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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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They were on the motorcycle and somebody pulled out into them, just on a tiny road in the country too.
Idk why people don't care about motorcycles or watch what they're doing.

Yeah, donations to helpful causes are always good.


wtf, they got hit on their motorcycle? i hope they sue. people don't realize what they can do. >:\

EDIT: so guys. my grandmother's back in the hospital. ;^;
and the wedding is on saturday. ;^;
and my cat is pregnant. :3
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I hope your grandma gets better :[
Also, nice on the kittens :3

So, I put a slim Xbox 360 on layaway at Game-X-Change this morning; after discovering my old Xbox Live account still exists (Since I had to use it to try out Windows 8 ). Once I have it paid off and setup here, I can give out my gamertag if anybody wants it


xbox has never appealed to me. the only thing making me want to learn how to use the controller is Lolipop Chainsaw, but even that's not enough of a pull. >>;
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Well, I left Stew's place this morning at 5am. ;-; So sad... but I should be happy that we were able to visit at all, since it seemed impossible just a few months ago.

Right now I'm in the Amtrak terminal at Union station.


Have a good return trip, B. :)


Thanks, i'll try to. The hardest part is over, at any rate.


@Bella: Sounds like you had fun ^_^


Well, I was just welcomed back to Boston by a raving 60 year old woman who wouldn't stop following me and telling me about the conspiracy to steal her meds.

It's good to be home.


@Bella: LOL ^_^;;
BTW, *points to Retrocomputing thread*

So, today I attempted to raid the two local pawn shops for games to resell to help knock down what I owe on the 360...and instead ended up coming home with 2 games I'm keeping (Sin & Punishment 2 for Wii and Metroid Prime 2 for Gamecube). Didn't go like I planned, but hey; Metroid Prime 2 for $1. Can't complain :3


Lol? I was half afraid she was gonna shiv me in the elevator.....

Andddd now a woman asked me to watch her bags... she better be back by 6...


Ok, now it's starting to get weird :\

You need a "me" as a bodyguard. I'm not as effective as Stew \ Kari \ Nejin \ etc. would be, but it's better than being alone :3


@bella: welcome back. protip: don't EVER make eye contact with ANYONE. and if they follow you, run. if you're confined (or can't run), equip a distraction: cell phone, tablet, music, etc. just make sure to keep a tight grip on it, lest they try to steal it for drug money.
also, if you plan to frequent the city but don't feel quite safe, i'd reccomend tracking down a whistle like the one i have on my necklace. i love mine. -w-

@pent: one of the fun things about window shopping is finding stuff you never anticipated. ^^

my grandmother called me from the hospital today. she sounds alright, but tired. ;v;
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@Kari: Hopefully she'll be back out soon ^_^

So, it sounds like my grandma might have her store sold. Last I heard, it's pretty much in the hands of the real estate agent now; the people looking to buy are serious about it, unlike everybody else before. It's a little sad that she's getting rid of it, but this means she can finally retire like she's always talked about :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2012, 10:40:36 PM
@bella: welcome back. protip: don't EVER make eye contact with ANYONE. and if they follow you, run. if you're confined (or can't run), equip a distraction: cell phone, tablet, music, etc. just make sure to keep a tight grip on it, lest they try to steal it for drug money.
also, if you plan to frequent the city but don't feel quite safe, i'd reccomend tracking down a whistle like the one i have on my necklace. i love mine. -w-

When I had to go to the Tampere centre in the evenings in Finland, I used to always be very afraid, and indeed avoided eye contact with everyone. A rather funny related anecdote from where I live currently in France: Fedora-Tan and I were outside after dark once last year and were crossing a park (a total no-no for me), when we also crossed a young man there. I cannot describe the surprise I felt when the man and Fedora-Tan both said "good evening" to each other without anyone really stopping. I can nearly guarantee that if a man greets another man in a Finnish city at night especially during a weekend, they'll get stabbed or run away from.

Since then I've started to greet people in the street as well, but it's a bit different still during the daytime. ^^;;;