centre in the evenings in Finland, I used to always be very afraid, and indeed avoided eye contact with everyone. A rather funny related anecdote from where I live currently in France: Fedora-Tan and I were outside after dark once last year and were crossing a park (a total no-no for me), when we also crossed a young man there. I cannot describe the surprise I felt when the man and Fedora-Tan both said "good evening" to each other without anyone really stopping. I can nearly guarantee that if a man greets another man in a Finnish city at night especially during a weekend, they'll get stabbed or run away from.

Since then I've started to greet people in the street as well, but it's a bit different still during the daytime. ^^;;;

Interesting... So if I will ever visit Finland I must avoid cross eyes and greeting on evening...
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).