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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i don't really have anything planned lately, and i like it that way. more time to work on projects, watch anime, and just relax. it's actually a bit of a relief.
tomorrow, however, i will wake at 6am to watch the entire day-long marathon. thursday, i will arise early to go strawberry picking with mum, and later in the day we will go to the new anime store in the mall of new hampshire. :3

dunno what i'll do wednesday. maybe read or work on gaming stuff or build doll furniture. or watch kuragehime. :\
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If you see anything I might like at that anime store that isn't too expensive, let me know. I'll include extra money with the money to ship my stuff home :3

Which, I hope to send a money order your way by about next Wednesday (Which is generally when my check shows up), unless the shipping is cheap enough that my sister can lend me some money this weekend


sure, i'll keep an eye out. as for the check, we'll ship the stuff when it comes in.
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I had to get some teeth sealed today, not sure who was more traumatized - me, because my face was stuffed full of cotton and was being menaced by three dental hygienists holding scary-looking syringes of acid and plastic, or the hygienists, 'cause I was literally trembling the whole time and flinched at their every move. ._____.


poor bells. ;^; maybe some tea will make it all better?

would a funny video make you feel better? :[
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 26, 2012, 03:21:43 PM
poor bells. ;^; maybe some tea will make it all better?

would a funny video make you feel better? :[

I'm okay now, though I probably will have some mint tea in a bit. : )
(Sure, post a link~)

Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 26, 2012, 03:35:35 PM

Wait .... your mouth is full of stolen goods?


@Bella: At least you're doing fine now :3

So, I showed my sister the pic of me and Kari in our schoolgirl uniforms earlier. Her thoughts are "That doesn't look right on you" ^_^;
(Maybe if I had my wig on, as well, it'd work better)


you can try it that way when you get it. :3

try this on for size. it's hilarious. >w<

EDIT: for anyone interested, i'm going to make a wiki page about various nijiura and futaba characters. considering their frequency in OS-tan artwork, i figured it would be a good idea to identify them. i'm going to compile them all into one page, rather than spread them out. this IS the OS-TAN wiki, after all. :3
i'll post about it in the project wiki thread, too. that is, if i can figure out how to get a new page started...
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 26, 2012, 05:08:25 PM
you can try it that way when you get it. :3

try this on for size. it's hilarious. >w<

Ooh, I saw that a few days ago when you asked Pitkin about uploading some OS-tan videos to Youtube. That was a pretty awesome little movie, I can't believe I've never seen it in all the years I've been here.

And props to the maker for including NT- and Mac-tan. ^^

Good luck with that wiki page, I know nothing about the various Nijura and Futaba characters so maybe I'll learn something from it.


I'm looking forward to the completion of that article, as I've always wondered who Pizza-tan is :3

Speaking of pizza, I really want some for lunch, but I have no way to get out right now >_<;;


I had pizza with sausage, pepperoni and ham for lunch.

Today at the dump I picked up a black Selectric I...


And he was like, "Where?" and I pointed over to a table of some used goods that people left for others to take, but dad didn't believe I could possibly know the model of a typewriter from so far away, but we drove over and sure enough, it was a Selectric I.

Immediately I picked it up and hefted it into the trunk, before giving a celebratory "EEEEEEEE!" and excited hand wave.

Haven't tried it out yet, but still ... I've finally got that 1960s Selectric I've always wanted and it didn't cost me a dime. ^^


Sounds like me when I found my Selectric II. I was walking up, saw an old electric typewriter from the side (Not even close enough to tell any details), and though to myself "Is that a Selectric?"...and sure enough, it was. Sold instantly >w<

Hey; it made up for the time I thought I saw an NES, but it turned out to be a Betamax VCR that just so happened to have the color scheme of an NES ^_^;


@pent: but it's BETAAAAA. you could have watched faye's tape. :3
@bella: i love those "EEEEEEEE" moments! especially when you get them for free! ^^ good for you man, i hope you enjoy it to the fullest. and post pics. ^^

@futaba characters: the article is about 80% done, with 2 articles still needing to be written (unless i decide to expand the maid section, at which point the article is 60% done) and 5 articles still needing pics (including the unwritten 2). to be honest, though i don't know a lot about pizza-tan (other than the obvious facts, including that she's my favourite futaba character -w- ), i actually did this because of 2 of the characters: Kiri-san and Kyuuki. the former i had identified after i uploaded a pic of her and 95-tan to the adult gallery, and they had nametags on their sleeves, but i didn't know very much about her. the latter i didn't even find out about until the very end last night, where i was fully ready to attribute her presence in various drawings and comics to Yabai-san, untill i tripped over a picture of her on gelbooru (courtesy of google) and managed to put two and two together (this is yet another reason i say that gelbooru is the superior booru; while i got a heaping pile of information from danbooru's wiki, they had no information on Kyuuki, not even a single picture). upon learning her name, i created the special section of the maids for the Chinese Maids, and excitedly expanded on Kyuuki and her friends (it was also great to find out that those pictures i attributed to a furry ME-tan were actually Konton). though the end is in sight, i could always expand more, but i don't want to make the artice run too long. but then again, if it has to, it has to.

also, can someone explain those little points things to me? i was looking at the "Recent Changes" page on the wiki and i noticed some numbers in green next to my name and the changes i had made (ex: (+15,095) ). :\
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ahhh. thanks for the clarification. -w-

on a random note, guys, earlier i was making myself a nice waffley breakfast when there was a pop, and the lights began to flicker. then the transformer exploded. and the power went out. and i was standing there, all like "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK" cause i had just greased the waffle iron for the last waffle i was about to make, and after mulling it over for a minute, i dumped the batter into the waffle iron anyway. AND I COOKED IT WITHOUT ELECTRICITY.

fuck yeah. 8)

EDIT: for anyone interested, when you complain about the way i type, it makes me want to type that way more. having trouble reading my posts because of the text colour? sick of highlighting? then skip reading it. -w-

EDITEDIT: guys, i saw this and deadpanned......this cat is almost an exact clone of olive, only he's male....
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