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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I... just cannot finds words for this.
The one on the right pulls out his awesome dancing skills, lol. *flails with arms*


@Kari: Clone kitty! Yay! >w<


The Supreme Court upheld the heathcare law / individual mandate!?

This may postpone my illegally immigrating to Canada.


P.S. Sorry Supreme Court, for calling you the "Supreme Court of D-Bags". Looks like only 4 of you are douches.


+1 for the image, B. x)

Raffaele the Amigan

As i said in Food topic, that is long time we not see. Did I miss something? :D
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


A lot of stuff. Pit and Fedora-tan getting married, Choco and I meeting up for epic adventures earlier this month, and I obtained a pair of Amigas with a pile of software for $3, among many, many other things :3


What did I tell you Bells?  What did I tell you?  Have faith!


FINALLY America isn't making a total ass of itself.



I'm willing to bet my soul that the dumb rednecks in my hometown are screaming "Oh sweet baby Jesus; America is ruined" now >_>;;;
Have I mentioned I hate my hometown?


"Anybody in that range, between those eligible for Medicaid and those up to 400 percent above the poverty level – what they pay for coverage will not be based on cost of coverage but their incomes."


Quote from: stewartsage on June 28, 2012, 12:05:27 PM
What did I tell you Bells?  What did I tell you?  Have faith!

Sorry, I'm just so disillusioned that it shocks me whenever the government does something good for its citizens. ;^;

Quote from: Pitkin on June 28, 2012, 10:00:44 AM
+1 for the image, B. x)

Isn't it awesome? ^^

Quote from: Raffaele the Amigan on June 28, 2012, 10:04:20 AM
As i said in Food topic, that is long time we not see. Did I miss something? :D

So much stuff, I don't even know where to start. ;-;

You have to lurk moar! ;u;


So, I'm in a bit of a predicament here.

You see, the original plan was that I was going to meet up with my parents at the resort tomorrow and stay over until Saturday; when they check out and head home (Mom's family will have cleared out by tomorrow, so I'd have a comfortable bed this time around). However, in checking the newspaper, there's a garage sale that advertizes a lot of computer stuff, even specifically mentioning "old computer games", and it's closer to my house than to where that resort is. So, I'm stuck trying to decide; go through with the original plan, or tell the parents I'm going to take a pass on that for what is pretty much a gamble over the sale actually having anything I want?

Any thoughts?


dude, you go to the resort every year, right? i'd go for the sale, cause it's like when we went to animadness, you don't know till you try and you'll probably regret it if you don't.

@bella: funny thing is, i'm in the same boat of opinions as you on this, since the last president to actually give a shit about the poor was kennedy. and we all saw how he ended up. however, that pic sort of sums up my thoughts on obama (though i wish he had more of a set on him), and frankly, it passing comes as a shock. tbh i didn't even know it did till i logged on the net, cause the news report my dad was watching had confusing wording that made it sound like it failed.
as for the supreme court, i imagine i'd get along with the democrats. the republicans, eh......

@kriz: was that a jab at the healthcare thing? cause if so, you and i will have a problem. this bill is likely going to help my family quite a bit, since neither of my parents have insurance, nor does my sister, and if it weren't for my school, i wouldn't either. >:[

@raffaele: i second what bells said. LURK MOAR.

today was a good day, guys. we never got to go strawberry picking, which is slightly aggervating as the season is almost over (2 days left at the place we went to), but me and mum are going to go early saturday morning, so it's all good.
other than that, we bopped around today, hitting up manchester where after we ran an errand for colleen we went to the mall, and found out that the anime store my friend dan told me about a couple weeks ago is actually another Harrison's Comics and Collectibles, which is the comic store me and pent went to in Salem, MA! their selection was AMAZING, and i freaked out at the first thing i picked up (a yuri, for god's sake!!!! so rare!!!), which kind of set the tone for the rest of the stay there. i scraped my knees after a moment of drama (i saw a vincent figurine. the drama was nessacary. -w-), but otherwise had a great viewing there. their plushie selection is pretty good (i saw a plushie from an OBSCURE series i have, i was shocked to see it even existed), their discount section is nothing to sniff at (found mel's next birthday present in there, and no i'm not being cheap, it just matches what i got her last year), and their manga section is top notch (lots of old and rare titles; gonna go back for the volumes of video girl ai i saw). overall, i'm squeeing over it still. ^^

also, i saw a 1948 Plymouth. it was olive green with a leather interior and a modern stereo system. the price tag was fair considering it was about 90% restored (little rust, little corrosion, one or two faceplates missing), but overall i squeed at that too. ^^
click to make it bigger


That's what my sister was saying. So, tomorrow I might head up to that resort for the afternoon, and come home at night...if I even go up there at all; as I first have to wait to hear from mom about what the plans are for tomorrow

Also, nice on the Plymouth :3