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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Barbie Linux was a joke originating on .... like, Reddit or something? I have no idea.

My matrilineal grandmother was the same way when it comes to computers. :/ Luckily my stepgrandmother actually has some sense when it comes to going online and stuff.


Linux mint could be configured to look and act very much like windows XP/7. It's just the issue of getting Wine set up properly to run games properly.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I'll have to try that out and see if I can make it work. If so, maybe I'll try to switch her to that :3


I might be getting a spare experimental laptop sometime soon, depending on if my coworker gets a new laptop.

Today actually went okay at work.  Program went smoothly and so did just about everything else.  It also felt really fast.


Sounds good :3
I have a feeling if you get that laptop working, Bella will likely say "I can has?"


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 11, 2012, 06:15:22 PM
Sounds good :3
I have a feeling if you get that laptop working, Bella will likely say "I can has?"
I need a newerish laptop so badly, i literally go into conniptions whenever i hear people talk about having multiple notebooks.

I mean i have the HP but i think the adapter is going. Nearly burned my hand on it today and it had only been on for a few minutes. I'm scared of it just bursting into flames or melting or some shit...

THo the new smartphone sort of makes getting a new laptop seem less urgent ...


don't worry about that adapter. HP supplies always run hot. keep it out of direct sunlight and in a ventilated area.

if you're worried about things going up into flames, i'd look into whether or not your model of HP was recalled. every brand has a flaw, and HP's is heat. (did i mention that it's a miracle that speedy's still alive???)

@stew: a day going by super-fast is a sign that it was easy and you had a good time. :3
props on the laptop, btw.

i'm making a dress! wish me luck. ^^
click to make it bigger


I'll try to upload some pics after the trip, unfortunately I've forgotten to take my DSLR with me so idk about the quality of my phone camera yet. Currently I'm in Amsterdam, yet for some reason it's the city I like the least of those visited until now.

btw, @Bells: heard you've also got an Android phone :D How do you like it?


@Kari: Good luck on the dress ^_^

@Paul: Ah. Hopefully your phone takes good pics :3


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: Paul on July 12, 2012, 07:51:59 AM
I'll try to upload some pics after the trip, unfortunately I've forgotten to take my DSLR with me so idk about the quality of my phone camera yet. Currently I'm in Amsterdam, yet for some reason it's the city I like the least of those visited until now.

btw, @Bells: heard you've also got an Android phone :D How do you like it?

Too bad about forgetting your camera. :C

(Incidentally, I wish I could take one of my dad's SLRs with me on my trip to WV, but he's gonna be using both of them so I get stuck with a little point and shoot and my smartphone.)

I'm really enjoying it so far! In fact, the only complaint I have is a hardware issue (lack of a front-facing camera, which makes video calling really awkward. =__=) The operating system itself seems to work really well and be very user-friendly.

Quote from: Cockleshell on July 12, 2012, 12:02:39 PM
OS-tan relevant /jp/ thread

Okay, I legitimately lol'd at the Stallman facepalm image.


Is anybody going to upload the pics from that topic to our gallery?
(Well, the pics we don't already have)


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 12, 2012, 12:14:12 PM
Is anybody going to upload the pics from that topic to our gallery?
(Well, the pics we don't already have)

The only ones that haven't been uploaded are:
and possibly No.9350382, but I don't follow the H/ecchi galleries as well so it may be there already


Consider No.9350405, No.9350386, and No.9350444 uploaded, since I already saved them for uploading :3

Also, I stumbled onto some 95-tan pics elsewhere; which I did a quick run through the gallery to make sure they didn't exist yet before uploading (Well, one of them technically does exist; Kari uploaded an avatar-sized one the other day, but I found the original, full-size version to go with it :3)


@pent: kickass, i was wanting some fullsized ones of the avatar pics. well, the ones we didn't already have, lol.

also, dammit. i was hoping for a new picsource but i guess everyone's already got it covered. >>;

eh, i'll save it for later to see if any new ones come up. on boards, there's always more.

EDIT: oh yeah, i went to a funeral today for a little kid. i didn't know her or the parents, but my dad was supposedly a friend of her dad's, and me and my mum felt it was respectful to go. the church made me a tad uncomfortable, but at least i was there for the kid and my mum.
and i could count 18 crosses from where i was. .__.;;

also went to the fabric store today (they've changed everything around!! .___.;;; ), got half of what i needed; went to the used book store today and got a DVD for 99 cents. xD
btw, check this out.
click to make it bigger