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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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GUYS i'm on a bus atm!
edit- Holy shit i just saw an exploded 18 wheeler.


srsly?? everything okay?

also, you on concord coach? those ones are pretty nice. :3

as for the game, guess i can declare it canceled. but i'm glad i got your attention. as inattentive as you may sometimes be in terms of playing, i did value the effort when it was there.
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Yep, everything is fine.

on the train now.... fare thee well, Boston!


gl bells. :3

do you think you'll be able to make it next week, out of curiosity? dunno if i will, but i thought i'd ask. :\
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Good luck, Bella ^_^

So, I saw something disappointing at a garage sale this morning. I saw a Selectric I...but the power cable was badly damaged ;_;
But, I at least found an unopened pack of single-sided 5.25-inch floppy disks for $.25 at a different sale >:3


you should have bought it, a power cord is an easy fix.

omg this part of CT i'm in is pretty. *__*


Given that they wanted $50 for the Selectric II that was next to it (It being in about the same shape, except its power cord was intact), and $20 for a mostly parted-out Dell desktop from the '90s, I was afraid to even ask how much for it >_<;


still, you should have asked. better to know than not know. >>;
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Meh; I already have a good typewriter -w-

So, I just realized I need to catch up on Casshern again; because I skipped it last weekend due to being tired ^_^;


The Bells has landed.



@Bells & Stewart: Wishing you loads of fun!

So I'm currently on the final destination of my journey (Paris), and it has been literally the hugest surprise ever. In our hotel we have a meme-knowing concierge (responding to some obvious questions with "you don't say?" xD). That alone would be enough for a nice memory but something else happened yesterday. In a little crepe restaurant near Centre Pompidou I met someone who's pretty well known all over the world, namely Neil Patrick Harris! Two friends had a picture taken with him, seems like a genuinely nice guy :D

Suffice to say we were running around the whole day grinnng lke idiots :3


@Paul: Sounds good, man :3

@Bella, Stew: Have fun ^_^

My game collection on Steam got a little bigger. Damn Steam Summer Sale; I couldn't resist getting Sonic Generations for $10


Well, I will not be going to California after all, because my parents were in an accident, sent to the hospital and sent home via Airplane (since we were so far away from our actual doctors and house)

They'll be fine, my mom broke her leg and my dad broke two ribs. There wasn't any other damage and they are both billed alright, but the doctors wanted them home. They will be better soon.

Meanwhile, I get to drive across the country, getting sidetracked by every Apple store I come across on the way home since I didn't get to go to the headquarters.

Today I picked up a new buddy, a product red iPod Nano in Nebraska.


It's good that you're doing fine, but holy shit o_o

Hey; maybe if you're not already past Texas by this point, we could work out something so you can meet up with me, if you don't mind going very far off the beaten path :3


@stew: good to hear! we expect pics.
@paul: not only is MemeMan cool enough, but OMG IF YOU HAVE PICS I WAAAANT THEM. me and my sis and mum will squee and laugh, please post them. >w<
@kriz: good god, what the hell happened!? o__o;; i'm glad that they're not *seriously* hurt, but still, what the fuck? that's gonna be a memorable vacation. .___.;;;;
also, very nice on the product red! i wanted a product red nano 4th gen, but they only sold them at the apple store, and i couldn't afford to buy it direct (so i got gothpod at the semi-local costco and it's been love ever since ^^).
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