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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Urge to kill my mom, rising...

So, late last night without warning, while Kari and I were discussing stuff for her Changeling game, mom was like "Pack your bags; we're meeting my family at the resort". However, she neglected to mention that they were unable to get 2 rooms like they had talked about, so we're stuck cramming everybody into one room; a fact I didn't find out until I arrived. As a result, I had to share a room with the parents, which I strongly objected to and wanted to drive myself home, but mom just had to go and play the "stop fussing you goddamn brat" card and refuse to give me the keys to her car; forcing me to sleep on this uncomfortable piece of shit "bed" (Just the cushions from a couch lying on a coffee table, which is about as comfortable as the camping cot I slept on during my first night at Kari's), which lead to me barely getting any sleep at all last night due to that stacked with heartburn brought on by the uncomfortable sleeping surface and dad's snoring >_<;;

Also, I missed Casshern Sins a 2nd week in a row >_<


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 23, 2012, 07:22:05 PM
my speech is a DISSAPOINTMENT? because i chose to type fancy for a damn day? let me tell you something, i wasn't AIMING to be FUNNY, i was typing that way because I WANTED TO. and i see nothing wrong with personal mannerisms. would you have the same level of offense IF I SPOKE ALL IN CAPS? WHAT IF WE MADE IT WHITE, TOO. IS THIS BETTER? MAYBE WE COULD ALSO MAKE IT HUGE, HOW ABOUT THIS?

if you can't appriciate me for what i say rather than how i say it, then sir, i'm not sure i want to talk to you. >:[

Wait, wait, wait. I just stated my opinion about the issue so you know my point of view, it is not like I can force it to you. If you want to talk that way, I cannot do anything about that, it is your decision, after all. No hard feelings, okay? I don't want to make you angry or anything.


@Pent: Sorry to hear about your difficult night. :/

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on June 24, 2012, 01:32:49 AM
@Bella and svx: Dangit! First they're notoriously bad drivers, now there are demonic mosquitoes possessing them!

That reminds me, back in 5th or 6th grade, there was this student in my class from Minnesota, who bragged that their home state was better, and got in a rivalry with some of the other students. They retaliated by saying that our trees point north because MN sucks and our trees are pointing and laughing at them. Or was it the trees point west to Nebraska because they suck..? I've heard both variants of that joke. Apparently our trees are mean.

Holy crap, I was personally told by my Minnesoooootannn stepgrandmother that Minneapolis drivers are the best in the nation! : p

....Was your classmate Mitt Romney by any chance? I hear he's rather an expert on various trees, how they grow and the like. In fact, he voiced how much he loves the trees in Michigan, citing their satisfactory height. I wonder what he has to say about Iowan trees?

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 24, 2012, 12:32:46 AM
tbh, montanta always rubbed me the wrong way, not minnesota. >>;

I like Minnesota and want to visit someday. I consider it (and Iowa!) the last outposts of civilization in the west, before you drop off the cliff of vast nothingness that is North + South Dakota, followed by more nothingness in Montana, and MORE in Idaho, and EVEN MORE in Eastern Oregon and Washington! I literally have no idea how people manage to survive out there, I always imaging them getting food drops from planes and having to hop into a helicopter and fly a few hundred miles to go to the doctor's office/dentist/movies/shopping...

Of course the reality is scarier, they don't have people bringing food to them and have to drive hundreds of miles to take care of basic services. (This is somewhat confirmed by my grandmother, who lived in ND for a long time.) :/


svx wants go home :<

I've tried to put tough sanctions on the blood trade between myself and the mosquitoes but it has only increased the tension between our two species :<

They're occupying the door outside of the house now.  I've deployed citronella candles in retaliation, but it doesn't seem to be enough.  Using deadly force by dousing gaggles of them with Raid doesn't seem to have an effect on the larger groups, either

I might just go home early...


@svx: I would go home, too. I hate mosquitoes >_<;;

As for me, I'm back home now. The trip to the waterpark at that resort, as well as getting to soak in the epic bathtub, almost made up for how shitty last night was; as my neck is messed up because of that "bed" I was forced to sleep on


@pent: that's not a bed. that's cushions on a table. why not put the cushions on the floor, instead? or just, y'know, sleep on the floor.
also, i don't consider wanting to drive home to where you can sleep in an ACTUAL bed and have access to basic standard of living being a "brat". a brat would be whining about EVERYTHING.
at least we figured out that you can watch Casshern on youtube. :\

@svx: have you tried those tiki torches? or some of the off clip on repellant? :\
if those aren't working, i can understand wanting to go home early. it's like how when we used to go to plum island, we'd sometimes have to leave early due to heavy blankets of insects (and i use the term "blankets" literally).

@bella: there's a difference between "Minneapolis" and "Minnesota". for example, would you generalize the residents of NYC and the residents of the Catskills as "New York"? :3

also, montana always struck me as being one of those states where you have some creepy pedo living in the backwoods. the association with hannah montana doesn't help, either. :\
and i think napolean dynamite was a good example of idaho and the other ruralish states, like wyoming and the dakotas. "Larger Than Life"...? seriously? what is this, 1996? >>;

@exa: eh, i just don't take kindly to people telling me what to do/criticizing something so small. i wasn't really doing anything offensive, like making racial slurs or using excessive amounts of swearing, so a reaction like that was bound to piss me off. i'm glad we can be on better terms, though.

but i'm still fighing for my right to type how i want. this colour is called "chocolate". :3
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I am really sorry for being so rude. I certainly meant no harm with my comment. I hope we can get over this argument after I properly apologized. Right?


yeah. i'm cool with you. we're good.

so i woke up this morning as my sister was leaving, and she told me to go back to sleep since it was only 8:30. when i woke up again, it was pouring, and i was going to roll over and go back to sleep, but then i HEARD THE CRIES OF A DAMP CAT IN DISTRESS, and i literally say up and said, "THERE'S A CAT IN TROUBLE!!" so i got up and called the cats in (who were very happy to come in out of the rain and thunder), and realized it was 10, so i stayed up.

also, has anyone seen the pics i've uploaded to the gallery lately? :3

(also, i broke the 17k post mark without even realizing it! whoo!!! ^^)
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@Kari: Yay for rescuing kitties! >w<

Also, yes I have seen some of the pics you've uploaded. I commented on a few, and saved some of the 2k ones for my personal archive :3

EDIT: 1111th page! Woo!


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Alright, apparently this week is full of nonstop partying... and on Saturday I'll be leaving you for 22 days for quite the epic journey throughout Europe ^^"



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It's gonna be reeeeeeeally nice :D :D


One week left until my own journey begins, and my NIGHTLESS DAYS start counting.

So looots of packing to do this week...